I tried to set up a Father's Day Sale using the new Sale Setup Tool that showed up in my dashboard. However, when I put in my percentage sale and then try to set a minimum spend total for the sale to apply, instead of setting it as $60, it is setting it to $0.60. I have tried multiple times to set it up being sure to enter 60 or 60.00 and both are resulting in sales that are reading my percentage chosen off a total of at least $0.60 which is very much not the intended sale I am trying to set up. There looks to be a decimal issue in the coding, as it says you can't enter less than $1 but then when trying to enter $60, it saves the sale as $0.60. It looks like I am entering $60 in the prompts but when I check the sale in my list of sales, that's where it is then reading as $0.60.
I wonder what would happen if you entered 6000. Would it be 60.00?
And then the next day somehow be "corrected" back to 6000 without you knowing?
Have had the same issue after multiple attempts. Adding $80.00 set it at $0.80. I then tried adding $8000.00 to move the decimal point over two places, and it read as $8,000, but when I checked a few minutes later, it showed $0.08.
As it's a glitch, there's no point trying to figure out how to add it so it appears correctly since a fix by Etsy will throw off whatever is added from that point forward.
If it's shown up this way for everyone who's set up the sale with a discount on a certain dollar amount, sellers are going to be getting a lot of sales on very small orders.
I have had the same problem. Trying to put $50.00 minimum but Etsy shows $0.50.
Sounds like another glitch
Same here. I want to set $29.00 min purchase, but it shows 0.29. I had to end the sale and set again. Then I tried 29.00, still 0.29; I tried 2900, it showed 0.2. My sales were already messed up, received some huge discount orders that i can't get enough profit, and I don't know how can I correct the settings !