I am encountering an error while attempting to connect my Etsy shop to Pinterest. The error message I receive is "400 Oops! At least one scope must be requested."
You cannot connect your Etsy shop to Pinterest because you are only "renting" space on Etsy, you do not own it or have access to its HMTL header. Etsy and other type sites cannot be "claimed" on Pinterest. You do need to have a Pinterest Business account in order to claim your store (shopify, personal website, etc.). This explains it better ... https://help.pinterest.com/en/business/article/claim-your-website
I'm having the same issue. Etsy shows the option of "Connect to Pinterest" under their Social Accounts options.
@SarmalTextureDesign: You may also want to read the post by @DKVintageandBeyond https://community.etsy.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Social-Media-Posting-not-working/m-p/142790482#M78716...