I am having a bug issue with filling out the core details. This is my first time encountering this bug. When I click on the circle for "made from scratch", or anything below, it immediately flings me to the top of the page, and will not allow me to select anything. I cleared my history/cache/cookies/etc. I restarted my computer. I have searched around, but perhaps I am not describing this bug well in my search.
I have been able to list from the Apple app, but can never get past the "core details" in the web browser.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Can not list new items, Core details keep sending me up to the message to Learn what can be listed. Go into that to read it but still can not finish the core section, brings me right back to the message, over and over. Try to get in touch with Etsy, that even more frustrating. Go to Contact us and get a thousand question suggestions which None fit my problem, this is driving me crazy. Please Help.
There is another post about the same issue here: https://community.etsy.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Please-help-technical-issue-with-Core-Details-Listing...
Try a different browser?
Same here, and when trying to create a shipping label it won't let me change from Etsy suggested Priority to Ground Advantage.
I'm having the same issue! So frustrating, it's obviously on Etsy's end, and they do nothing! I will be leaving Etsy if I cannot list new items, I am not switching to a new browser just for Etsy as suggested..this is such a shame after 4 years with Etsy
Yes, same here with both the shipping label adjustment and listing anew item, when clicking on details of who made it, me, or another company clicking the spot for another company (for a vintage item) it just jumps back to original until I've tried about 4-5 times, the fix for me has been to just go to the bottom after the "continue" button allows and list as normal, when you go to publish it will say there are core details that need to be filled in, when you go back for some reason it will now allow you to complete the listing. Have no idea why the shipping label issue has now cropped up. My solution to that was to go to a saved shipping label preset and just edit the details. It works, but why? Why should I have to jump through more and more hoops with this outfit everyday? Same issue with the etsy chat on my home page, it's there, I click on it and no one answers, this has been going on for weeks now.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We’re investigating the issue, and we’ll share an update as soon as we have more information. We appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this!
Any timeline? Just wondering.
While you're at it can you find out why I also can't select US Shipping on Calculated Shipping? That started yesterday and is still a problem today. I don't ship International and wish you'd just use the Default be US Only, if someone wants Intnational they can do the extra steps.
I don't use etsy that much anyway because listing anything is a pain in the butt!
I am having the same issue it will not allow me to list an item as it kicks me back to the top of the page. Frustrating
Pse resolve this issue asap - it’s not possible to publish new listing without clicking in my case a finished product! This is very frustrating
Its been days and very upsetting when we try to list. When will this be fixed. I have had to finish the whole listing and save to draft wait a bit and go back in and sometimes it takes it.
Please fix this. I even changed my default browser from Chrome to MicroSoft Edge. Still can't list.
5 days now and it is still not working. Hope they figure it out and fix it soon.
More explanation needed please? What is not working?
There are other posts on this, you have to try using another browser, I think the consensus was trouble with Chrome.
tried other browsers same problem
same. Can't list with other browers.
Hi there folks,
We appreciate the continued reports here. Our team will need more details to investigate further. You'll find troubleshooting tips outlined in this Help Centre article. We encourage you to reach out to us directly so we can collect more specific information from you.
Here’s a quick checklist of what details to include:
Thank you!
The Core Detail section is not working on Chrome. It will not allow me to make changes.
I tried reinstalling Chrome and it was still kicking out the choices to none. I installed DuckDuckGo for my browser and it is working now. But it says I am using an older version of it. But it is up to date.
At least it does work, how long I don't know.
I would reach out to you, but the chat button is broken too! Has Etsy been hacked or something??
Done all that still not working