I am having a bug issue with filling out the core details. This is my first time encountering this bug. When I click on the circle for "made from scratch", or anything below, it immediately flings me to the top of the page, and will not allow me to select anything. I cleared my history/cache/cookies/etc. I restarted my computer. I have searched around, but perhaps I am not describing this bug well in my search.
I have been able to list from the Apple app, but can never get past the "core details" in the web browser.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Still not letting you list new items.
I have the same problem. At the prices Etsy charges to sell they could take better care of their customers. I want to list a new item and I can't! It's awful.
Same issue here, have no idea what we do?
I wonder if someone can help me, I am about to put on some new listings but the part of "core details" is not responding it wonr let me select anything therefore my listing cannot be published.
Any idea how to fix this problem
Many thanks Jane
Etsy sometimes malfunctions with ad blockers and popup blockers. If you are using these then in their settings add etsy.com to their whitelist (sites where the blocker is disabled).
Try with a different browser
Lawrence (Clare's other half)
I am having the same problem. So frustrating I can't proceed with any more listings. Help!
@HappycrafterbyJane to find the copy button look on the new form at the top right.
Is anyone else having an issue filling in the core details on a new listing? I can click on physical item and the age of the item, but I cannot click on Who made it or What is it. It just bounces back to the top and refuses to be clicked on! I cannot list anything new until I get this figured out. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks so much!! Oh, I noticed the problem late last night and it is still not working 14 hours later!
Try a different browser.
Same here! Help is of no help!!!
Have you tried to copy (duplicate) any of your active listings and use it as a template for a new listing?
I noticed that you could mark some if you chose digital and then others if you chose physical and by switching back and forth I finally got what I wanted, but it was time consuming and a total PITA. Gave up after that and didn't try another listing so don't know how good a work around it is.
Yes, it's the same for me. When I try to fill in the details it just jumps up or down and won't let me enter any info at all. The easiest workround is what @Natalya1905 has mentioned above. Just copy an existing listing and edit the information.
NOT that we should have to have workarounds for anything Etsy. Get all the cr@p fixed!
I had the same problem. I finally uninstalled my browser and reinstalled it. That fixed the problem for me.
I did the same. Didn't work for me. I have wasted hours today.
Same problem!
And I tried a different browser...same problem. Doesn't recognize that the core category is correct.
I can't post any listing because core details won't let me click on any options. I have many items to list and this is hurting my business.
Is anything happening with this? I have tried Google, And Duck Duck Go. Also tried editing a draft with no luck. I am using my laptop. I have also tried my tablet and cell phone. This is a real problem.
I have the same problem all day today.
I too am having this issue today. I can't choose finished product...
Same here I contacted Etsy and was told to use a different browser and clear cache and cookies. I did -- no luck!
same. cleared cache and cookies, tried different browser. Nothing!!! Fix it Etsy!
This is the perfect example of why Etsy needs to test their software before it goes live.
First, they gave us the new listing form that "allows us to develop new features you want 3x faster."
Then. they introduced their Creativity Standards that required major changes to the Core Details on the listing form.
Now, they have introduced a fatal error that will cost us and them.
Yes, this just started happening to me last night. Where trying to click on a core detail it would jump back to the top. It is still doing it today. I had to change my browser from Foxfire to Chrome. Now Chrome is acting up. My sister-in-law has been having the same problem. Please get this fixed for us. Or all our listings will be in drafts and not on our shops!
We are having the same problem. We can't even use an active listing to copy and change. We need this fixed as soon as possible.