Issue with Etsy Payments Enrollment – Stuck in a Loop

Hi everyone,

I recently created an Etsy account, paid the $15 setup fee, and set up my shop. However, in the payment settings, I see "Enroll in Etsy Payments." When I click "Enroll now," it automatically says, "Your bank information has been saved."

But when I click "Continue and save," I get this error:
"Please fix the errors on these fields."

If I try to go "Back to Payment Settings," it again shows:
"Continue enrolling / Exit without saving."

I'm stuck in this loop and can't proceed. Has anyone faced this issue before? Is my shop fully verified and active for selling, or do I need to take any further action?

Thanks in advance for any help

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Re: Issue with Etsy Payments Enrollment – Stuck in a Loop

Your shop looks like you have Etsy Payments set up already. Have you verified via Plaid? (I'm not sure how that bit works - I just know that US sellers have to complete that step) Check your email inbox (not messages) to see if Etsy sent you instructions or a confirmation.

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Re: Issue with Etsy Payments Enrollment – Stuck in a Loop

@CraftWithCareShop  Have you checked your email? It does sound odd this would happen.   Read this article and see if you missed something.


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