Refund glitch

Whenever I issue a refund, the screen gets “stuck” and just goes around and around. You have to then get out of the screen and go back in to make sure the refund went through. And customers have been complaining to me that pictures are disappearing or changing when they click on a product. I am experiencing this as well. HELP

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Re: Refund glitch

As a seller I have no experience with technical programming a site. You will have to contact Etsy directly unless a moderator comes along to pass on your problem to another department.

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Re: Refund glitch

@BeadClearanceDepot  Hi, I've been experiencing the stuck Refund page, when issuing a Partial Shipping Refund. After inputting the Refund for Shipping, I select "Preview Refund", and as you said, the page is stuck. At first I thought the Refund didn't take, but then I hit F5 and the page gets out of stuck mode. I can then see the Refund did go through. (desktop computer, Chrome, Windows 10) 

Hope this helps

ETA: After this happened to me, I started the following Thread about it.


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