Has anyone joined this prototype to allow Etsy to optimize your listings for you? I was just wondering what everyones thought was on this and did it increase your sales? My fear is allowing this and my sales tank so looking to hear from other sellers who did sign up. Thanks so much!
There's a very long thread about it:
So for some reason I don't have access to this thread. I was looking to hear from actual sellers who have done this and if it actually helped their shop. I'm not looking for Etsy's opinion on it and I'm also not looking for messages from scammers trying to sell me their "optimizing skills" (yes this has happened since I asked this question).
If you are signed in to Etsy and the forum and only have access to announcements and technical issues, follow the solution offered by the mod in this thread. Etsy changed forum access on March 26th and some sellers lost access.
I do remember something about it last month. With all the wrong things that Etsy seem to be doing right now for us straight and narrow sellers I dont think I will participate with my vintage store. Theres a lot of help from great people here that are sellers here so I read their posts.
I absolutely would never in a bazillion years.
Yea that’s what I’m thinking. I feel like it would mess everything up and I would get less sales.
Yeah, i don't think i will let them and risk loosing my sales. I think for stores that are not getting many sales- they have nothing to loose and should try it.
Will you be charged for letting them do off site ads?
This isn't for them to do off site ads for you, it is to help your title have better search engine optimization. Someone would have to buy your item after seeing an ad for it, for you to be charged.
Did anyone who participated in this see any results from it? We were told:
"By joining this program, you’ll also get special early access to recommendations on how to improve your listing titles so they perform better in search and ads results."
I participated, but didn't get anything. Did anyone else get something?
No, not a word. I was never sure they accepted me to begin with.