Why do I have to enter the size and weight when offering free shipping?
You don't have to. I don't have it on any of my listings.
Adding, unless you buy labels from Etsy, in which you need to add that.
etsy won't let you complete the listing without entering the size and weight.
did you see my screen shot?
I don't buy labels from etsy. I use ship station.
@SignatureMats Are you using calculated shipping? Etsy needs the size and weight of the item to calculate the shipping label for you to purchase.
I don't buy labels from etsy. I use ship station
But it says in your screen shot that your shipping profile is calculated? I don't offer free shipping, so I don't know, but it seems like that could be the issue.
@SignatureMats: If you are using calculated shipping, you need to enter package information regardless of where you purchase your shipping labels or if you have free shipping. Otherwise if you turned off free shipping tomorrow, Etsy would not know how much shipping to charge.