I've been trying to deactivate two listings, and I keep getting the same error message. . .the red bar at the top of my browser that says "Uh oh! Something went wrong - please try again."
I have tried three different browsers on two different computers. I have waited a few hours, rebooted and tried again.
I have tried to deactivate the two items individually and as a "group select" in different browsers on different machines.
I am on a Mac, but I've never had this problem before.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
But if the listing is already expired, it doesn't show up in shop view - just listing manager. Not sure how to renew those.
I was having the same issue but this actually finally worked! Whew! Because I had already sold the item on my own website!
I contacted Etsy. They are looking into the issue. I told my contact there were many other shops with the same problem. She said they'll look into it. Hopefully the glitches will be corrected soon.
Fortunately I was able to put my shop on vacation mode yesterday morning before my farmer's market.... however, I now need to delete sold items and put my shop back online. I can't delete the items that sold, so -- I'm stuck.
Look at the post by PillowDetails as I just tried it and was able to deactivate listings
It's a weekend. Stuff like this always happens on the weekend. No one home at Etsy. I can't deactivate . I renewed using the the work-around of editing.
I contacted Etsy. They are looking into the issue. I told my contact there were many other shops with the same problem. She said they'll look into it. Hopefully the glitches will be corrected soon.
Having the same issue as well and I'm not able to deactivate on editing the item. None of the deactivate areas are working for me.
I have the exact same problem. Also on a mac. I tried 2 different browsers, but nothing. I can not deactivate any item and I can't change the favourites also. Same message... ''Uh, oh...''
Just coming to write the same as others, I am also having issues renewing and deactivating listings
P.s. for those looking to deactivate, I have had luck being able to deactivate one by one from the listing itself if you only are looking to deactivate a few
Same problem here (UK) can't deactivate or delete listings
Same here, trying to delete expired listing and it keeps giving me the red bar with the uh oh message. Hopefully Etsy will fix it soon!
I just tried opening up the expired listing to edit, as suggested by PillowDetails, and it works that way! You can Renew by opening up each listing. Thanks PillowDetails!
Same here... can't renew listings... so weird how these things always happen starting on a Friday for over the weekend!
*If you haven't yet, please see @PillowDetails above post for a workaround.
It begins with, "You can deactivate if you view your listing in your own shop view...."
@PillowDetails , Thank you so much for posting the work-around!
It worked! I was able to renew expired item in edit mode- You have saved the day !
I am getting same message when trying to relist items
Same issue here, been having the error in two shops since yesterday afternoon
Possibly due to the Bell and Rogers Network outages??
Facing same issue.
Having same problem for three days. Also for some reason sales have gone down drastically. Keep getting OOPS something went wrong. Nothing wrong with payments to them.... Only thing working correctly.
I've been having the same issues. The day I decide to update my stock; I couldn't do anything productive (which was weird since a couple of hours ago I was able to do 1 section of listings). I tried the Quick Edit Mode today and it was good, works but you need to do it individually. Then I remembered that I have the app called Vela for bulk editing and guess what it works without the headache of that red banner: uh oh something went wrong - please try again. This will definitely help until etsy get back on track!
I am also having this problem, appreciate any help
Cannot Delete Items...
Cannot De-activate Items...
Cannot Bulk Edit Items...
Uh-Oh Banner Popping Up Every time....
Cannot Contact Etsy via Help... Oopsie!
I've been trying all day to remove listings / update and keep getting that red error banner to. Figures the one I have a ton of energy to get stuff done this happens lol