Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

WELCOME TO THE ART TEAM!  We're glad that you're a member.  And we look forward to helping each other find success on Etsy.  Please introduce yourself and you shop so we can be more supportive.

And let us know if there's anything else we can do to help your shops.

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1,393 Replies

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

I was born on the industrial shoreline of Muskegon, Michigan. After earning my Fine Arts Degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, I attended Grand Valley State University for my graduate degree. From there, I gained varied experiences from the Chicago Architecture Foundation, Art Institute of Chicago, Hauenstein Center For Presidential Studies, Lollypop Farm Humane Society, and the Children's Memorial Foundation. And every place I worked, I had my sketchbook with me  and found ways to be actively creative. In 2014, I became a full-time artist by establishing Mike Kraus Art. Since then, I have sold thousands of paintings that are displayed in nearly every state and dozens of countries. Currently, I live in Rochester, New York with my beautiful wife and goofy dog.

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hi to the great Etsy Community! U are probablysick of me already but I do like to wish everyonea great Labor Day and great weeken! I am here if anyone needs help! Thanks yall

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team


Je m'appelle Marianne. Je vis en France plus précisément en Bretagne, magnifique région située à l'Ouest du pays. Les paysages de bord de mer y sont sublimes et les balades côtières sont pleines de charme !

Je suis à la retraite depuis plusieurs mois. J'ai toujours eu besoin de créer. C'est une manière de m'évader et la satisfaction de faire soi-même est si agréable...

Voilà pourquoi je vous rejoins aujourd'hui, en toute humilité, en simple amatrice, J'OSE....

Au plaisir de partager des discussions, à bientôt 



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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

My name is Stephen Sanders and my shop is:

I have been on ETSY since 2010 and am trying to adjust to the new ETSY.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hi, I am Abeena from India. I love to do illustrations. Starting my new business on Etsy. Waiting for the first sale. Love your feedback to improve my shop.

Thank you.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

hello, I'm Niki from Hungary, I opened my business in September, unfortunately my dog died in the meantime at the age of 13!🦴🧡
I make beeswax candles and coasters and holders.
When I make them, it helps me to relax, to withdraw from the world a little!
My first sale hasn't happened yet, I'm a bit unsure if my products are good!

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@CandleShopByNB  I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm also new so I don't have any proper advice for you but I wanted you to know that you create very pretty things! and I'm sure you will find clients!  


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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hi there!

I'm Hristina and  this is my new Etsy Shop where I sell digital clipart and digital prints. 

I would be grateful for your support

Thank yoouu!


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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Merhaba. Türkiye Ankara da yaşıyorum. 3 çocuk annesiyim. Ev hanımıyım. 6 yıl önce çin iğnesi nakışı öğrendim ülkemde bu nakışı sadece örtü olarak yapıp kullanıyor bunun duvarları süsleyen bir sanat eseri olması için tablo yapmaya başladım. Teşekkür ederim 

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team   

Hi! I am from Latvia and I create inspiring design things who evoke positive emotions in as many people as possible. I am at the beginning of my target  so I will be grateful for any support.

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hello,  My shop is Vintage Novelty Pet. and I sell vintage figurines of pets and animals, lighthouses, other collectables and home decor in the USA.  

I found the more items you have listed increases your chances of getting seen in etsy search.  I welcome any comments or suggestions.

I joined Etsy over a year ago, but only started my shop 3 months ago


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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hello, my name is Cynthia, I have been a Nurse for 16 years. I have decided to go back and get my Bachelors in Nursing. It is very expensive, so I decided to open a store on Esty to help with my tuition. I can’t wait to get my first sale, however I need to make my store Pop! It’s a lot of competition there but with a little help I know I can do it! 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hello Etsy Friends, 

I am from Atlanta, GA and recently opened my shop. I am well known in the Mortgage Industry but I have a big passion for pets. I am wrapping up my internship at a veterinarian emergency and medical clinic for me to grow and further my retirement path. I have come across many cases where some animals just need to be loved, comfort and feel the support. My company is Waggin Buddies where you will find designer dog collars in every size coming soon with a new launch website. My support to everyone is to keep going, don't give up, find a Brand and follow through.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hi! My name is Kateryna and I am from Kyiv, Ukraine.

Since childhood, my parents have instilled in me a love of our culture and art. That's why I've been practicing Ukrainian folk dancing for 10 years. All this time, I was fascinated by Ukrainian vyshyvankas, dresses, skirts, plakhty and aprons. So now I want to bring our culture to the world so that everyone can see the beauty that is created in Ukraine.

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hello Mike güzel bir başarı hikayesi sizi tebrik ederim tablo satarken nasıl biryol izlemeliyim bilgilendirilmesi  tesekkurler

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team


I am a local artist from Turkey. I make jewelry from silver and semi-precious stones, and also produce content in digital arts. I produce with care and first quality materials in my store. My goal is to deliver quality designs to people at good prices. I want to develop and sell my store. Looking forward to your support and good luck. I leave the link of my store for you.

Thank you for reading. I'd like to offer you a cup of coffee, but I'm in the virtual world.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team 

hello Etsy community!  I offer tarot/oracle reading services. I look forward to learning more about marketing, SEO, advertising and more so that I can reach more clients. Thanks!

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hello everyone.

I have recently started my business on Etsy selling digital recordings of meditations that I created. Meditation has been a major part of my life for the last 8 years and counting and led me to becoming a certified meditation and mindfulness teacher.

I am excited to be a part of this community where we connect and support each other.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team


My name is Rajib Das from India. I am new to etsy and gathering experiences. My shop

I have passion in Oil painting in any subject. I love painting since my childhood and secure many accolades. Presently Investing more time my art to make it professional. I hope you all like my paintings.

I am very glad to be a member of the community.

Thank you

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hi I am Jen, owner of Lazy Dog Treasure Chest. I handmake make wire wrapped and custom  jewelry.


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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team


My name is Anna. My Etsy shop has been open since 2023 March. I made phone cases. They all are different. I don't copy other styles and I don't steal ideas. All my phone cases are made from my ideas. I think and see what I want on the phone case. Then I take my computer and make a design. All my work I made in paid accounts like Canva, PhotoShop and so one. That way prices for my designs aren't low. I think if you do something with your heart and you don't steal then there is no reason to put low prices on your work. 
So you can visit my Etsy shop here.

Hope You will like it.  

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hi my name is Tina, and I created X M Beauty to make affordable, quality,hair products for women! I'm a mom to a 2 year old toddler, but when my daughter was a newborn I suffered really bad from postpartum hair loss. I was devastated. I wanted to make a product that would grow my natural hair back more healthy and thicker. And that I did. After many trails and tests I finally have products that work! After that I discovered my love for sewing. It has become a big therapy for me. I enjoy creating and seeing the final product. I hope to grow my Etsy shop so I can build a community and share my products with the world! ~ Tina


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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team


Hello, my name is Esther.
I am Spanish, although I live between France and Spain.
I love drawing and the world of mystery, so I opened a store of decks illustrated by me. oracles, tarots.

I still have to upload more articles but it takes time to do it.

Here is the link in case you want to visit it.

Thank you very much.

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Sanatsal ifade tutkum ve üretime olan bağlılığımla 14 yıllık sanatsal bir yolculuk yaşadım. Sanat kariyerim boyunca, sürekli olarak yaratıcılığın ve kendini ifade etmenin sınırlarını zorlamaya çalışarak çeşitli ortamlar ve teknikler keşfettim. Çalışmalarımda, boyaların gücüyle yarattığım lekelerin beni nasıl hissettirdiğini anlatıyorum. İnsanların duygularımı sanatımla ifade etme şeklim hakkındaki yorumları, beni ileriye götüren en güzel şeylerden biri.
Sanat yolculuğum Sinop Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi'ndeki eğitimimle başladı. Daha sonra eğitimime Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Resim Bölümü'nde devam ettim. Sanat eğitimimde sanat tarihi, sanatın temel ilkeleri, çağdaş sanat akımları, maddi deneyimler ve kullanımlar hakkındaki bilgilerimi genişlettim.

Sanat eğitimim sırasında çeşitli kombine sergilere katıldım. Sergi düzenlemeleri hakkında çok şey öğrendim. Bana farklı izleyicilerle bağlantı kurmak ve sanatsal vizyonum ve teknik yeterliliğim için takdir edilmek için değerli fırsatlar sağladı.

Sanatsal yolculuğuma devam etmekten, sınırları zorlamaktan ve insanlarla derinden rezonansa giren büyüleyici ve anlamlı sanat eserleri yaratmaktan heyecan duyuyorum.

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