My photos have always been in a square format.... for the past 13 years lol. Recently, many of them have been showing as cropped (I didn't do anything to change them) which results in the image being cut off on the sides. I know this is related to either the new listing form and/or the new ratio of square format images. Can anyone help me figure out what is going on and how I can fix this issue? As I mentioned before, my photos are already square and have always been. Thank you!
@Tessyla: Best guess is that the imaging routine that Etsy is using to make square images is also trying to make the item in the picture more prominent by cropping out (what it considers) excess white space - even if the image is already square. If that is the case, it is not doing a good job.
Thank you! Yes, it seems no matter what I do I can't get the image to be right.
I noticed when using the cropping tool to make photos square, that my photos that were already square, were not registering square on the photo cropping tool. Which I found really strange. LOL
Hello, I have the same problem. I have squared images and they have been badly cropped :/.
Did you find a solution or reach to Etsy support ?
Etsy wanted square photos way back when, I never changed from that either.
BUT now with the new square, the thumbnail adjustment is still a horizontal rectangle & you can't even tell how it crops a square. In both old & new listing formats.
Rocket science in the 21st century.
Ciao !
I have the same problem! I have always used square photos and for certain objects the extreme close-up is not indicated. Now I have a lot of badly cropped or off-center photos!
Most of my photos were in the old square format with the thumbnail perfectly centered. Now I'm seeing some pics looking askew and not centered as well as too zoomed in. All of my thumbnails used to show the entire item not an overly zoomed in version that now cuts off part of the item. I hope they fix this soon, I don't want to have to reshoot hundreds of photos!
If I post new ads, will my photos be enlarged and off-centre?
Keep clicking on that Share Feedback button on the new listing format to make comments (or leave a piece of your mind) whatever your blood pressure can handle!
Good luck to all of us!
It doesn't have anything to do with the new listing form. I am only using the old one and it is happening to me.
@DragonflyDreams1 I know... but at least there is a feedback button on the new listing format to give them a piece of your mind. Maybe if they hear it enough... we can only hope!
I don't mean to be pessimistic, but I don't think Etsy reads those feedback comments. They only take action when they are directly contacted by MANY people. They resolve issues based on the impact on a percentage of site users. So if 2 people report a widespread issue, they are not going to even look at it. If they get flooded with requests for an issue, they will.
I am sure my frustration is showing this morning. I am working through my listings, fixing pictures, and retaking pictures. Even the NEW pictures have this issue.
@LastCentury Now I try. I tried to contact Etsy support with chat, but it doesn't respond to this topic. Thank you!
I woke up this morning to find my square photos basically zoomed in, cropped closer to the item. Not all of my items, just some. I contacted Etsy through chat and they asked me to use a different browser (even though they could see it too). I double-checked it in a different browser and it was happening but to different listings.
Etsy insisted this was a glitch and not wide-spread. So please, please contact Etsy support if you are having this issue. Etsy only addresses problems if there is a significant impact. I would bet if sellers start looking closely at their shop page(s) at the square thumbnails you will notice they are zoomed in and cropped closer. I have found no way to adjust it to fix it. I don't think deleting the picture and re-uploading will help as the items it is impacting change depending on browser.
@DragonflyDreams1 I use Chrome and the old version for listing. When I contact Etsy via chat she doesn't respond but she offers me some topics to choose from and there's nothing about photos or listings
You have to be assertive with Etsy. I picked one specific listing as an example and took screenshots of the store page thumbnail, then a screenshot of the listing picture. So the etsy rep could see the difference. Tell them that there have been other reports of the issue that have been escalated and you want your issue escalated as well so the team who needs to fix it has all the information they need to do so.
They told me it was a "glitch" with my account. I told them it is more widespread than just me as there are posts in the forum.
I am always nice and kind to them as it is how I want to be treated. But you have to be as specific and blunt as you can with screenshots when applicable.
I am having the same issue. i have always made them square and now even though etsy is telling you to upload square images its cuting them off because the search is actually displaying rectangles. And Etsy doesn't seem to know why
My photos are being chopped up too. Sometimes they are squeezed into a landscape format with an added colour panel. They looked great before so why this mess? I have specially formatted my images to be square on Etsy for over ten years!! This is not acceptable.
This problem has been going on for so long and Etsy still never responded? That's pretty flippin ridiculous. I'm really tired of seeing messed up thumbnails and I don't want to redo them all if they're just going to mess with them all over again.
My shop is looking a real mess now. Nothing I do to resize the thumbnail pictures gets rid of the rectangular formatting and colour block that Etsy have imposed. As an artist I really need to have total aesthetic control over my shop's appearance. I work hard to make sure my products are beautifully photographed and presented so they are inviting to customers. Really had enough of this – we need an explanation from Etsy!! Or new photography guidelines.
I've also noticed in other shops that their pictures are appearing in a portrait format which blocks out the description underneath – it looks really wierd. Are Etsy experimenting at our expense?
Your shop thumbnail photos look square to me and your shop looks great.
Thank you. So it's not appearing badly everywhere – that is good. Etsy must be experimenting but I'm going to keep my eye on it though.
I'm seeing cropped pictures in your shop too.
Your shop looks great too. I see cropped images in Firefox but not in Chrome.