I'm in the UK and have noticed the Etsy search bar is not working atm. Also the shop searches are not working. Anyone else having this problem? I just get the "Uh-oh! A stitch has gone awry" message.
UK seller here, I am having the same issues with search and my activity feed has not updated for a couple of hours either
I'm in Australia, not working here either
Not working in Australia either. Thought it was just me, glad it's not. Reporting it now. Cheers.
Was just about to say the same, Search within shops not working either! Hopefully Etsy will sort this asap or we'll be quiet!
Hi @StarprintStickersEtc at least they should have some eagerness to get this sorted - no sales, no profit for Etsy!
Obviously there trying another new test and broke the search instead, hopefully it doesn't last long, sales are already abysmal with there current review test
I reported to etsy support, but they did not tell me the reason and told me they will contact me by email.
It would appear that they were tweaking the code for search and it got broken
Yes I have the same thing happening to 10.46 am
I am in Australia too and not working.
I just noticed it. The search is down.
I’m in the UK. Its not working for me either.
@ImperfectlybyLinnie it was pretty frustrating eh, I did say lots of others in the forum having the same issue and it wasn't my device and repeat, repeat, but at least they eventually said they would report it to tech dept.
same here @OwlAlwaysKnit she kept saying we will email you and I kept saying don't email me, report it, does someone know about it, is someone going to fix it, it's happening in every country. aaaarrrrgggghhhh lol.
Can someone teach me how to use the forum? How can it help my shop?
In the US - still not working here.
Hello all, thank you very much for your reports so far. We're aware of an issue affecting search, and we're working on a resolution. You can see our update on EtsyStatus here: https://twitter.com/etsystatus/status/1582298622091489281
I am in the Uk and my shop doesn't come up when you type it into the search bar either. There is some tiny writing on the top of the searches directing to my shop but it is very annoying and very easy to miss. What's the point in being on Etsy if your shop doesn't even come up in a search!!!!!