Hi Everyone. I have problem with uplouding 3 photos reequierd. I manage to complete all forms with links to product, and shop> I spend time describing my comapany and product. Then form with button <next< to ok me to to the site uploud three photos but there was no way to do it . Just a text uploud photos. I tried to comeback to the form but its justgone. No information if form is completed, no mail,. Can somobody from Etsy check my aplication pls. Regards Justyna
This is happening to me too! Can someone help please.
@CuddyPetBeds: "Can somobody from Etsy check my aplication pls." Just so you know, even if Etsy Support or the Help Pages sent you here this is a seller peer to peer forum, and should not be considered a way to contact Etsy, if that is your hope (although Etsy does sometimes read and reply to posts).
Try https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?segment=selling or https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?segment=selling#issue_sell_manage_listings-callback or you can open a support ticket through Dashboard > Community & Help > Contact Us