Has anyone who is experiencing the problem of not being allowed to create, copy or edit listings had success with getting it to work?  I did contact Etsy.  Afterwards the tool worked for one day.  But I am now unable to use it again.  

For reference, I have updated my programs, used different devices and tried different browsers.  In addition there have been several Etsy shop owners reporting the same problem.  So this is not an issue that can be resolved on my end.  It is an Etsy program glitch.  

I've very nervous that I will no longer be able to publish any new works once Etsy retires the older listing tool.  I'm hoping others with this problem have had more success.  

Re: New Listing Tool

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Just tried using the new form with a deactivated listing, did my changes and click "Activate with Changes' another window opens "Activate?" click on that and another window opens "Leave Site?  Changes may not be saved.  Click either Leave or Cancel.  So you can't use the new form with deactivated listing that you make changes to?  At least I can't get it to work for me.

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Re: New Listing Tool

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I'm bumping this.  Having the same problem as @FLcowgirls.

Anyone have an answer?

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Re: New Listing Tool

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@FLcowgirls  @HouseofWhisperingFir  I don't know about the "Activate" part, but I've seen other Sellers post about "Leave Site?" And that you should click to Leave. That it won't hurt anything. And yes, that part is very confusing, because you would think by choosing to "Leave Site", would lose your work.

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Re: New Listing Tool

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@NancyQstudio  I saw where you posted above, that once again it is working intermittently for you. I'm sorry, and I was afraid this was going to happen. As far as clearing the cache, I do mine every night (desktop computer, Chrome, Windows 10). But I see where it didn't change anything for you.

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Re: New Listing Tool

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@ChillwolfArt I tried clicking on "leave" after making my changes but it didn't save my changes but it did activate it.  So I had to deactivate again.

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Re: New Listing Tool

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Oh geeze, sorry about that. The d-mn glitches should have been completely worked out by now, at this date.

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Re: New Listing Tool

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I also made that mistake and lost the whole draft listing, so now I have to start all over again.  Think I'll continue to use the old version until forced to use the new one, but I thought I'd better give it a go to get used to it before the cut off date.

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Re: New Listing Tool

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I haven’t been using the new listing tool because when I tried before it was a pain.

But I guess the one good thing is that we are ALL in this together. If come June 25, not a single shop owner is able to create new listings, Etsy will sit up and take notice that they are suddenly making less money, and maybe they will hurry their butts to fix it. Money seems to be the only language they speak so…

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Re: New Listing Tool

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Well folks, it's not working again.  Thankfully we still have access to the old listing tool for a brief time.  I'm no longer optimistic that Etsy will fix this issue or that they can figure it out.  When it's working, it is only for brief amounts of time for me. 

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Re: New Listing Tool

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I've just tried to list a new item, got to the bottom and clicked on the 'publish' button and it froze.  I then lost the entire draft listing whilst trying to go back.  This was using the new listing format.  Not impressed.

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Re: New Listing Tool

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@BoudoirPrive I'm so this happened.  Unfortunately it's happening to a lot of us.  All we can do is report issues with it and hope Etsy will address it.  Here is a newer survey which really need to be filled out by those of us unable to use it:  https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7833899/Etsy-Feedback-zez9i9l4zk

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Re: New Listing Tool

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Thanks Nancy.  I've just completed the feedback form.

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Re: New Listing Tool

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@BoudoirPrive2 I hope it helps.  I was able to use the new listing tool again last night.  But today I can't save a thing with it.  

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Re: New Listing Tool

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Not sure if this will help anyone, I worked on an expired listing this morning, made some tweaks and clicked preview.  It shows expire date as May 30, 2024 so that concerned me, but I took screen shots and hit publish.  It came up with a window saying Leave or Cancel again so I canceled and went back into listing.  Decided to hit the publish button again after taking screen shot and it listed this time with the correct expire date.   

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Re: New Listing Tool

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So beware!  I checked my finance page and I got charged twice for listing the 1 listing.  I have been on chat for almost 30 mins about this.  They are crediting me and replied that "there may be a glitch on Etsy"


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Re: New Listing Tool

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@FLcowgirls Yes, I noticed last night when trying the tool again.  It still wouldn't save for me.  But after being forced to exit again I noticed the edit did take.  So I tried to list a new item.  But, still won't let me create a listing or copy one.  Wow is it time consuming and horrible!  

Etsy is so full of glitches now.  This is likely because they are working on new programming.  THIS is an even  a better reason why they should not roll out a mandatory listing tool which does not work correctly.  Gosh, they are so unprofessional these days!  I'm sorry to hear you are dealing with payment issues. 

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Re: New Listing Tool

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There is always a glitch on Etsy.  ; - )

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Re: New Listing Tool

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I hope this helps but CraftyCornishMaids shop owner just shared the wisdom says by renewing from sold item page from the order page, you can then edit after renewing.  It worked to me and even it's not a solution, I feel much better to have this as a backup.

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Re: New Listing Tool

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Updating Chrome, reboot, update all shipping has been helping many so I will continue to try everything everyone is sharing right here.

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Re: New Listing Tool

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Problem again.  Can't move out of photos.  I'm trying to do a duplicate/copy of an existing live listing that I want to change to another similar product with new title, new photos, new description, new tags, new price, and same shipping profile.  Could not go forward or backward.  Only option was to X out.  Then everything that I had done was lost.

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Re: New Listing Tool

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I was able to use the new listing tool last night.  I had a customer custom request this am and I'm no longer able to save or edit a listing again.  So the intermittent problem has not been fixed.  

I've cleared history, updated browsers, used different browsers, updated software, did a cleaning, used different devices.  Nothing has made an impact so this is absolutely a problem on Etsy's end.  Why roll out a mandatory tool which is absolutely necessary for running an Etsy shop yet isn't working for so many? 

@JanetsCrafts I'm so sorry, I nested this comment in the wrong place.  It shouldn't have been under yours.  I hope your issue is fixed soon.  

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Re: New Listing Tool

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Etsy chat has shared the engineers are now aware of this technical problem which many of us are having.  They are working on a resolve which was so nice to hear.  I hope sharing this helps others as it did me.  

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Re: New Listing Tool

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It seems that the Etsy technicians have not yet been able to solve a month later... because since the old listing stopped working, I can't publish a new listing

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Re: New Listing Tool

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@NancyQstudio  Nancy, I don't want this to come across as negative. However, I've seen past posts where a Seller will state that Chat said they will share something with engineers, or engineers are aware of a particular tech. problem. And unfortunately that's the end of it. If engineers are aware of a technical issue, there should be an Announcement about it. Especially now that June 25 will be soon upon us. People may feel more at ease (maybe), if an official Announcement would be made (re: being aware of a tech. problem, and it being looked into).

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Re: New Listing Tool

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@ChillwolfArt Unfortunately I have to agree, you're right.  But since the chat folks  used the phrase "currently working on" I'm more hopeful.  But just in case I'm heavily preparing another site while continuing to sell on my own too. 

Michael's is doing local promotions for my shop on their site this week.  And I'll be selling at their local store in a great location with an abundance of traffic this month.  They are trying to get awareness for their Maker division and build community connections with it too.  Although I use Etsy much more because it's a profitable, seasoned site for me.....I may have to redirect to this new one.  The frustrating part is I actually like Etsy, my  shop and I've invested in it.  I've been using Michaels as an additional selling site without paying much attention to it. It's new so they have a lot of work to do.  My plan has been to slowly grow with them as they develop and get better.  If I can't use Etsy, this will obviously change.  As always, thank you so much for your support!  

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