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I'm signed in as a seller. And I still can't access forum. 

Inspiration Seeker

Re: Cannot see or access any forums

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Hello, I need my permissions fixed as well, please and thank you!

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Re: Cannot see or access any forums

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Can you please fix mine as well? Thx.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Cannot see or access any forums

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I'm also unable to access the full range of resources and forums - would appreciate a fix as well!!

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Cannot see or access any forums

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I also cannot access any seller forums. I am needing to research some issues and threads came up on Google search but I can't access anything. Have logged in and out multiple times and nothing changes.

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Re: Cannot see or access any forums

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I’m having the same problem, can you please fix for me as well?

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Cannot see or access any forums

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Hi, I'm also having the same issue here. Would appreciate the help too. Thank you so much!

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Re: Cant access seller's forum!! Etsy devs - fix it please!

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Thanks everyone for the reports! During the implementation of our new process - requiring log in to view most posts in Etsy Forums to help protect user privacy - we know that some of you experienced access issues. We believe we’ve fixed most of these issues as of today, and we apologize for any frustration this may have caused. Please refresh your login and you should be able to access all forums if you’re an Etsy seller — click here, and we’ll log you back in automatically.

If, after trying to log back in, you are still having trouble accessing all forums, please reach out to us directly via community [at] so we can investigate further. Many thanks again!

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