No sales yet but have had a lot more interest in the store. We have been working hard at increasing the number of items, fixing up tags and titles, and redoing photos. Hopefully the sales start coming:)
I was on vacation for the first two weeks of May and had to put my shop on vacation mode as a result. Usually when away from my home and shop I monitor activity and email any buyer that the ship date will be delayed because I am out of town but this time I wasn't going to have reliable internet while away and also just wanted a break. Consequently, my shop has been very slow in May. How do you get the energy going again when your shop has been closed for a few weeks?
No complaints, our sales have increased over last May. May - July are typically our slowest 3 months of the year and we use the time to build inventory for the busy fall / Holiday season.
BabsBabywear when we use vacation mode we will list new items or renew about 3 - 4 items a day for several days when we reopen our shop. Our views / sales always return to normal within a couple of days to a week.
7 sale this month, which is pretty good comparing that I've been on 8-9 day holiday and been really working on my shop since January. Before that for 5 month I have only put a few things up with a simple title, bad photos, so got no views at all. Can't really complain, but i was hoping to do better
NO SALES HAVEN'T DONE WELL EVER.... I design Invitations and Save The Dates designed your way... Use coupon codes upon order... Currently have a Memorial Day coupon code ....
I have 3 sells, but nothing in the last 2 weeks, It seems much slower than usually. Almost like when I started. I have been opened since June 2013. I will continue to work to get sells, by adding new items and updating my listings.
May has been slow for me. This is the same trend as last year. Over all my sales have been better this year but May has been surprisingly slow. Probably it is a number of things; school end business, summer plans etc. I also question the political and economic trends in this country and how that all impacts us all at Etsy, everyone in a different way. Does anyone know if Etsy entering the market place has changed how they promote us all? I would seem they would have more money to buy advertising.
May has only brought 2 sales my way and even had a special promote coupon to celebrate my six years here on Etsy. Don't get it anymore. All the work gets me no sales and then I do nothing and I get one. I'm stubborn enough to not give up after six years either way.
Only one :/. My shop was growing away and then BAM it died. My market is suddenly flooded with other sellers. When I first started I was one of a small few making face pendants and the other sellers who were had very different styles from me so I was growing. I think it is SEO trouble and marketing failure, along with competition, but I am still bummed. I've never done amazing, but I was growing. My photography is sad and SEO isn't my strong suite.
I just opened up my shop yesterday and I've already gotten 4 admirers. Nothing too drastic. I'm very excited about the upcoming weeks and how my business will do. Wish me luck! Any tips?
Good sales this month--only a couple of sales away from 200 sales overall! AARBUSINESS, congratulations on your new shop! Complete your "about" section and include all five photos if possible!
I have had 3 sales in the beginning of the month and several views. More than I normally get (without sharing posts to Twitter/Facebook/Pinterest). I am hoping June will have good things in store for my shop.
Doing well. A few online sales. Received bulk order for a local shop (yay), and taking advantage of summer farmers markets. Thank you, Etsy, for the Etsy Reader!! I love it that I can accept in-person cash sales for items in my shop and non-listed items as well! Genius!
A slow month for me, my slowest since I opened at the start of last November. I'd been averaging about 10 sales per month, I've only had 6 this month, which have all come at the start and end of May, so the drought in the middle of the month has driven me up the wall! Sales this month have all been for lower value items. I'm still new to ETSY so I'm trying to keep reminding myself I need to ride these changes out and change and improve. I've had lots of good advice from team members on here after I posted a thread a couple of weeks back, and I'm taking it and using it. Ive probably never worked so hard on improving my shop as I have this month, it has brought traffic back up but things are still slow. I do hope sales go back up next month. One thing that has also made a difference is increasing my activity on Instagram, posting, commenting and following. Instagram works well for me, so I'd say give it a try if you don't use it but post, comment and follow daily. Good luck.
Not good- I am looking for any tips that can help out. please stop by my etsy shop look it over and message me with some tips. It would be much appreciated! thanks