Not possible to pay the right shipping costs

Never mind, it worked the 4th time!



Living in France, it seems impossible to purchase a gift for a friend in the US.
I set the postal code for Tennessee and it says the shipping costs are 8 dollar something. I click the purchase button, get directed to PP, change the address to the recipients address in the US, click the PP payment button, get re-directed to Etsy, set the address to my friend's address in TN, and have to pay 28 dollar something for delivery in France.
I've tried 3 times, simply can't make the purchase unless I pay 28 dollar delivery costs.

Anyone a suggestion? 
Thank you in advance.

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3 Replies
Community Maker

Re: Not possible to pay the right shipping costs

can you set the address on Etsy BEFORE clicking on the PayPal button?

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Community Maker

Re: Not possible to pay the right shipping costs

I would guess that it really costs that much to internationally ship.  Which is one reason I quit shipping internationally, it is simply not feasible for a lot of sellers anymore.  Unless I am not understanding... where is the seller located?

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Re: Not possible to pay the right shipping costs

@BloemLinen  - There are the more recent restrictions France put in place - buyers living in France cannot make more expensive on-line purchases from shops that are not located in France. (Sorry, I don't remember the $$ amount)

I am assuming the shop you are trying to purchase from is also in the US & that is why you are checking the shipping cost you would be paying.
While it might be okay for you to do this, if you are trying to make the purchase while you are viewing with your settings set to the US, Etsy &/or PayPal may think something nefarious is going on.


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