I have over 100 listings that has a bright red Update Required on each one. What is going on? I have checked and edited about five. Each one the shipping info has either disappeared or type of shipping was missing. What a mess. Has anyone else had this happen?
Yes, Thank you, it says shipping settings need more accurate estimated delivery date.
happening to me too. I dont see an actual alert in the shipping profiles to change anything...
When I go to my listing, I have to add the type of shipping. And on a couple the cost of shipping had jumped astronomically. Crazy computer world we live in.
I just refreshed my page and the update required disappeared. Give it a try.
Yes, I can't update my listings and have the Update Required on all of them.
I use shipping profiles and that looks okay.
In the past, I would have this Update Required and it was needing update of Returns and Exchanges.
But, I can't see what I need to update. (I was guessing non square photos but not sure). Hopefully it will flag soon what update is required.
@CraftsyNotions try hovering over the red sign on the listing that says update required and see if anything pops up.
Yes, Thank you, it says shipping settings need more accurate estimated delivery date.
I use an iPad and when I hold my finger on the Update Required it says to update shipping info. When I go to shipping, the type of shipping service is empty, so I have to add it.
I had the same notice. The postal carrier method was missing from my shipping profiles. When I reset it and saved the profile, the warnings went away.
Why that information was missing, I have no idea. I’m 100% sure it was there previously.
Yes, same here. I know it was there before. I just think it is on Etsy’s end and there is some technical issue.
Yes, shipping service has disappeared on all of them. I will edit the shipping profile to correct.
So glad you saw my post. And your comments to Etsy are the same as mine. I don’t want shipping profies. I can’t use them. Same as you, my items are all different since I do Antique/Vintage. So I hope Etsy helps those that do not use the profiles.
I just refreshed my page and all the Update Required messages disappeared.
Give it a try. It could help!!
jusr thought I’d pass it on!
I am having the same issue. I see nothing that requires updating.
etsy put me into the new listing form.
removed all the shipping methods from my profiles.
and every item had update required on it.
so i just went into the shipping profiles.
and put my shipping methods back in.
and now everything is working again.
but etsy keeps forcing me back into the new listing form.
and i keep forcing myself back into the old listing form.
I honestly hope Etsy fixes this. I don't have time to fix things I didn't break. I just came back a few months ago after being gone from here for 3 years. My intention is/was to sell my art and NOT have to spend my time with Etsy's messes.
My theory is Etsy just added Ground Advantage and that caused an issue with the shipping service disappearing in my profiles. I went into shipping profiles and chose Ground Advantage and everything righted itself. Don’t think it has to do with new listing form as neither new or old listing form would work until I filled in the missing shipping service.
Thank you! If you have multiple shipping profiles do you have to go in and edit all of them?
yup! I changed first class to ground and it's all fixed and the error went away.
@GiftsAndTalents yes, but it took me under a minutes as it's just the first shipping area to the US - change first class to ground advantage.
I do not have shipping profiles. I add the shipping cost manually. Do I have to make changes in over 500 listings? I do not have time for that. Does it mean my listings will be invisible to Etsy buyers?
Same and I have over 1700!
Yes! I tended to a few of them a day or so ago. I just had to add the shipping service on the ones I fixed. All was fine. New ones are here today and I get an ERROR message every time I try to add the shipping service. I've even tried creating a new shipping profile altogether but I get the red ERROR every time I click save.
I'm going to try what the folks above have recommended.
Can we choose a different carrier than the one we're actually using? UPS Ground is showing 1-5 days, almost all my West Coast orders are taking 8 days to arrive via UPS Ground, some are taking 9 days. This concerns me as most of my orders are over $250 so there's no seller protection.
Update: I use fixed cost pricing so the actual carrier I plug in has no bearing on the shipping fee.