I can only see the first 2 lines fully, the third is sliced in half and there's no 'read more' to click. It's the same with any shop I view while on both Chrome and Edge.
They've done it again. Messed something up on a friday and left for the weekend. Classic etsy.
UPDATE on workaround: After I copied (shop manager > settings > appearance) and moved my announcement to the bottom in my "About" section, I went back to the shortened 2 liner at top and made sure to say that you need to scroll down to the About section for important information!
Yes, cut off with no option to see more.
Also, this "Buyer highlights, summarized by AI" on the listing pages. "Fast shipping" for a digital item? You bet.
@Natalya1905 - I am not seeing what you mentioned, so far, so probably a test? But if they have in their heads to replace our descriptions or our announcements with AI, that will be the last straw for me.
Someone needs to embroider a nice pillow for the Etsy headquarters.
One that says ....
Any Job Worth Doing Is Worth Doing Well
@timelapse I checked several listing pages, yours and mine. It's possible they only add this section to the listings with a history of sales and reviews. Don't see it on your pages (vintage, so you only have 1 in stock?) Same for my new listings with no reviews.
@OneEyeCatStudio - really. Except they would probably interpret it as a compliment on their work, not the way it was meant!!
@Natalya1905 - yep. Even my handcrafted pieces are OOAK so that may be it. Another way to mess with sellers with OOAK!
@OneEyeCatStudio I'm feeling a new "trendy coquette aesthetic quote" design is going in thousands to POD shirts and mugs right now. They owe you.
Yes and you cannot even expand it
workaround: There are several ways to copy & move it mentioned in thread.....
Yep. Tested Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Cut off on all of them.
@TheVintagePineapple Just wanted to add something. When I Signed In yesterday, I knew Etsy was piddling with something. Before Signing In, the Home Page layout was different (something about selected Categories at the top; totally different layout). When I put in my User Name/Password, I got the stupid Captcha Pop Up (haven't received it in a while. I always use the same desktop computer, Chrome, etc.). I did not go thru the Captcha photos; instead I did Ctrl + F5 (Hard Refresh). But it took 3 tries, and finally I was in.
Once in, the text in the Left Column of the Shop Manager was smaller (you've mentioned this before, and I swear, I've thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, which they often do). But the text was smaller yesterday; today it is larger.
Then you have some saying the number next to "Orders" was Red. Today another Seller said that number reverted to Gray.
So I am convinced this chopping off of the Shop Announcement is all part of frick and frackin' around. And to repeat what I said before, there are much more important things which really do need fixing. To cut off the Shop Announcement is not one of them, but I wouldn't be surprised if this was permanent. I hope not though. It's a good idea to direct Buyers down the page and into the About Page for the information which was chopped off, but we shouldn't have to come across things accidentally, and figure how to do workarounds.
@ChillwolfArt - I don't think they realize we can come up with workarounds. I think they believe we will just accept their fiddling around and changes. We usually know out way around the site pretty darn well ; )
Something else that's different which I just noticed today - when you're looking at a listing, and scroll to the bottom where it says "More from this shop", to the far right of the five additional items from the shop, is a little blurb that says "browse by section" that has a few sections listed from that shop. Or maybe that's always been there, and I never noticed it???
@EphemeralExpressions - I see that in your shop & in mine.
@EphemeralExpressions That's been there for a while. I started seeing it several months ago. Maybe it was a slow rollout.
@GielDesigns Thanks for the clarification. I haven't done any serious shopping here since Christmas, and didn't notice it then.
@EphemeralExpressions: Have never noticed that before either. What a great feature along with adding the "More about this shop" section that it is part of it right below the listing so customers can easily see many other items sold in your shop instead of seeing a whole bunch of listings there for competitors' shops.
I don't have a shop announcement right now, but I looked at your front page - you are right - no way to scroll down and read more. Not helpful.
Mine is cut off too
From the sublime to the ridiculous….yet another screw up. Good grief…the number of constant errors and changes have reached critical mass! My head’s going to explode,
@ChillwolfArt The gray dot next to orders on my shop manager turned back to red and now it is back to gray. I'm getting whiplash!
in Firefox ist der Fehler auch und seit 2 Tagen ist das Dashboard kleiner als sonst. Also so zusammen gestaucht. Sieht so aus als wollen sie etwas neues dort einfügen.
Achso und die Zahlen sind mal wieder mies, wie so oft wenn Etsy rumfummelt. Bzw am System arbeitet. (oder was auch immer die da machen )
I'm still seeing the same glitch. You'd think a day later and it would be fixed but then with Etsy maybe not.