Hi, has anyone ever experienced Etsy ads out of nowhere stop showing views and clicks and also results are not displaying in the market place?
I have been using Etsy ads for a while and I've always got views and clicks and when I ad new listings I get views within minutes.
Today I increased my budget and since then i noticed strange behavior in my Ads for the next few hours (No new views on any listing)
I know there is definitely something wrong because I've used ads enough to know the behavior and daily patterns.
I have contacted support but yet to hear back from them, I'm guessing it may take a day or 2.
Looks like Etsy ad stats are back to normal, at least I can confirm my are. Hope this has been resolved for most if not all of you.
All the best everyone.
My shop has the same problem. Suddenly no views and no clicks. I set a budget of USD 15.00 a day but only spent $7.01
Same here. Working just fine and then boom! Zero views and $0,00 spent. I have a $25.00 budget but $0.00 spent. Already checked to make sure shop was not deindexed which is a common reason but it’s not, shop and listings show up fine on searches, even had a sale from a return customer so shop is live and well, just not working with Etsy Ads. First time I ever had a problem with Etsy Ads. Something is definitely off. Strange.
I'm sorry you guys are experiencing this too but in a way at least we know we're not the only ones.
@Flowtorial I agree. It's been 7 hours since I started ads for the day and zeroes across the board. But you're right, at least I know I'm not the only one.
It's especially irksome because I was hoping to get some Mothers' Day sales this weekend!
@CoxRetros, have you checked Etsy search results if your ads are still showing?
In my case, my ads are actually showing today, still getting views and likes but it just seems my Etsy ads stats are just not displaying actual analytics but are being calculated in the background.
P.s. My stats from yesterday and billing are all working fine and show regular activity.
Hi There. Yes I have the same problem since yesterday. I usually can gauge the amount of traffic from the beginning of the day but Yesterday I did not get any views or clicks when I viewed it. This morning, I went digging around and found through help pages on ads a link to etsy ads which then showed a minimum of views and NO Clicks. Something is wrong.
I turned my ads off, then back on once someone said the issue was resolved.
I set my daily at $1.00, they say I had 2 clicks yesterday, for $.48 but they charged my account for the full $1.00 Not a large amount of money, but it's the principle of the thing! What about the folks who allot huge amounts?
I say they owe me the money they stole for Saturday (no ad clicks, even after data restored) and Sunday.
I realise you answered 3 weeks ago but it was about the time my sales, views, clicks went down the plug hole [and still making their way to the sewers as we speak]. I was only paying 4.00 per day for Etsy Ads but I was clicking right along for months on that. My shop isn't huge so that amount suited me.
Now it's all gone pear shaped so I reduced my daily ads to 2.00 per day but every penny was being spent even though I don't do ads on my high click amount items cos it eats way into profit. I'm getting charged full whack but not seeing any reason why I should. Only once in a great while in the last month do I get the amount of views and visits I enjoyed for nearly a year. And when I went to see how much I spent on ads and how much I sold, I nearly got sick. It was more than double for ads than I made in sales.
I just went to disable Etsy Ads...and they guilt you by saying "are you sure? You get a lot of traffic from Etsy Ads" [something to that effect] and muppet that I am sort of slinks away from the divorce proceedings....I read all the time people saying they don't do Ads and make out fine with social media. I am terrible with the socials.
I would love to just be able to sell normally and not have to spend every hour of every day at it...
Same issue. I noticed last night and still zero views. I hope etsy will fix this soon. If you receive a reply, please let us know.
MacraRene, I'll definitely update this thread if I get a reply, also if my ads decide to go back to normal.
Keep you posted..
Is the problem finally solved? And how long was it?
It's been a week for me since I have 0 views ...
I’m having the same issue. I have a budget of USD $25 and on my end it says I spent $0.00, yet I’ve got 3 orders. It doesn’t make sense. I’ve been selling on Etsy successfully for a while now to know when something is amiss. There’s definitely a glitch going on
I just came to the forum to post this! 0 views today! I feel a bit relieved it’s not just my shop, and I hope etsy will sort this out soon for everyone!
Same here.
Same here.
Same here. Ads stopped working today.
It seems the ads are working since items are appearing as as ad sponsored. But the STATS are not updating.
not in my shop. my items are not being shown in ads at all at this time. says it used $0 of my budget today and it started yesterday when it used less than half of my budget. the orders I have are not indicated they are from ads.
Same here, my ads stopped working on Monday. My shop was still indexed though so I didn’t think anything of it until yesterday.
I could no longer find my items or my shop in search.
so confused as to what has happened
Same with me!
Same for my shop
Same here..
I have the same problem too
Same here