Hi everyone,
I recently created an Etsy account, paid the $15 setup fee, and set up my shop. However, in the payment settings, I see "Enroll in Etsy Payments." When I click "Enroll now," it automatically says, "Your bank information has been saved."
But when I click "Continue and save," I get this error:
"Please fix the errors on these fields."
If I try to go "Back to Payment Settings," it again shows:
"Continue enrolling / Exit without saving."
I'm stuck in this loop and can't proceed. Has anyone faced this issue before? Is my shop fully verified and active for selling, or do I need to take any further action?
Thanks in advance for any help
Your shop looks like you have Etsy Payments set up already. Have you verified via Plaid? (I'm not sure how that bit works - I just know that US sellers have to complete that step) Check your email inbox (not messages) to see if Etsy sent you instructions or a confirmation.
@CraftWithCareShop Have you checked your email? It does sound odd this would happen. Read this article and see if you missed something.