Many posts about this glitch - I haven't seen this in my shop yet, but in doing a bit of research on shops with listings affected, I've found the following -

* These listings show in shop search, as well as Etsy search - so they are not "deindexed" in the the usual sense.

*Once clicked on the thumbnail, it shows the error message "Sorry, this item is unavailable in your region"

* All the ones affected that I checked still show in the mobile Buyer App (the orange icon) - and you can click to view, add to cart, and (presumably) purchase.

* The glitch / bug applies to the mobile browser / desktop site - still shows "not available" when trying to view.

There doesn't seem to be anything Sellers can do, but if you happen to get a message from a Customer who intends to purchase, ask them to fave the item, and try viewing it on the mobile Buyer app.


Any other observations, comments from chat or support?


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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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They sure know how to sabotage sales on this site, don't they!

If there's one consistent theme here, it is that Etsy will find a way to screw up some new requirement by having idiot bots do all the work, targeting naked arms, flesh-colored pumpkins, little doll bodies, necks showing jewelry etc.

This site is a hot mess and stuff like this will make more buyers leave. Funny that, as I was under the impression that Etsy was spending big bucks and work time, all in an effort to gain, retain and re-activate buyers.

Yeah, Etsy, guess what. Making items showing a naked arm unavailable to buy will not do anything to keep those buyers you so desperately need.

I hope that tomorrow morning, when real live people get back to work here, someone with a few brain cells will shut this shlte off.

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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And of course, the glitches hit when holiday sales are gearing up. This is the busiest time of year for me, and of course, all my best selling listings were censored (blank doll bodies). I'm ready to give up on Etsy. Still no response from CS. It's been hours.

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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I know!  Especially the message regarding "region" is confusing - to Buyers and Sellers alike.

Why can't they change it to

"Our pervy Victorian AI bot has surmised this listing may contain naughty bits, so we aren't showing it to you"

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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Those sellers of clothing that covers elbows and ankles will see a surge in sales!

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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What a mess.  Etsy is so terrible with seller support.  You connect with the worthless chat and they are never able to help.  They just escalate & tell you will receive an email.  Days go by and no email and no fix.  I dread the day when I need to contact support.  The issues were never resolved.  

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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Let's hope because this is ridiculous! I'm not censoring doll clothes on over 200 listings.  So ridiculous. 

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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After going through countless listings in search using Nude Art Book... all I can say is the bots are are bunch of hypocrites.

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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Surely!  I used an incognito window to search for "Nude stockings" - and got an eyeful!

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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Did a search for a man's bracelet, clicked on quote a few random items that just showed a closeup of the man's arm and the bracelet and those items ARE available?

So why would a lot of listings with a closeup of woman's arm and a bracelet show up "unavailable?

Makes no sense.

The bots have lost their bot minds! Along with whomever programmed them.
Do the programmers ever try out these bots to make sure they work like they should and they're not removing any kind of item that has nothing to do with sex or nudity? Seems the programmers never try out anything because unleashing it to cause chaos with the sellers listings.

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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Agreed.  Unlike other companies, Etsy's programmers never seem to see if something works before applying it.  It's appalling. 

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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Women's arms are generally smaller than men’s.

I wonder if the AI morality bot thinks smaller=children?

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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@NancyQstudio @vintageNCtreasures 

Grown up companies have functional & technical specifications, a test team and software release procedures.

Etsy, on the other hand, just throws it over the fence in our faces.

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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I have NEVER seen a site as bad as Etsy is lately.
Releasing "improvements" without bothering to test them for glitches.

Other sites test and test BEFORE they roll out changes to theie site, But NOT Etsy. 

Releasing bots that are out of control and removing items that should NEVER been made unavailable.

AND those same bots are NOT removing items that should made unavailable.

I knew when I saw that announcement about the child safety info that this would be a HUGE problem for a lot of sellers not selling children's items because they'd have bots that removed items that shouldn't be and that's exactly what is happening. 

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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Guess the bots think "T & A" means "Throats and Arms."

All kidding aside, they should extend the coupon code for shops that this "glitch" affected.

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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At this stage I do not expect Etsy to contact us until the issue is resolved.  I am going to set up new listings and have both in my shop.  That is the only work around that seems to work for me.  I will keep the old listings so I do not loose the reviews at least people will be able to buy them.  I will have to delete the new listings when the issue is resolved.  Etsy is such a nightmare when it comes to supporting sellers.  You can see so many people are affected with zero response.  They really seem to not care.  

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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What a f!@#ing joke. How does a Barbie doll case violate anything? PJ is wearing a minidress though - guess that makes her a tramp according to bots.

No tech competence and no transparency. Here I am, changing thumbnails instead of listing. I'd say they hire teenagers fresh out of high school but I'm pretty sure teens would do a better job. 

Off to list on Ebay, tyvm. Not a single glitch/test/scammer since I started there in February. It's as slow as it is here but sure am loving the no-headache selling there.

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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To all those affected by this listing issue, please see my post on page four about what worked for me.  It's the eighth posting from the top.

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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I don't even know what to say - chicken eggs are now considered unsafe. I have still life with eggs "not available" now, eve to myself. Etsy bot must have a really wild imagination. I don't know what to do, to be honest. 


EDIT: I changed the thumbnail to another picture of the same painting and it's available now.

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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It may work for a bit.  If you check again later it will most likely receive the same message.  I deleted my listing and added it again.  It worked for a few hours and now it is showing the same message.  I have tried to change the photo, thumbnail etc.  Nothing works for me.  I think we all need to just wait for Etsy to fix it 

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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My listing with Deer Christmas Cards is showing not available in your region so your theories about naked and skin and unclothed does not apply to this listing.   But I do have some vintage swimsuit tags that are not showing up too.  I tried changing the main images and it didn't work.   I tried reporting to etsy but all I got is its been reported and check my email.  We all know what that means. Nothing!

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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@GreenAcresCottage image recognition is not an exact process right now, so plenty of things that are not human skin will get caught. 

It's also possible they are doing something else at the same time. I had items removed as prohibited plants last year; they were fossils, and not fossils of plants. 

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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I took a peak at your shop.

The Christmas card set with the deer show unavailable to my region.

BUT the stickers with the same deer on it and the gift tags with the EXACT same design both show up available.

The card set with the woodland baby deer also shows up available.

How can the cards be unavailable, and the gift tags be available using the same design?
Or why one set of cards is available and the other one isn't, both deer designs?

Boggles the mind!

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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I have 6 list its affected and one of them are earrings. No body shape there. Some items are my big sellers. This is insane 

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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I have over 20 listings that are showing up as This item is not available in  your region.  I am furious.  I am sick and tired of every time etsy changes something it effects my shop.  I've tried changing pictures, words, nothing is fixing the problem on my end.   I've tried contacting etsy and all I get is its been reported and check your email.

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Re: Those affected by the This Item Not Available in your Region -

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I have also tried lots of work arounds. I am tired of trying at this stage .  I added a note at the top of my shop that explains Etsy is having an issue and to contact me if you receive the message.  

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