Has anyone who is experiencing the problem of not being allowed to create, copy or edit listings had success with getting it to work? I did contact Etsy. Afterwards the tool worked for one day. But I am now unable to use it again.
For reference, I have updated my programs, used different devices and tried different browsers. In addition there have been several Etsy shop owners reporting the same problem. So this is not an issue that can be resolved on my end. It is an Etsy program glitch.
I've very nervous that I will no longer be able to publish any new works once Etsy retires the older listing tool. I'm hoping others with this problem have had more success.
I wonder if anyone here can help with a problem I keep encountering with the new listing form? I would be truly grateful. The I try to edit the no. of items available and then click "Publish" I get an error message to say I haven't saved my changes so can't publish. However , when I go back to the listing there is no "Save" option to click. I have always reverted back to the old listing form which works seamlessly...but that option is going away. Arghhh . Thanks for any help. x
@SeaFaeCrafts I don't know if you have tried this, but when it happened to me, I had to click from the field I was editing, for instance "quantity", to another field that I wasn't going to edit. Then I was able to click publish.
@SeaFaeCrafts That is exactly what's been happening to me. I'm not sure why? But it suddenly started working last night without issues. Hopefully it has continued. I haven't checked it yet today.
Here is a Feedback survey form Etsy is currently monitoring while working on this program. I would suggest filling it out with a screenshot of the problem. This is what I did after contacting Etsy: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7833899/Etsy-Feedback-zez9i9l4zk
The new listing form "works" for me - I can create a new listing from the ground up, copy my templates and create a new listing from there, edit and publish listings. I use a hybrid of the mobile app and website listing form via my laptop.
As of this morning, my problem continues to be the lag or delay in typing in the Title and Description fields. It is extremely frustrating. When I am typing now in the forum, the letters and words appear as fast as I type them. In the new form, there is a 1 second or so delay, and words/letters appear in chunks.
The only way I have gotten past this is to type my Title, Descriptions, and alt text in Word and then copy and paste over to the new form.
I think you can also use the forum reply box to type up your info and copy and paste to your listing.
Just make sure you don't hit the Reply box or people will think you're doing a TVP.
@SmudgePlant What's a TVP?
I have thought about typing somewhere else and then pasting it in but I honestly hate these types of solutions. We all pay for Etsy's platform and we need it to work.
Years ago, I bought a very old, used Chevy Cavalier and in the winter, water used to get into the starter and freeze. So it wouldn't start. My uncle was a used car dealer and he said "Just tap the starter it with a hammer" and he showed me where the starter was. So I did, and it started, and I carried a hammer in the car. That's what the cut/paste "solution" seems like to me lol.
I've learned in the forum that a TVP is a "Thinly Veiled Promotion. " (I hope that's right.)
What I've learned is it's better to use a work around than to ask them to fix anything. I think, sometimes, their fixes make things worse.
We used to have a TV that we had to throw a shoe at to get the screen to clear up.
yep, except I'd like to tap whomever created this new form, because having to click and copy and paste is redonculous!!!
I just wish Etsy would not change things that were not broken. The new listing program IS NOT EASIER TO USE, it is hard to follow and makes no sense. I hate it and worry that my old version listings will be negatively affected.
thank you Etsy, I now have no choice but to use the crappy new listing form which takes TWICE as long to fill out. SO That means I will now List half the listings I would have using the old form. ETSY...LISTEN TO YOUR SELLERS!!! Give us back the old listing form, the new one is terrible!
I'm having a problem with the new listing format. I like to go to an existing listing and make a copy/duplicate. Then on the copy/edit information about a new item. I change the title, photos, description, tags, but all the other information stays the same. When I try to do this on the new listing format I can do the title and photos. Then it gets stuck. I don't know how to move forward to do the description, etc. Nothing goes up or down, I can't see the upcoming paragraphs, I can't go backwards. I'm just STUCK. Then I close the listing because I can't do anything. How do I work this out?
@JanetsCrafts Are you pulling up the listing to be copied directly from your shop? If so, this might be the issue. Or, are you pulling it up from you Listing Tab in the Shop Manager. If so, this may be the same problem I've been experiencing and should be reported. Here's a survey link which Etsy is currently paying attention to while working no the tool. It may help to fill this out? https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7833899/Etsy-Feedback-zez9i9l4zk
This new listing tool is horrible! It takes twice as long to list anything
The photos do not upload in order like the old listing tool- so I have to go and rearrange them
I add a return policy, then I list it and it says you need to add a listing policy
I honestly do not know who designed this thinking it would save time
right, I forgot about having to rearrange my photos, for me selling buttons I need the fronts to match with the next slide of the backs & Etsy just scrambles the photos. And yes it does take at least 2xs as long to list. the old form, just flowed along...now I never know what I am charging for shipping as it hides it in the form
I know next to nothing about programming, computers, etc., but I know when I go to clear cookies, I think it mentions something about the cookies making the website work easier.
I wonder, if the more we use the new form, the easier it will get because we will gain more cookies from Etsy to make it run smoother.
(I'm trying to see the positive in honor of @NancyQstudio .)
@SmudgePlant This is SO nice of you! Thank you. Well, it's NOT working for me again.
It won't matter if history is cleared or systems are updated when the errors are on Etsy's side. This can absolutely help if it's a contributing issue. Unfortunately sometimes users are told this simply because programers can't figure out the problem too.
should not have to clear cookies, and yes there is a learning curve with anything new. BUT THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH THE OLD LISTING FORM!!!!!!!!!!
Newest Update: It is not working again.
I was so happy the new listing tool started working for me last night. I was able to publish some new listings with it. I actually like it.....When it works. But, it's useless when it doesn't. Today I'm unable to utilize the tool from my Shop Manager Listings area or directly from my shop. I get error codes and the only options I have is to stay on the page without allowing to save or leave the page.
to NancyQstudio-I'm going to shop manager-listings-sections-a similar listing. I'll try it from My Shop and see what happens.
@JanetsCrafts I hope it helps. Unfortunately it sounds like we are having the same problem.
Please send Etsy an update about your status? They really need to know that the form is not usable for many of us and figure out how to fix it.
NancyQstudio - I can't get it to work the way you said, by going through my Shop. It still won't let me go past the photos, and they keep changing positions.
@JanetsCrafts I'm sorry to hear that it's not working for you either.
@NancyQstudio May I ask if you got new listing form working for you? Whenever I try to renew listing, I get red banner Hm, we’re having trouble saving your changes. Try again, and if this keeps happening contact Etsy Support Tried two listings and had to switch to old form and lose all the changes. Will contacting Support do any good? Anybody had this error and had it resolved by Support? Thank you.
Like @SeaFaeCrafts said, there is no button to save changes. Did Etsy forget to install Save button??
@irmaKdesigns Unfortunately it's only worked twice for me during brief amount of times. Then it stops allowing me to save anything. It's very frustrating.
Honestly, I am ready to throw a shoe at this new & improved form.