My default shipping profile which is a 2oz letter sent by First Class is no longer auto-filling. I assume this is because of the postal update to "Ground Advantage", but my letters should be unaffected. for some reason, if an order is for more than one item, it will autofill my shipping setting, but if it is only one item, I have to manually set the shipping method.
Not sure how to fix this as everything on my end looks correct. Anyone else running into this?
Label presets aren’t working. Etsy has a highlighted post on this forum acknowledging the issue. It also says their team applied a fix but none of my presets worked yesterday morning. This was after they posted that it should be resolved.
Label presets aren’t working. Etsy has a highlighted post on this forum acknowledging the issue. It also says their team applied a fix but none of my presets worked yesterday morning. This was after they posted that it should be resolved.
any update on this?