Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

There is not one search term/result out of advertising like no keywords are used to result in clicks which are obviously happening, but I get zero data from it. Why are we paying ads if we can`t get keywords that lead to sales?
I can see people complain about other issues, but I didn`t see someone mentioning this. 

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29 Replies
Community Maker

Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

Etsy ads only work well if your SEO is good.

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Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

That was not the question. The question was if you have results from ads in the form of keywords. I had it two days ago, and now they are gone.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

Well, I have one thing to say, I was up in sales every year since I started on Etsy, and then came this AD fee, and now forced return policy.. and now I am down 65% in revenue.. Today I get the largest sale in weeks and what does Etsy do? hack away another 12% as I already suffer no sales in weeks.. way to to go Etsy, kill your base, people like me that have grown year after year and are now hurting thanks to these changes & policy to make them look good on social crap media. I did great for 5 YEARS with no ads, and now I'm paying for someone else's profits... I am very angry now at Etsy.... so went Ebay, now goes Etsy, they all get greedy IMO.... Ebay is now loosing 1/4 after 1/4.. watch what happens here now too. GREED!!! 

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Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

In this case, you paid for ads that Etsy pushes on Google. If you didn`t turn it off, it would happen again, and that sale came from Google ads. You can opt out if your sales are below a certain amount (I don`t want to give you the wrong information). You should check it out. 

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Conversation Maker

Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

Since she was charged 12%, sadly she can't opt out as you suggested. I can't opt out either so I feel her pain!

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Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

I have the same problem, the "Searches that led to this ad" show zero keywords. I will turn ads off until Etsy fix it.

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Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

I was thinking that I’m the only one with this problem.

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Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

@MonarchJewelryNo1: Are you referring to the "Searches that led to this ad" dropdown? If we click on it we get the keywords breakdown.

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Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

I know that, but there are no keywords, even though I don`t turn off ads for several listings for a year. It is not my SEO or something else because I know that part well. Keywords are deleted or hidden from me for every listing advertised. 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

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Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

Is there already a fix? Contacted etsy 5 times already only thing i get is a general anwser and no fix

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Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

@DynjoDesigns if you contact Etsy and get the canned response, scroll down and click that you need more help. Don't keep starting new 'help' requests or you will just go back into the queue and start from scratch again.

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Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised



This issue still seems to persist on our Etsy Ads, has anyone been able to resolve this? 


I have seen the Etsy Ads show the Search Terms within the last few weeks but now isn't showing the data, even though the Etsy Ads are still charging.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

same here. i started seeing them for a few weeks and now they're gone AGAIN.

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Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

I was just talking to someone who closed the chat without any valid answer to my problem: the help teams are very bad

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Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised


I am having the same problem. I have a small shop, few sales and I spent a lot of money in a month to get at least the return of the keywords - I was seeing them, I knew they were there, but I never made a printscreen... Yesterday I wanted to make new listings with those keywords and they disappeared. I contacted the help center and they didn't solve the issue, right now I'm waiting for someone to contact me. I'm tired of Etsy and quite frankly I foresee closing my shop: I invest too much time and energy here to get no return

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Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

The reaction i got from etsy: we cant see the problem. Reset your cache, try a different browser they said. But its on all devices for me. My shop is just bugged or my ip 

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Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

It is the same with me. 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

Same issue here.


The problem appeared a couple of weeks ago after a change to advertising, was reported and was subsequently reversed out by Etsy.


In the change to advertising 'look and feel' last weekend, they appear to have re-introduced the error so that search keywords can no longer be viewed.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

To be absolutely specific:


After entering Marketing->Etsy Ads, a change was made last weekend to consolidate the 'Ad Budget/Stats Overview' page and the 'Manage Individual Listings' page into a single page.


The 'detailed stats' section, that used to list the traffic against keyword(s) now simply shows 0 against every single listing, no matter what time-frame is selected. This used to show the number of searches for the past 7 days. Because the stats are now 0, we cannot enter this section to see the keyword breakdown.


I'm not particularly interested in the 'does advertising work or doesn't it' conversation, suffice to say, that for some it will help and others, it won't. However, with the ability to 'target' our advertising based on monthly and seasonal cycles, the re-introduction of th9is bug effectively renders advertising completely useless.


As I said last time Etsy 'rolled out' this bug, we will be significantly reducing, if not completely cancelling, our advertising budget in our shops until this is fixed. 


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Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

This could well be related to a change announced in How We're Helping Etsy Sellers Grow in 2023. 
Giving you more insights into your ads: This year we’ll be bringing you even more insights into how your ads are working for you, so you can better understand what shoppers are searching for, and make smarter decisions about how to use your marketing budget to expand your reach.

They have provided a feedback link at the end of the article:
Share your feedback on our plans for 2023 by taking this quick survey.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

Thanks for the link.

The "bug" (and it IS a bug) that they have re-introduced does exactly the opposite of the stated intention in that article.


It provides a great deal less insight into how our ads are working for us, and by less, I mean NONE.


We now can't see what shopper are searching for, where previously we could.


We now can't make smart decisions about how to use our marketing budget to expand our reach.


I have reached out to Etsy again on this and now get a standard 'Update browser version' and 'clear cache' reply, i.e. completely useless. I would rather have waited for an informed response.


As I mentioned, our only viable course of action is to reduce our advertising budget significantly and focus our efforts on other ways to reach customers, rather than through Etsy.

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Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Etsy ads - search results 0 for every item advertised

Thanks for the email link

I have been in conversation with Etsy for the past 3-4 days about the issue.


Unfortunately, the person I spoke to 3-4 weeks ago about this same issue when it occurred then (again, over a weekend) does not seem to be available. They seemed to know their stuff, or at least was willing to look into the issue, since the issue was fixed with 2 days.


The people I have been speaking to this time are just moving from one 'canned' response to another. If I didn't know better (and I probably don't :)), I'd say Etsy were experimenting with AI chatbots. The responses are all polite enough with well structured grammar, but the respondents show no detailed knowledge of Etsy operation and do not seem to be able to recognise or interpret the supporting information I have been sending them. Instead, they just spout a series of prescribed responses.


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