Whenever I click on my cart, I receive the error message: "Uh oh! A stitch has gone awry. Please try again later."
This issue has been occurring for several hours.
Try closing out of Etsy and coming back in. Use a different browser. Clean out cache and cookies.
I’ve tried all of this. Nothing working. Another ideas
It is happening to me too. I scanned and cleaned my computer and rebooted -but it still would not work. Just ""Uh oh! A stitch has gone awry. Please try again later." I'm not switching browsers though... Etsy should work properly on all browsers. I was able to check out on my phone.
This happened last week too - thought I had too many items in my cart so I deleted a bunch using my phone. That seemed to help. It didn't work today though. Currently 60 items in my cart and it won't open.
I'm having this problem as a buyer - but as a seller I wonder how many sales I'm losing because customers cannot access their cart.
Were you able to figure out how to make it work. Surprisingly mine has exactly the same message and I have 60 items in my cart as well. Would love to know how you resolved this. Thanks for any help you can provide.
I am a brand new Etsy seller newbie. I am flabbergasted that you have 60 items in your cart!!! Please tell me what you do with all of those lovely products. My shopping cart won't work tonight with only one product.
Gail Munzing
Chrome is not working well with Etsy, as some Forum threads report. I use the Edge browser with no problems at all on my Samsung phone and my tablet. I suggest you try a compatible browser and pay for a few items at a time.
Hi. I'm having the issues.
Whenever I click on my cart, I receive the error message: "Uh oh! A stitch has gone awry. Please try again later."
This issue has been occurring for several hours.
Same here on Safari, Chrome and Firefox. For me, this has been occurring for the last 3-4 days.
I have just had a customer contact me with this issue as well, she can't add her item to her cart at all.
Been having this issue for at least a week now. I can add things to my cart, and I can access my cart in the mobile app, but on desktop I get the same error message every time.
Having this issue too. Tried changing browsers, clearing history, restarting computer, trying a different device, etc.
Same issue here. No matter what I do. Guess that's why I also am not receiving any orders since I can't order for myself!
I started a thread on this a week or so ago, also referencing two other threads that cited the issue, but I'm not sure that anyone at Etsy is paying attention. Here's my previous thread:
Perhaps @cindylouwho2 might have some insight?
@NobleEstates unfortunately, no. But I will give you a bump.
I've only seen a few reports of this, so it does not appear to be a widespread issue. It will therefore be difficult to get Etsy to do anything about it.
Thank you @cindylouwho2. Even though it doesn't appear to be a "big" issue, I'm hopeful it will get resolved soon. The person who brought it to my attention (as I mentioned in the thread I started a week or so ago) finally gave up and shopped elsewhere, and I'm afraid other people are doing the same. Ugh.
Same with me today. Tried signing out and back in, tried another browser and another device, still getting the same error message. Chatting with Etsy now, no solution yet.
I was able to find a solution to this problem. Once I had reached the "free shipping" amount with a particular seller. I wouldn't be able to access my cart on the computer, although I could on my iphone. It wasn't a problem with all sellers, but one seller in particular, which leads me to believe, if it happens with one, it could happen with others. I tried adjusting the number of items, and amounts, and it never failed...as soon as I would go over that amount, the cart problem would occur. I was able to check out on my iphone, and add stuff from my computer...I just couldn't check out from the computer at that pont.
I am also having the same issue! Tried a different browser, tried the browser on my phone, restarted my computer, cleared my history and it's still giving me the same exact error.I was placing a supply order yesterday and everything was working fine when then all of the sudden it gave me this error and has been giving me it ever since. I can access my cart through the app on my phone but nothing else. Definitely want to hear if anyone can find the solution.
Just adding a me too....... Firefox and Chrome
4 days now, having the same issue. Cant get into my cart through the app or through any browser. I really need my orders. Any new solutions to this problem?
I tried to start a thread in the technical issues section but got smacked down for having multiple threads on the same issue. So no idea if they're doing anything about this (or even aware of the issue), but they were certainly quick to take my other thread down trying to see if the problem is "known" and being addressed.
I had over 70 items in my cart. Was able to delete them down to below 60 (hover over cart item, click X next to items to delete). Refresh browser and it started working
I only have 20 items in my cart.