So it has been going on since Monday and I think we deserve some answers after this many days since the pinned thread has not a single update.

Any tracking manually entered or entered through a third party shipping service is only showing Pre-Transit.  I am currently up to over 75 now.

This is effecting star seller status.  Will this be addressed?

Do I have to contact Etsy support and give every single one of the over 75 order numbers to get this fixed or will the fix when it is implemented update all the tracking numbers?

It won't be long until my customers start to contact me asking what is going on with their packages and it's not a good look for my shop, or Etsy

Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I tried chat and while they can't ignore you, they don't necessarily have the correct information. I was told that they can't correct the problem but they seem to correct it for others. I guess your quality of customer service depends on who is "helping" you and if they have a real understanding of the problem.


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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I think they (chat agents) may have been told to stop fixing the tracking themselves. Those sellers who chatted early were helped, whereas those who chat now are being told to wait for an email. At least by chatting, I have acknowledgement of the problem, and a ticket number. That's something.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I'm curious, @HallelujahTree  said in the UK it's happening with DHL. Is this happening on Etsy with all carriers in the US or just USPS? 

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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Pretty sure I read that is was affecting Fedex in the US in one of the forum posts.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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@fabricfetish - Thank you. I had an order that had two packages in it, 1 USPS and 1 UPS. It was showing pre-transit for a bit then finally updated. All the other packages I shipped out that day were fine but they were all UPS. I was wondering if the UPS tracking number "kicked on" and forced the update but probably not.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I just chatted to report the issue. I only had 2 orders that were affected. The rep did manually fix the orders, but I had to supply 4 pieces of information to verify I was the account owner. It took about 15 minutes all told. Sorry to hear that others are being put off and told to wait for an email.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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so 15 minutes times 60 plus for me, but they said they were told not to do update the tracking while they investigate

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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@PrettyVagrant I went thru this morning and pasted all my pre-transit order #'s that are showing delivered into 1 document and then ask support to update them by pasting the list into the chat window.  I had 20 of them and it took me about 30 minutes from start to finish.  I didn't bother with the 100 plus that are not delivered as per what someone said here in the forums support will only change them if they show delivered.  I know they said to wait but I got a little freaked out when 2 shops said they were put on Reserve yesterday because if this.  So I am hoping this will keep the percent high enough over the weekend that it will not trigger anything.  Praying this get fixed asap. 


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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I have several packages that shipped yesterday and they are all showing pre-transit except 1.  When I click on the tracking number in the order, it shows the multiple tracking events that have already occurred. I can’t help but wonder if this is some sort of issue with the api keys between Etsy and USPS, especially since I had to reconnect Pirateship with Etsy a few days ago and I’ve seen it posted that they’re revoking api keys for other applications.  

At this point I’m not even wasting my time trying to get support to fix this for me manually.  I’m taking an indefinite break from Etsy at the end of March anyway so I am not concerned with Star Seller, not that having had it since inception has ever provided my shop any tangible benefits. 

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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 I can’t help but wonder if this is some sort of issue with the api keys...

I do know they are disconnecting the API keys to Karencheck and Etsycheck very soon, so it's possible that tinkering with those effed up all sorts of other things.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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It is interesting that you say you had to reconnect PS to Etsy - I had to do that last week too and had forgotten about it. Perhaps that is connected to the problem.

I don't know that SS has had any positive effect for my shop either, it was nice to have the chat box but since it doesn't work (and has now disappeared) perhaps jumping thru hoops to keep it is a waste of energy...

A break does sound nice to me as well

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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@CloversFinds I think API keys do expire on a regular basis and I saw a lot of people in the last couple weeks that did have to reconnect their PS with Etsy.  Since the API keys are what allows the sites to integrate and share information, I'm guessing that Etsy must also have API keys with USPS sites as well.  I'm not a techy person at all but I'd think that different keys have different functions and permissions so I thought maybe there is something wrong there.  I don't know...I'm just spitballing here and if it were something that simple, you'd think they'd have managed to fix it by now.  

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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Today I am no longer getting the red message on PS.

Yesterday, most, but not all orders are updating to pre transit.  All 66 or so others are still stuck in the pre transit dating back to Feb 28th.  There is no way I have the time to spend a couple of hours gathering and sending all the order numbers and tracking numbers to Etsy for them to manually fix.  They need to fix them ALL and also PUT MY STAR SELLER STATUS BACK.  I am now at 88%.  This is NONE OF OUR FAULTS.  Funds should not be held and star status should not be affected. 

I hope customers are not seeing the pre transit status on their end.  If so, it makes us all look bad


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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I’m now telling customers to check tracking through USPS site and not through Etsy to get the correct info.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I'm actually afraid to get any sales at all right now.

First the instant refund debacle; now this error, which results/might result in the impossibility of maintaing the required shop status (Star Seller), all because of their faulty programming.

I'd rather lose it for reasons that were my fault, not over someone else's incompetence. Geez, can't they afford to hire people who actually know what they're doing???

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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And isn't that a d--n shame.  Glitches are compounding with no fix, and yet fiddling around behind the scenes is going on without resolving current problems.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I’m afraid of new orders, too (I’ve also had “pre-transit” issues). Etsy needs to suspend both star seller and payment reserves until they can fix the tracking problem and consequent reserves. We shouldn’t have to chase them down to correct their errors on our stats and reverse improperly imposed payment reserves. If Etsy can’t maintain their programs’ infrastructure, they should just give it up already. It’s obvious that this “gem” of an idea Is. Not. Working. But since this doesn’t affect their bottom line, I doubt a fix will be forthcoming - at least not anytime soon.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I posted this in another thread but if a package is delivered and it still says "pre-transit" in Etsy system, can a not-so-honest buyer get a refund for "non-delivery"? Just thinking out loud here...

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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While I don't know for sure, my personal opinion is that it could vary from case to case, but more important is that on Etsy anything is possible.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I currently have 48 packages showing as pre-transit, and my SS percentage is down to 81% when it's always 100%. I don't really care about SS, but I am concerned about customers thinking I haven't taken their package to the post office, when they've all been taken and scanned and are are on their way or already delivered. I am also concerned that a customer could open a case once it's past the estimated delivery date and get an immediate refund because an Etsy bot thinks the package hasn't been delivered. 


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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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If your packages are still in transit, you should try the trick with the tracking number that OP gives in this thread, it seems to work for me so far on one package anyway.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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SAME! I have officially dropped below to 94% and currently not qualifying for star seller for April. I have NEVER sent anything without tracking or late, yet 18 show in pre-transit when EVERY SINGLE ONE is delivered. I clicked on each tracking and via USPS to confirm. I'm really, really annoyed at this point, and very mad I've lost star seller when I've done absolutely nothing wrong.

Also, I contacted Etsy I believe Monday, and gave the person 15 of the order numbers (that was what was showing at the time) and 13/15 I told them were showing as delivered, he took every order number and nothing has been done. He told me I was "added to the claim" but I never got like a ticket number or any information on it to follow up and nothing has changed.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I did ask for a ticket number, and I can tell you what mine says. The chat agent added a note saying that the engineering team is aware of this issue, is working on it, but there's no estimated fix date for it. 

They will work on problems affecting the most sellers first, so sellers continuing to contact them can only help.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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@WildStitchDesignShop   @Adorabilities   Since Monday and there is no updated Announcement re: a fix.  Sellers should not be required to contact Etsy for every bloody incorrect PreTransit.  Through no fault of the Seller.   It's crazy. There are just way too many glitches going on. And yet things are constantly being fiddled with before current glitches are resolved. With all due respect, it makes no sense.

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Re: Admin I would like answers on Pre-Transit issues

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I guess what really bothers me is that people are being handled differently in chat.  Either you fix them for everyone that contacts ETSY through chat or you don't.  It shouldn't depend on who you are chatting with.  It would also save everyone a lot of angst if they just put out an update, like we are still working on it but rest assured, everything will be corrected when they resolve the issue and no one will be negatively impacted from a reserve or Star Seller perspective.  As more time goes by one begins to lose hope that it will be fixed.  

I tried chat a few days ago and was told the the Technical Assistance team would be the best to address this. I was told I don't need to do anything, I just have to wait for their response via e-mail.  I was also told that they would correct my Star Seller shipping score.  

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