I am having a bug issue with filling out the core details. This is my first time encountering this bug. When I click on the circle for "made from scratch", or anything below, it immediately flings me to the top of the page, and will not allow me to select anything. I cleared my history/cache/cookies/etc. I restarted my computer. I have searched around, but perhaps I am not describing this bug well in my search.
I have been able to list from the Apple app, but can never get past the "core details" in the web browser.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Microsoft Edge works as well.
Has anyone been able to get help with the bug that's preventing core detail choices? It is not allowing for new items to be added! Where is the technical help team, please?!
I always use the duplicate feature and then edit the new listing. No problem
Try making a copy of an existing listing which has the same core details and then just edit the rest.
Try a different browser it might work.
I am having the same problem. I can edit old listings but can't post anything new today. CORE DETAILS!!!!! I prefer the old format.
Hello all, I’m following up here with a quick update and our gratitude for the additional information you’ve provided.
Our team identified an issue that caused difficulties selecting options in a range of overlays and has pushed out a fix, so this issue should now be resolved. If you experience any further residual issues, please reach out to our support team and share what you’re seeing via the Help Centre
Thank you!