Hello everyone.
When I click on my list I get this warning. A few specific lists give this warning. I don't know what this means. what should I do. I would be very happy if you could help me. Thank you
It is that offending arm it is showing too much flesh, the AI's have decided this is not acceptable and is affecting a undisclosed amount of listings, you will find many sellers are facing the same issue
@EcitenFineJewelry you'll probably notice it's on the listings that show the arms.
It's the latest "flesh bot" - I know that sounds naughty, doesn't it? Some over-zealous bot program Etsy has going on now - lots of posts about this. It has nothing to do with the location / region of the Seller or the Buyer.
What you can do? Switch out your thumbnails, if you want. Customers asking about it can be directed to shop on the mobile Buyer app - where this doesn't seem to be affecting listings at the moment.
Changing the thumbnail, trying from the mobile app and also adding a new photo. Cropping my photos etc. None of these work for me. I am tired of trying. Zero response from Esty with so many sellers affected. Again awful seller support. I wonder if they really care.
If you have another image of the bracelet that doesn't show it on the womans arm then I would switch that to the thumbnail photo, as @PillowDetails mentioned. Etsy isn't known for fixing problems quickly so I would do whatever you can on your end to try and fix the problem yourself. Good luck.
Is that not crazy???? Unavailable because an arm is in the photo?
BUT what is crazier is the close up of the lips or ear with the jewelry that are available.
Every whom programs these bots needs to go back to school, IMO.
A seller yesterday was having some of their "mermaid paintings" show up unavailable and they were "family friendly".
No rhyme/reason why some showed up unavailable and some didn't.
I can only imagine the amount of sales that have been lost because of this. Why doesn't Etsy run tests after implementing changes? You would think they would have a department whose sole purpose is overseeing site performance.
@ColorfulCastAndCrew this IS the test - they test everything on the live site. Then wait for the screams of desperation.
Makes you wonder if they really want to rid the site of smut or are just paying lip service.
Another seller, who sells swimsuits that were blocked, was able to find plenty of live listings with obvious nipples.
Can you see this list?
I hope it's just a warning I'm getting. It's a selling list. It's very sad that there are problems now.I tried to contact etsy help but to no avail.
@EcitenFineJewelry wrote:Can you see this list?
Nope. Sorry.
The flesh bots (tm @PillowDetails ) are blocking female skin. Doesn't seem to be happening to male skin, only female.
I can't see this list, it comes up unavailable.
If I click on any of your pictures with an arm in it, it shows "unavailable".
Can you edit those listings and change out those photos to one without the arm?
If you've contacted Etsy from the help pages, you'll get an email that probably doesn't help or have anything to do with this problem.
YOU need to REPLY to that email that you still need help.
But don't expect any help quick.
Don't start a new help message, keep replying to the same one you still need help.
None of your bracelets shown on the womans arm are able to be purchased, they all have the unavailable message when clicked on.
What I thought was crazy was the bots aren't blocking closeups of the female lips or ears with the jewelry, just the arms.
I see it with just the bracelet as the first image (no arm/flesh). Did you change it?
I can see it but the first image is the bracelet only.
wooow This is very interesting indeed.So the list is not published because the arm is visible? this is ridiculous.
Thank you everyone for all the answers. I learned something interesting today.
Best Wishes
I did a search for bracelets and found a few shops that ARE showing closeups of arms as their main photo but those items are available?
I clicked on probably 10 listings and all were available.
That doesn't make sense.
I changed the first photo and the list improved. Incredibly, even just placing it in the second row worked. Thank you. But it's really ridiculous. What's the point if I don't show you how it looks on the model?
What century are we in where a woman’s arms are considered a scandalous display? Now we have bots that are uptight prudes? This is truly beyond the pale, even for Etsy. Maybe we should all take pictures of our arms/wrists and display them as thumbnails…perhaps that’ll get the point across to Etsy.
It's not just females - there's a shop with an acupuncture poster showing a drawing of a male body (no bits showing) that is also blocked.
I wonder if the AI is picking up on that specific skin tone/colour? This could be really interesting.
@Amaradorn Absolutely! Yesterday I saw and "unavailable " listing that was a watercolor image of some autumn PUMPKINS, some of which were a peachy flesh tone.
I changed the image to thumbnail but it didn't work. It only shows the list when I move it to the second row. It's sad because I'm sure this shape won't sell.
These products. was selling. It was a pity.