THANKS FOR JOINING THE ART TEAM! We're glad you're here. And we look forward to helping each other find success on Etsy! Here are some ways to get started:
1) Introduce yourself:
2) Tips for improving your shop:
3) "Star Seller" Survey about impacts on your shop,views, messages,ratings, and tracked/international shipping, and sales at:
4) Barter/Trade: Jumpstart sales for your shop at:
5) Shop critique:
6) HELP!
7) Art Festival Events: Join our various sales events at:
9) Help Make the World a More Beautiful Place:
10) and lots of promotional games and other activities at:
Still have questions or need help? Let us know. We'll find a way to assist you.
Thank you Mike
I'm from Nigeria, I'm a university student In turkey I'm looking forward to earn income from my Etsy store to support my living here. if you're a buyer kindly patronize my store
@JoyfulcraftsStoreWELCOME TO THE ART TEAM! We're so glad you're here. And we'll looking forward to helping each other find success on Etsy!
Thank you very much, Mike
@WoodToyKid We're so happy you're here!
Thank you very much for your welcome
Thanks Mike. This is a great forum and I would love to collab with someone on a tote bag design if you have an idea, or maybe you have a product that pairs well with my totes. We can cross promo on twitter or Insta. Hey, I'm able. I'm an ugly man that makes pretty tote bags. I'd love to connect with some uglys or prettys here. Happy happy. -able
Hi @able6 I sent you a private message. Love your totes. I hope we can collab in some way.
@able6shop WELCOME TO THE ART TEAM ABLE! We're looking forward to working with you. And there's no such thing as ugliness here; only beauty in all of its ways and forms.
I look so good, I make uglyness beautiful. At least my wife thinks so!
@able6shop handsome enough for a great wife. And remember that "fancy feathers make weak bones."
Hello everyone my name is Ripple Effect. I love art and I am an anonymous artist. I'd love to meet everyone. !
@RippleeffectsArt WELCOME TO THE ART TEAM RIPPLE EFFECT! Nice to meet you. And looking forward to working with you
Hello everybody!!!!!!!!!
Hey! So glad you're here @RippleEffectsArts
Thanks for the invite Mike, I look forward to becoming part of this growing community and can't wait to get involved with other artists! This looks great!
@LightByJack WELCOME! It's all about encouraging a culture of creativity. We're glad you're a part of it
Hi Mike, thank you for the resources! I'm looking forward to being a part of this wonderful group!
@BrunoFerraz Making friends and helping each other is what it is all about
Hello everyone,
I am very happy to be here. I want some help from you.
I'm new on etsy. I'm in the wedding industry and I make handmade accessories. I think my products are unique. I prepare handmade flowers and leaves for each product. Although summer is the full wedding season, my sales officially stopped in July. I don't understand why. I don't know if it's my prices or something else. I would be very happy if you check my profile and write your thoughts.
@EcemYalcinDesign Your accessories are very beautiful.
I'm not a wedding shop expert, but I imagine your shop is very seasonal. Spring and Summer are probably going to be your busiest times of year. With that said, many people do have autumn and winter weddings. So, maybe that's a part of your marketing.
So, here's a couple ideas:
1) Southern Hemisphere - Start promoting your bridal designs now for the Southern Hemisphere where Spring and Summer will be starting in 1 1/2 months.
2) Planning Ahead - If brides are like my wife, she had the majority of our wedding planned, completed, and purchased 3-6 months before our June wedding. So, I expect the months of December/January/February to be important for marketing.
3) More than weddings - Your accessories are beautiful for many occasions. Maybe you should promote your items for galas, balls, proms, dances, festivals, and other events
Hope this helps
Thank you very much for the feedback. Information and suggestions are very important. I hope to sell in the winter. I will take your advice into consideration.
Thank you! Looking forward to meeting everyone.
@AMailys Great meeting you too! Looking forward to having some fun together!
Thank you, Mike! This is really helpful. I am glad to be here
@Royalkittycat WELCOME TO THE ART TEAM! We're looking forward to helping each other find success on Etsy!