Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Starting today I get this new popup EVERY time I click on a listing from Search, the wording as above.. It always shows a tiny image of the most recent item I favorited.
I tried unfavoriting the item and then it started showing the next item in my favorites list. It's driving me batty.

Are others seeing it too?

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Yes, and I’m afraid my customers are seeing it too, and I’m getting discount codes as well. It’s like being followed round a shop by a very irritating assistant. Etsy has zero idea about true customer service. 

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

@MaggieandRoseYes, and I’m afraid my customers are seeing it too, and I’m getting discount codes as well. It’s like being followed round a shop by a very irritating assistant. Etsy has zero idea about true customer service.

Have been doing a lot of editing in my shop today.  It's occurred after every edit, so I've lost count of the amount of times I've had to X out of it.

What's especially annoying is that it's not just happening on Etsy.  I read the news on my phone, and every time I look up an article on it, every page is so saturated with ads that they're literally after every paragraph, and many pages start playing a video on the page too so you have to X out of it.  The videos keep popping up as you scroll down a page as well, and some ads cover the content so you can't read the entire article. 

Then there's YouTube where every video starts with not just one ad, but two, and they keep repeating the same ads over and over and over and ... zzzzz.

What I don't get is how they expect anyone to click on them when they shove so many in our faces that we're sick to death of them.

It reminds me of a time when I went into a shop years ago to browse and was asked as soon as I entered, "Can I help you?"  When I answered that I was just browsing and moved to a section in the store, another assistant asked me the same thing.  It happened again and again until all five of the assistants in the shop had asked me in every section I visited.  I finally gave up and left and never went back again.

When you keep pushing customers to buy something, it seems like such an act of desperation, and I just don't get why they think that would work.  It's as if they don't put themselves in the shoes of buyers and sellers at all which is vital when you're coming up with marketing ideas.  I mean, would that method make them want to buy something?

What I find odd about this desperation to get shoppers to buy stuff when they're being driven to buy stuff online anyway because so many retail stores have closed.  Just last week I found that all the Office Depots except one had abruptly gone out of business, and there are only three Staples left.  Big Lots; Bed, Bath, and Beyond; Tuesday Morning; and so on ... so many have closed, and others have either stopped carrying merchandise I've bought for decades or they've replaced it with cheap Temu-like stuff.  All that means that the alternative is buying stuff online, so why oh why do so many websites feel that they have to keep shoving ads on us on every page we visit?  If sales are down due to inflation, do they think that annoying us consistently will drive them back up?  Perhaps a better method would be to train marketing and sales employees so they don't keep coming up with ideas that will likely either drive them towards the competition or drive them to rethink whether they need an item at all?  I've never been a minimalist, but these ads are making me rethink that idea.

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

I can’t even concentrate on what I’m doing on Etsy today because of it. Can’t even delete them. I tried adding to basket hoping that would stop it, but as soon as I deleted them from my basket they popped up again. It’s definitely going to drive people away from Etsy. 

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Yes, I've been getting a different pop-up, on every listing I view, to go to my cart to check out.  And my cart is empty.


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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

@PillowDetails I am having that cart pop up too and my cart is empty!  It is so annoying and it even shows up now when I am editing my own listings....has been happening for about 3 weeks.

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

My cart is empty, and last week I even emptied my saved for later section. Still get the stupid popups!!

Can't help wondering how many potential buyers are emptying everything as well???

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

I agree.  It’s really annoying.  We recently moved.  I am looking to purchase 2 new rugs & was trying to compare a bunch today.  I intentionally emptied my shopping cart to avoid the pop-ups, and then I get them for items I’ve favorited?!?  And every. Single. Time.  Like @MaggieandRose, I couldn’t even concentrate, so I went to Wayfair, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc instead.  I also did some Google searches and discovered several new-to-me places to purchase rugs.  
If I’m looking elsewhere, I’m sure Etsy shoppers are too.

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Yes I saw it yesterday; gave up on my looking here because it was driving me nuts!  Worse than the abandoned cart coupon that pestered me until I finally removed the item from my cart.

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Youre right. But we cant get rid of all our favorites. This is annoying as hell, like having gum stuck to the bottom of your favorite shoes

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Hello, What's with this Annoying Pop Up? Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find

Do You Really Think People Want to Have This in Their Face Every time they Search on Etsy?  No I Do Not [ Not good Marketing Strategy- Would push me away from shopping! ]  Hello, FYI I know what I have Fav I don't need reminded to Buy. 

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

I just happily punch the x and go on my merry way.  No I don't like it but grrrring at it had no effect so now I just am quick to hit that x on all of them and move on to do what I want to do. 

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

It seems like everybody in the marketing department on Etsy never took a marketing course, even marketing 101.  Or people who aren't in the marketing department are now doing the marketing without any background in sales or marketing.  Most people don't like pop-ups for anything or any reasons but Etsy doesn't seem to know this.  Or it is working for enough people that they don't want to stop it.

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Never mind lack of marketing skills, I’m beginning to think that none of the Etsy staff have ever purchased anything online…

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

@MyOrganisedHome ...or have their own online shop....

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Lol..I faved something and there was a pop up that said something like maybe I should consult my family and friends about it?? (truly didn't read it all but that was the gist..I think maybe pushing putting it on a "want" list? Yes I DO want that $800 antique wooden apothecary jar if anyone of my fam or friends is

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

YES! I hate that darn "don't miss out" thing popping up constantly. And I also got the one about maybe asking my family and friends about it. STOP!

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

It must be another test that is so annoying. I have heard that others are mighty upset about it. Please don't add me to this test.

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

I fear this is another feature that is going to drive away potential customers. It's incredibly annoying. 

The same kind of feature pops-up when you have something in your basket. I emptied my basket immediately, with sincere apologies to my fellow sellers.

Can we have a survey on this Etsy?

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Browsing just now & carted one item. The pop-up immediately attacked me the minute I went to another listing page. Yes, there is a reason I always use the save for later option when I do cart something. That experiment over before it got off the ground - nothing has changed there.

Another item I favorited. I rarely favorite anything and yes, the pop-up encouraging me to buy this listing kept reappearing any time I went to another listing's page. I didn't remove it from My Favorites yet. I'm curious to see if the pop-up attacks me later today, tomorrow, who knows how long it might continue to bug me. 

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

@JMOldeVintage - I emptied my cart and my save for later section 3 days ago...still getting the popups...

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

UPDATE - It's Thursday and the pop-up on the one listing that I favorited earlier this week is still ambushing me - but - it only does so after I've clicked on & am reading the details on a listing's page. 

The pop-up does not appear when I am just browsing thru search results. 

FWIW the search term/the listings I was looking at today were different items, the same search term was not used.

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

Just keep in mind that Etsy isn't here to make sales. It is here to collect data as a tech company.

Guess they are collecting data on how best to put a company out of business.


Yes, I am feeling it today.....

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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

If a salesperson followed you around a store and kept jumping in front of you over and over and over and over asking you if you are going to buy something (whether you have something in your hands or not) would that be a pleasant shopping trip?  


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Re: Pesky popup - Don't miss out on an item you've Favorited! Rare find. Add to Cart

This is the best explanation of how I feel about the new pop up. As a seller I'm tired of closing it EVERY time, time after time it comes up. As a buyer, I would feel chased after. Not a good marketing strategy.



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