i just had an order come in, weighing 8.5oz and the buyer chose priority. they were only charged $1.31 by etsy. i can't possibly mail for that without losing out $$. is this an etsy bug happening site wide? the mistake was definitely etsy's as my shipping rates have not changed or been problematic before.
Yikes! I only tested the 8/9 zip codes because Los Angeles was showing at the $1.31 rate when I did the "Preview Shipping Costs" in my listing & my California order was the only one affected. I guess there are bigger issues afoot here and I hope they can get resolved soon!
I'm in California and it's showing me $1.31 for shipping too.
I'm in NC and see $9.90 for Priority and also see 1st class rate and a Parcel select rate of $5.50.
BUT I changed my zip code to a random CA zip and PM was $1.31 and Parcel select was $5.75. and there was NOT a 1st class rate shown.
Well I guess I better start doing some Etsy shopping...
Same here...I have two orders now that are for priority shipping and the customer was charged $1.31 but my cost to ship is $9.75. I was able to get a refund from Etsy for the first one and am waiting to hear for the second. I was told it's a know glitch. Hope it resolves soon!
Came here to see if anyone else is having the same problems! I currently have 3 orders with this $1.31 Priority shipping. I have messaged all of the buyers asking them if they are Etsy Insider members & if they choose Priority, just to do my own troubleshooting. It's really irritating! We the sellers seem to never have any idea what Etsy is doing or offers they're giving out.
I contacted Etsy support this morning, as I suggest everyone else does as well. They stated that many others are having the same issue & they are working on it & will email me when they have a response/resolve. I contacted my buyers & they stated it was their only choice at checkout. They wanted Standard shipping.
I'm doubtful that it's an offer. I'm voting on the side of it's a bug and there's been no update on it as far as I can see from Etsy.
@sewminniestyle i had 3 orders yesterday with the same issue. none were etsy insider members and none chose priority, it was chosen for them. while you're waiting on an official fix i would suggest going into your shipping profiles and removing the priority shipping option. that seems to have worked for me as a temporary fix. the orders i have received since i made that change have come through as ground advantage and with the correct shipping fee.
I had two orders come in yesterday with $1.31 priority mail shipping!!!!
I don't think the Buyers are "choosing" Priority, I think Etsy is showing the lowest cost option first ( even if it is wrong.)
And if the Buyer is an Etsy Insider, they only get the lowest cost shipping option covered by Etsy.
Sorry to all who are affected.
@vintageNCtreasures I still show that, as well and unless Etsy provides a fix soon, I'll likely cancel any orders that come in that way. I can't be losing $6-$7 on a sale, particularly when it doesn't appear to be anything I've done incorrectly. I've yet to hear back about my case as well, but I suppose I'm in a very long queue for the issue.
You could remove Priority from your shipping profiles and just have 1st class and Parcel select (since Etsy doesn't want to update the mail class to "Ground Advantage" which started last July).
@KnotOriginal mentioned doing this and they said that Ground advantage was calculating correctly.
That way, you won't have to cancel orders (if you cancel too many, Etsy might see that as a reason to put you on payment reserve).
If you use shipping profiles, all you'd need to do is "edit" the profile and uncheck Priority.
You'd think with a bug this bad, that Etsy would have fixed it by now.
@TwoKingsCraftCo i haven't heard back about my case yet either and i was one of the first to report it. i think my live chat help person messed up because now my live chat function is frozen where no one responds to me. i also get an error message when trying to get a help call from etsy. in the mean time, remove the priority shipping option from your shipping profiles where possible.
At least my customer paid $2.56 priority mail to AZ. It will cost me $9.75 to ship. My chat is also frozen. My helper said it would be turned over to the other team(whatever that means).
Excellent workaround idea, @KnotOriginal and @vintageNCtreasures ! I will go in and remove the Priority now and see if the issue still pops up. I very much would rather process orders than cancel them, for sure. Thanks for the suggestion!
if I change the profile, how will I know when to change it Back once this bug gets fixed? Do you know? Thank you.
I just received an unhelpful response from Etsy saying that unless I could give them the order number and make sure that it wasn't cancelled they couldn't do anything. Well of course I refunded it to the customer yesterday when I knew I wasn't going to ship it for $1.31 Priority Mail. They then listed a whole tutorial on Etsy shipping which after 10 years I'm pretty sure I have figured out. Ugh! I explained that it was not a me problem and that it's an Etsy problem and that it is well known in the technical forums. I also included a screenshot of the original poster with the same exact issue. I suggested to them that perhaps it had something to do with the rollout of the new USPS shipping costs that were set up on Sunday. I can't believe that they aren't aware that this is a site wide problem. Hopefully someone else gets a response to their service tickets that's more helpful.
@DecaDeco i just received an email response letting me know that my concern has been elevated to the next level of support for further assistance. there's no mention if this is about the $1.31 priority shipping bug or that my live chat has been frozen since yesterday afternoon after my helper closed our chat.
Lucky you...you got more of a helpful response than I did. I just went in and removed Priority Shipping as an option for that one shipping profile that had the incorrect shipping calculation on Sunday. That seems to have removed the $1.31 option from the listing. It appears to me then that it's something to do with Etsy Priority Mail calculations. I haven't decide if I want to spend the time going through EVERY shipping profile to remove Priority Mail.
Same issue here, tried to explain the order charged buyer 1.31 shipping for priority mail, Etsy chat refused to help.Same issue here, tried to explain the order charged buyer 1.31 shipping for priority mail, Etsy chat refused to help.
Same as me, I run a book shop where buyers typically check out with media mail, yet all were priority mail orders for $1.31.
I was told by chat support that it was a known glitch in the system. I was aware that yesterday was the day the new USPS rate increases went into effect, so assumed the glitch was related to that.
Anyways, was promised a refund by the chat agent, but now their chat support just brings up my conversation from yesterday, and seems to be stuck on there. Have tried multiple browsers and still have not been able to get support via chat and nobody has responded to me to initiate the refunds as promised. It appears there's some kind of a glitch in chat support as well. Does anyone have experience with this? Really frustrating.
I actually just solved my own issue in case anyone else is having trouble with Etsy chat support. Click on another completely different category than the one you had clicked on before the "Still need help" button appears. This gave me the "chat with agent"button in the chat window FINALLY.
I actually just solved my own issue. In case anyone else is having trouble with Etsy chat support: Click on another completely different category than the one you had clicked on before the "Still need help" button appears. This gave me a fresh "chat with agent" button in the chat window FINALLY.