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Pay Etsy fees results in hung screen without confirmation

I had a small amount owing on my September bill. 

For the technical team..

In a computer browser I went to Shop Manager > Finances > Payment account and went through the steps to pay my bill from my debit card.

A screen appeared with light grey icons cycling through to suggest the system was thinking. After maybe 30 seconds I got an alert on my phone's bank app to show the payment had gone through. The icons kept cycling. I waited another minute and the cycling continued.

I gave up waiting and went back to the main Shop Manager page and navigated to Shop Manager > Finances > Payment account and it now shows $0 owing and the payment is in recent activities.

ie. Paying the bill worked but it should have shown a confirmation screen and not got hung up on showing the icons animating for so long.


(fyi for others - I'm in Australia. I don't think we have access for auto paying the bill and I prefer to be in control at those rare times when I do have a bill so that I can choose when I make payment and which method I use. This report is about a technical bug.)

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7 Replies

Re: Pay Etsy fees results in hung screen without confirmation

There is a similar problem with processing refunds at the moment. Here is a thread about it.


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Re: Pay Etsy fees results in hung screen without confirmation

Thank you @DaysofYoreTreasures 

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Re: Pay Etsy fees results in hung screen without confirmation

I combined 2 orders and refunded the excess shipping, Also did not receive the confirmation screen, just kept loading (UK, using Desktop, browser Chrome)

When I checked my finance account, the excess shipping was refunded.

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Re: Pay Etsy fees results in hung screen without confirmation

Exactly the same about 30mins ago here in the UK!

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Re: Pay Etsy fees results in hung screen without confirmation

Good to know - I also have a September bill to pay.

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Re: Pay Etsy fees results in hung screen without confirmation

I also had this problem when I paid my bill the other day. I waited a while for it to clear but  eventually refreshed the page and it showed my payment account page with the payment made.  I did wonder at the time whether it was happening to anyone else and whether people could get confused and end up paying their bill twice.

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Re: Pay Etsy fees results in hung screen without confirmation

I had the same thing happened doing a partial postage refund 3 days ago.

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