i just had an order come in, weighing 8.5oz and the buyer chose priority. they were only charged $1.31 by etsy. i can't possibly mail for that without losing out $$. is this an etsy bug happening site wide? the mistake was definitely etsy's as my shipping rates have not changed or been problematic before.
Yes! I got two orders today with that exact shipping amount too! I chatted with support and they refunded me the difference but that's also not entirely accurate because I get 30% off with usps labels through Etsy. What is happening?
I had the same problem with 2 orders received overnight. Both with a zip code beginning with "9". I tried to Chat and also to Receive a phone call, but Etsy has those turned off because of the number of Sellers having this problem. I tried to turn off Priority Shipping, but I have a large number of items in the same Shipping category that ship Priority. It wouldn't let me turn off Priority shipping. I finally put my shop on Vacation mode until Etsy fixes this problem.
So frustrating
@PureJoyPatterns do you have 1 or more items in any of your shipping profiles that must ship priority because of it's weight? if you do, remove that/those heavy items to their own shipping profile and then you'll be able to turn off priority shipping for everything else.
This might work for some. I couldn't take priority off my shipping profile until I removed Canada. I was just US and Canada. Not sure why that worked, but it did.
I had that problem too. Tech is supposed email me. I had the problem yesterday. I hope they get it fixed. I was hoping to have the package out today.
I had a order that upgraded to Priority and was charged 2.06.
I use estimated shipping
A different customer bought the exact same item and was charged properly for Priority.
Etsy owes us all a refund for the full amount of shipping difference!
@BookShopApocalypse my chat has been frozen since i first dealt with help on sunday, all browsers. what do you mean when you say "click on another completely different category"?
I take it back-- I was able to start a new chat window but I have had zero luck of getting any response over the last 48 hours. There is also a glitch in the chat support, where the window doesn't actually open. I have tried 2 different computers, 4 browsers and an iphone. Etsy has dropped the ball hard on this. They have no problem helping themselves to 25% of our profits but the few times we need actual help--- crickets. They don't deserve us.
What I meant by category was-- if you click on Contact Us, etsy will take you to a page of different categories of "What Do you need Help With" -- Just click a random category and subcategory. So for instance, if you were originally chatting through needing help with shipping labels, try account access or help with "managing my orders" -- that's what finally got me a refreshed chat window. But still no support from an actual agent so...
I have 160 items that would ship priority in my Fabric category. It will be a pain to set up a new category for those items.
@BookShopApocalypse i was using live chat directly through my dashboard page when i was getting help. my helper said he needed to close our chat so he could escalate my case. i think he did something wrong that froze my chat because it's also frozen when i go in through the etsy help page like you're suggesting. froze may not be the correct word. maybe i'm just being ignored. the bubble is there for me to type in but i get no response. my last reply from anyone was in the afternoon on the 19th. i've written in the chat help bubble later that night after my 3rd $1.31 order and again yesterday and today and never get a response. i have also been getting an error when entering my phone number to get a call back for the last 3 days now.
I've turned off Priority for now. Hopefully that solves the problem, until Etsy fixes their programming.
latest update from technical support:
"at this time we do not have a timeline for when this issue will be resolved but please know we prioritize issues based on the impact of our members."
I just received the following updated from Etsy support "I can confirm that having a low or zero shipping cost is a matter that our engineering team is currently checking. Rest assured that this has been added to the list that they are investigating."
I received an email from support yesterday. I had sent the initial couple of order #'s when I initiated the chat, so they were included in the case. Support saw that I did ship out 2 of those orders & that I chose to send them Standard, so they refunded me the difference owed for those 2 packages. I still have 3 more packages that I will be sending out today, so I will be starting a case for those 3 labels to also get a refund. Seems to be the only thing to do right now until the issue is resolved, unfortunately.
This has been happening to me for a week now. People are mad if you cancel the order. ETSY sucks.
(From KnotOriginal) "latest update from technical support: "at this time we do not have a timeline for when this issue will be resolved but please know we prioritize issues based on the impact of our members."
(From DecorativeSewingPins), "I just received the following updated from Etsy support "I can confirm that having a low or zero shipping cost is a matter that our engineering team is currently checking. Rest assured that this has been added to the list that they are investigating."
When Etsy says they will prioritize issues depending on impact to members, that usually means it's currently not affecting enough people so as to be bumped up on the list of priorities; and so who knows when it will be fixed. Which isn't good enough, with due respect. There is obviously enough Sellers being affected with this shipping glitch, and these are only the ones who have noticed. You know there are others who may not have picked up on the glitch as of yet. The glitch is on Etsy's end, and they really do owe Sellers affected by it, a refund.
Ya, but then what do you do? Contact Etsy and get in line behind 2 million other people wanting their refund?
@EccentricHandbags Right, it seems silly. And some will probably have to contact Etsy repeatedly (while the glitch continues), which doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
@ChillwolfArt i would guess there are way more sellers being affected that don't even realize. i only print out invoices for orders over a certain $ amount or # of items. i got lucky that my first $1.31 bug order was one i had to print out or i wouldn't have even noticed the shipping total was off. i get my labels through pirate ship and they don't show the shipping cost customers were charged so i would have never noticed on my small orders that were affected if i didn't know to look out.
Etsy "might" have fixed the issue. I just went in and added Priority Shipping as an option in the shipping profile that I found was offering $1.31 rates for Priority Mail. I then entered the zip code for the buyer where I caught the "issue" to preview the shipping cost. It looks like it is now reflecting the correct shipping amount at this time. Of course... everything is subject to change because...Etsy.
@DecorativeSewingPinsIt is only a might. Not everyone using priority has the problem. Its hit and miss. Until I know for sure its fixed I'm keeping priority turned off.
Etsy told me it was my Free Shipping Guarantee that caused the issue. No, priority upgrade is not FREE SHIPPING. Customers must pay for a priority upgrade. Why does support not even stop to see what the issue is? So very frustrating.
Guys, I am SOOOO PISSED. I finally reached a chat support team member named "Bunny", that is, after being told originally to "just come back with my shipping label ID's for a refund." and being ghosted for a week. This person was so beyond incompetent...
So basically, after an hour of repeatedly clarifying and re-explaining what the situation was--- this person just went ahead and VOIDED all the labels I was due refunds on instead of actually issuing the credits as promised! Now all those affected orders in question (Which have already been Delivered and Reviewed by now!) are stuck on my Orders screen as OVERDUE!
Now, I'm probably going to lose my Star Seller status this month --- AND HAVE STILL not been Refunded! So insanely frustrated.
I basically told the agent, if a Supervisor did not reach out to me via phone in 24 hours I was going to permanently close up shop. I run probably the biggest Vintage Book Shop on Etsy, and Between my two Etsy shops, I've made this company upward of $75,000 over the last few years for doing absolutely nothing! Nothing but providing a platform. They raise their fees, implement mandatory offsite ads, and cut all seller support, yet continuously RAISE THEIR CUT, while USPS shipping prices skyrocket, with increases coming 5-6x a year now as Postmaster DeJoy tries to steer that ship toward USPS privatization.
I'm sure sales are already down for most of us simply because shipping is no longer what most online shoppers have been accustomed to pre-Covid. And ETSY can't even give back bare-bones customer support to the very people lining their pockets. Enough is enough. I think we need to organize a seller #BOYCOTT.