I am having a bug issue with filling out the core details. This is my first time encountering this bug. When I click on the circle for "made from scratch", or anything below, it immediately flings me to the top of the page, and will not allow me to select anything. I cleared my history/cache/cookies/etc. I restarted my computer. I have searched around, but perhaps I am not describing this bug well in my search.
I have been able to list from the Apple app, but can never get past the "core details" in the web browser.
Any help would be most appreciated.
I did reach out and you can't send a moving screen shot. The core pop up jumps back to the top as you try to list. It's worse on Chrome but does it on other browsers as well. I cleared my cache, history, cookies, etc. But still have the same issue.
When will this be fixed Etsy?
Have you tried using a different browser to list your items? Chrome does not seem to be supported anymore by Etsy, so try using Edge or Safari or whatever browser your device prefers.
Did you try going in thru another active listing and just doing a copy and changing the details inside that listing??
Have you tried using a different browser?
Have you tried using a working listing as a template?
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Etsy to fix something ... especially when there are work-arounds.
Happening today to me as well. And yes, I've tried all of the excellent suggestions offered here on the forums.
Me too have you found anyway to fix that problem ? Please help!
yes Etsy WHEN???
I am having the same problem and it is very frustrated, and cannot add listings due to this bug. Please address this problem.
Same issue here. It looks like it's been a week since you posted this issue and still no fix? Unbelievable it's taking Etsy this long (well longer obviously) and still no fix. C'MON ETSY! We're charged a hefty fee to list our work. Help the sellers sell!
Exactly this!
And the chat button is broken too. And has anyone else noticed when replying to messages...it prompts you to reply to every single one (not just the first one, as normal for star seller.)
Has Etsy been hacked ???
I can't list either. Exactly same problems. And cropping does not work no more either on app . Was all working fine this new listing form but been unable to list new items for my shop last 2 weeks now seriously down on listings. Taken best part of hour to get few l did get done. I will be contacting Etsy as this a serious ongoing problem. Get around 1 glitch then another appears makeing it all very impossible. Not browser problem as fine listing elsewhere where. Such shame they got rid of old form as l cannot carry on like this.
Please fix this Etsy! Don't ignore your sellers!
If you can't list, you are also loosing revenue.
Same issue here with core details, and unable to list any new item.Bummer.
Having to open a whole new browser because Etsy has decided it no longer works with Google is annoying. I opened a CS chat last week when I first encountered this issue and was on for a good half hour. The person on the other end seemed entirely unable to grasp what was happening, even though I spelled it all out, with a screenshot and everything. I just gave up and have been starting my listings in another browser.
It's giving "human," but also, "human who won't read."
I also spoke to someone via chat yesterday. She did say she will send on the information to her team, so they can look into the matter.
I cannot list item as the core details area of the listing area is not functioning correctly. What the seller said before is happening over and over.
OK, so I'm not very technically savvy, so this may be way off base. But I wonder if etsy has groups of seller accounts serviced under many different servers? I use chrome pretty much all the time. I don't do handmade in my button shop, but I just tried to create a listing choosing "I made it" and the "from scratch" options to see if I would get bounced back up to the top of the screen. That didn't happen, it worked just fine. So it makes me wonder if etsy has multiple servers hosting our shops and somehow the coding got entered incorrectly on one of them... or glitched out... or something. That would maybe also explain how when etsy does their aggravating tests it only affects some of us and not all of us.
Just a thought??? Not that it would help anyone... Just thinking out loud about what the problem might be...
Having the same problem in Chrome. Come on Etsy, this has been a known issue for a week! It should have been fixed by now.
If you go to a current or sold out listing and towards upper right pick copy it will open into a editable listing. Change the criteria and publish. It will show up as a new listing on the first page of your shop and you will be charged $.20 as a new listing would be. It is cumbersome but works. I have used this several times in the last few days thanks to GlassyFields info.
I listed an item today using this method with a current listing. I worked but the current listing that I used..disappeared. I am so frustrated.
Reassured to find this chat as I was beginning to wonder, being new to Etsy, if I was doing anything wrong. Now share everyone's frustration - particularly as my joining fee has been taken and I am unable to list in order to try and recoup this outlay! Waiting to see what can be sorted out soon I hope ...
I am starting a new item to list, so from scratch.
When I get to the Core Details, once I click who made it (I did)
I cannot get past Made to order and then to click the other options.
Keeps going back to the top of the core details selection
There’s another post about this issue.
I made a thread about this a few days ago. Are you using Chrome? If so that is likely the issue. I have to currently use Safari when creating a new listing. Chrome is a glitch fest for some reason. I also had problems with the shipping section. I have had no issues on Safari. I'd think that any browser besides chrome will work.