Hi Everyone!
Just posting this here in case you haven't read the my items are not showing up for customers in my store on the app posts.
There is a glitch on the app that from reading posts has been going on for around 2 weeks or so where people are unable to see your listings in the app when they visit your shop. It is worth checking out and then letting Etsy know if it is happening with your shop.
Good luck and happy selling!
@DaysofYoreTreasures thanks so much for that information and the link! I wonder if this is a newer bug that is happening because it sems to still be happening to some people. By the way are you the Days of Yore that was in St. Joseph MI USA many moons ago?
@TCCreatesNow You're welcome. I just hope we can get to the bottom of this.
No, it wasn't me in St. Joseph. I am down under in Australia.
@DaysofYoreTreasures Good to know, there was a great shop there that had many fun treasures and it had the same name so I just had to check! Thank you for responding.
I'm curious as to whether this is a shop specific problem, device specific or item specific.
My shop sells one of a kinds and I have lots of customers that check my shop regularly or even daily to see the new items. That's when most of my sales happen. If they cannot see everything, it would explain why I'm not experiencing the list it, and it sells right away kind of business I'm used to. Sure wish this could be resolved, or even figured out.
@BrokenGhostClothing me too. Maybe everyone can post what they are using, browser, app etc. and what issue they are seeing?
I contacted support. He basically said it’s because the items are sorted by relevance (as if I chose that option) but if I choose to sort by custom or any other option they all show. I said wait, that’s not ok who is going to do that. He said that’s how it works nothing to see here.
Nice to know we pay listing fees for listings that may not be seen
Can someone explain why it would be beneficial to the customer, etsy or the sellers to have items hidden?
I wonder if this is why my traffic from the app and direct traffic are down.
@jerseymaid That makes no sense whatsoever. Even if items are sorted by Relevance, why not show them all? And why does whether you see all a shop's items or not (without sorting) vary from shop to shop? Or maybe from user to user?
Good point Moonstruck. I've looked at my own shop and have seen all the items but for others, I can't.
@BrokenGhostClothing I can see all your 105 items (without sorting) -- but that doesn't necessarily mean that everyone can.
Thanks Moonstruck
I just checked yours and it only shows 24 items. When I click on barware, it says nothing there, and in china/dinnerware and christmas, just one item comes up. No items found under figurines. Do you ship all your items to Canada?, because that might explain why I cannot see some.
There's no way that can be intentional.
I checked both your shops in the app, as well as incognito on phone and laptop, both shops are fine for me. It could be a test but maybe deleting and re-installing the app would help?
Very strange because I cannot see all of Moonstruck's items (just 24) of them but I can see all of mine.
@BrokenGhostClothing Yeah, something is definitely screwed up. Thanks so much for checking!
PS: Good thought on whether I ship to Canada -- I do on some of my smaller items, and it's on my to-do list to add more -- but @SweaterZoo is in the US and can only see 24 of my items.
@BriarMoonBeads Interesting that you can see all my items when others cannot. Thanks for checking! I will try reinstalling the app later tonight.
@jerseymaid Woah! They actually said that? Crazy! You are right that isn't okay.
@BriarMoonBeads Okay, I just uninstalled and reinstalled the app, and guess what? The issue seems to be fixed! Thanks for suggesting that! But how would anyone know to do that -- especially people who are buyers only? They will just see a certain number of items displayed, think that's it, and move on. So the issue seems to be fixed for me, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't still exist.
I just checked and you're only showing 24 items and most of your categories are empty
@BrokenGhostClothing Oh crap lol. So the issue is only fixed for me, not for others. Actually, it may only be fixed for me when I look at my shop. I'll check other shops when I have more time. This is crazy. Thanks for checking!
@MoonstruckCottage That's great to know! It would be great if Etsy would send out an email about that.
I checked your shop and I can see 24 items and if I click categories I see one or two in each. It could be because I’m in uk? I used to be able to see items from every country but maybe not anymore
@MoonstruckCottage it might only be fixed for you because you re-installed the app. It's quite likely that's the only solution; apps glitch all the time; who knows what we miss out on! (as buyers and sellers)
@Rubycrazycrystals Three of my friends can only see 24 items, and they are located in the US. Thanks for taking a look!
@MoonstruckCottage @BrokenGhostClothing @TCCreatesNow @BriarMoonBeads
The problem only happens with a Relevance sort which is the default sort for Etsy search.
Since Oct 1, Etsy search is prioritising US shops with domestic shipping of $5.99 or less.
@MoonstruckCottage Do you have some items with $5.99 or less shipping and some with higher shipping? Could the 24 be those with the lowest shipping?