It is a complicated problem and difficult to understand:

My shop language is German, I have only sold in Germany so far, but since a month I have also been selling in Europe. Since then, a problem occurs:

As I said all products are online in German. A German customer should see the products in German and an English-speaking customer, for example, should see the products in English. But now, as soon as a product is bought, it is only displayed in English, even to a German customer and also to me in my settings. If I then go and enter this product in German again and save it, this setting only lasts until the product is bought the next time. Then everything is in English again, even for German customers. I have already contacted Etsy support but they just don't understand the problem and make suggestions that don't help. does anyone else have this problem?


Thanks a lot for every help, I am beginning to despair

Inspiration Seeker

Re: Product language changes automatically without me wanting it to

hi, have you received any information from etsy? I have exactly the same problem, I'm a Polish store and I had manual translation of offers before - unfortunately, as I turned it off, my offers are not translated contact with etsy for over a week without any help ... automatic translation was supposed to appear within 24 hours, unfortunately, nothing for a week.. .

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Product language changes automatically without me wanting it to

I have the same problem, I wrote all my ads in english and etsy changed some of them to italian without my permission. Did someone fix it? Thank you!

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Inspiration Seeker

Betreff: Product language changes automatically without me wanting it to

Hi guys,

I've encountered the same issue as you (high five!). I run a store based in Germany, selling to German customers only for now. I believe I may have identified the cause of the issue, and it seems to be the Etsy seller's application on my iPhone/iPad.

While my Etsy account in the browser (laptop) is set to the German location and language, it appears that the app does not yet support other languages—it is only available in English (?). Whenever I open a listing in the app and, for any reason, save it (in my case, updating the quantity), the entire listing is automatically updated/translated into English.

I guess my main point/question to you is; are you running the Etsy seller app? If so; I strongly suspect this is where your issue originates.


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