Hi Everyone!
Just posting this here in case you haven't read the my items are not showing up for customers in my store on the app posts.
There is a glitch on the app that from reading posts has been going on for around 2 weeks or so where people are unable to see your listings in the app when they visit your shop. It is worth checking out and then letting Etsy know if it is happening with your shop.
Good luck and happy selling!
Also that would be overdoing it with customers not being able to see your listings in your own shop. I don't think Etsy would do that on purpose.
Wouldn't they tell us?
Without checking your shop, I knew that you had to be new here lol.
LOL Moonstruck Cottage!! Yes I am new here.
I think that is exactly what they are doing. A few days before my shop first became invisible, I got a message from Etsy about how ads could really help my store. I didn't think anything of it because I was getting 5-6 sales a day. After I received that message, I stopped getting views, visits and sales. I rarely get any activity in my store anymore.
Could be but they’ve stopped spending my full daily ad budget these last 2 weeks. They only seem to spend a quarter of it. Something is very wrong.
@TCCreatesNow Yes, I've had this going on for at least 2 weeks.(I have a thread in here somewhere about it) I reported it and actually got a reply from Etsy a few days later and said they were "looking into it" . I've taken everyone's suggestions about how to possibly fix it on my end, but nothing has worked. I have actually had some sales lately, so I'm just guessing most of these folks are on their computer, not the app. I sure wish etsy would get their act together!
Wow! I'm sorry this is happening to you! I hope they get it sorted soon!
I have the same problem and the same notice that they are looking into it. Meanwhile, only about 10 of my 600 listings show up!
@PartySparkles sorry to hear that only a few of your listings are showing up! I hope they get things worked out there soon!
I signed out of both the app and website and checked my shops and I can see all my listings. But it's been very quiet, just all of a sudden starting last week. I'm thinking it's either something else they are doing or outside forces (2 hurricanes, election time etc.)
Glad it isn't acting up for you! You are right there is so much going on right now that could be having an effect on things.
Hopefully things get back to normal for you soon!
Etsy just limited the visibility of all items at 20 pages, I don't know if it's a test but since they started I have a sudden drop in views even with having ads!.
Wow really? Did they announce this somewhere?
Woah! That's not good considering all the different shops that are on here.
I hope it is just a test!
I am having problems too!
@Girlfriendnecklace That will make a big difference for so many people!
I have noticed this too, there's no more than 20 pages of search results for any item. I know most won't look beyond page 5 but if you're looking for something in particular like I was it's very frustrating - I gave up and found it elsewhere.
Ah. The traditional Etsy question: is it a bug or is it a feature?
Lol! Lets hope it is a bug!
Oh gosh! This hurts so bad I cannot even laugh! You kill me!
Similar things happening within shop manager ... bulk edit is only selecting 1-2 listings per page or if you're lucky up to max of 6 listings on all pages ... this makes it very hard to bulk edit 87 listings when it won't select ALL!
Scratch that ... I just tried it again and this time it finally worked correctly! They must be tinkering with things again.
Oh that's not good at all! I hope that gets fixed soon!
I hope you let Etsy know.
I wonder if this is why my sales have been going up and down. Whenever I start doing too well sales suddenly collapse. I have to wonder if etsy turns the tap on and off. Get too many sales and they turn your tap off . Why would they? My theory is to give someone else a shot at some sales , its keeps everyone hanging on.
That is interesting!
Yes, I think I remember reading from Etsy that they will give you time to catch up on shipping. But that doesn't sound great, but it does give others a chance. Which is good.
But is there another way for them to do this?
My thoughts exactly. I should be running around like a fool setting up and sending orders ... usually, this is a busy time of year for me. But instead, I'm reading this thread, because I suddenly have unlimited time on my hands.
Also, not sure about Etsy giving you time to "catch up" on orders - never was a thing before, and I doubt that's a thing now.