Star Seller & Tracking for Under $10

Under $10 No Tracking is hurting my Star Seller Badge

Hi, I just created a listing for folks who want to buy ones and twos of something I usually sell in batches of 25. They're $2 a piece and I just put a stamp on them--I even say in the listing, "no tracking will be provided." But now I have three hits against me in my star seller for the  "On time shipping and tracking" category for not entering tracking info. Etsy very clearly says when I mark the sale complete that shipping is not required for orders under $10. So do I remove the listing, or eat $4 in shipping costs to get a tracking number on an item that I charge $2 for?

I want to do the right thing, but it seems like the right thing by my customers is going to hurt my business.




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13 Replies

Re: Star Seller & Tracking for Under $10

@TheBeehiveWorkshop: Two separate metrics at play here - orders under $10 do not need tracking for Etsy, but for Star Seller US shops must "ship on time with tracking or with a shipping label purchased on Etsy" and "Adding tracking to all physical orders is one of the criteria for Star Seller if you’re in the US." per

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Re: Star Seller & Tracking for Under $10

This ^^^

If you don't care about SS you can ship orders under $10 without tracking, but if you want SS the rules in US are tracking or Etsy labels for everything.  

Etsy has letter/flats labels for US sellers, use those for your under $10 orders where permitted and you are covered.You at least have an option, outside US we do not. 

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Re: Star Seller & Tracking for Under $10

To get star seller you must mail everything with tracking 

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Re: Star Seller & Tracking for Under $10

You just have figure out what is most important to you. 

  1. Shipping with a stamp = zero tracking + zero seller protection + zero Star Seller ... should something go wrong such as never arrives, NAD, or damaged, this option can really dig into your profits, especially if you are having to replace or refund orders a lot.
  2. Shipping via Etsy Labels (Pirate Ship, et al) = Tracking + Seller Protection + Star Seller ... should something go wrong, I'm covered!
  3. I prefer option #2, but each seller has their own preferences.
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Re: Star Seller & Tracking for Under $10

I hear you and I absolutely agree in 99.9% of situations. I sell sets of garment labels and occasionally someone will want to buy just one for a special project. Seems like a no win for me to spend $4 on a shipping label with tracking for a $2 item. Some folks down below say that I can buy cheaper stamp shipping through etsy, so I'm going to give that a try.  Thanks for responding to me and offering your insight! I am with you on the coverage that tracking affords me, thanks!

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Re: Star Seller & Tracking for Under $10

Buy your shipping through Etsy, and it counts as having tracking. They have labels for stamp rate mail. 

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Re: Star Seller & Tracking for Under $10

I'm going to give that a try, thanks!!

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Re: Star Seller & Tracking for Under $10

Correct me if I am wrong, but, as you are in the US, you have the opportunity to purchase a 57 cent Etsy Label which is a Pitney Bowes label so no Tracking but it does count for Star Seller purposes

@Adorabilities Apologies for the repetition, Typing simultaneously:)

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Re: Star Seller & Tracking for Under $10

Just correcting the amount, I believe they're currently $.64 though Etsy labels (still less than current stamp rate of $.68, but no longer $.57)

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Re: Star Seller & Tracking for Under $10

I'm going to give that a try, thanks!! I wonder if I have the right label printer for it!

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Re: Star Seller & Tracking for Under $10

You don't need a special printer. If you don't have a label printer, or even sticker paper, you can just print on regular paper and tape it to the envelope. 

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Re: Star Seller & Tracking for Under $10

@CarpetCollectionAU  Actually, Etsy Labels FCM Letter Flat rates DO have tracking via Pitney Bowes @

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Re: Star Seller & Tracking for Under $10

OK. Thanks for this. It is just that I have read many posts from US Sellers saying the opposite.

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