I had no idea this was happening until I checked the forums this morning - so please check your shops! It seems to be ok on desktop, but check on mobile devices (not using the Etsy app). On your homepage scroll down to go to the next page of your listings. We have 73 pages of listings. You may find, like us and many others, that pages start skipping. For example: Page 1, 2, 3 (skips 4), 5, (skips 6), 7 (skips 8, 9), 10 (skips 11, 12, 13), 14 (skips 15-18), 19 (skips 20 - 25), 26 (skips 27 - 34) 35 (skips 35 - 46), 47 (skips 48 - 62) and then no more show after this and the numbers start counting down backwards showing "page 85 of 73", "page 97 of 73"...and so on
This means that out of 73 pages only 11 pages or our listings are showing!
I've reported to Etsy support and they are forwarding to Technical Support. How many of you are seeing the same thing in your shops? Remember, check Etsy on mobile - NOT using the Etsy app.
Just me, but I doubt that we'll see a chime in from one of the forums mods about this being passed on... but I'm also okay with them proving me wrong:/ I'm sure it IS a known issue, but I won't hold my breath waiting for them to announce it.
Just me, but I doubt that we'll see a chime in from one of the forums mods about this being passed on,...
I was expecting an announcement in the tech issues section because, if an error, it's definitely a tech thing. Was not expecting a comment from the mods; after all, what are they going to say?
I don't think they even do that anymore, do they? Maybe I just don't look at the tech issues forum often enough? I've seen forum mods mention forwarding raised issues to designated teams.
They do if it's a site-wide identified issue, meaning it is affecting a lot of shops. And there are updates too with progress status and when things are resolved.
And things get escalated if it cuts into sales and, consequently, dollars for Etsy.
Which gives me hope that perhaps it wasn't intentional after all but just another royal FU as we see here all the time.
I may be jaded, but it seems to me that getting things acknowledged as identified sitewide issues is the actual struggle.
100% royal FU, IMO.
... but it seems to me that getting things acknowledged as identified sitewide issues is the actual struggle.
Indeed. So many times these things are just swept under the rug and never acknowledged or fixed.
The fact that so far there hasn't been a post about this from them is what led me into the "intentional" territory.
The few posts from sellers indicating they got acknowledgements via chat make me think the rest of us will have to go that route to get something in writing. They could also be preparing something. The more alarming and widespread the issue, the longer it takes to craft a deliberately vague but optimistic announcement.
All in all, I will be neither renewing nor listing new items, not at this time, and perhaps for a very long time.
My items will be going to my website.
At least there I don't have people constantly trying to stab me in the back.
I chatted with an agent this morning and after explaining the issue on my iPad (but not on my laptop) she checked with her team and then said no known technical bug issues. I shake my head at it all. I do not have the new app on my iPad. I do not use my phone or iPad for my business.
Thanks for posting! Same issue for me as well. Nearly 30 items not showing. I hope this is fixed for all of us soon!
Wow! Hope this gets resolved soon!
OMG, it is horrible. I can't even navigate my shop. I click forward a page and it jumps pages. I click BACK a page and it jumps FORWARD to non-existing pages. (on mobile browser)
I just got done with chat, they said engineering is aware of it and working on it.
thank you for noticing it.
I only have 3 pages and it doesn't show 15 products on a total of 87 that i have. alo same problem when you go back.
that's crazy, going to contact Etsy support.
I came to the forum to see what's going on - I'm having the same issue.
I have a total of 69 items missing from my shop via mobile website (not the app). I did a side by side comparison to my desk top feed. They cram more listings per page via the mobile website compared to the desktop but they are skipping a number of listings, scattered throughout the pages. And, like others, I'm seeing the page skip from 3 to 5 and won't return you to the previous page.
I've contacted the AI chat. Whatever answered my chat assures me that this has been forwarded to the technical department for fixing.
Same thing! 49 listings missing. Had family also search our shop as if they are buying and same thing. Our top selling item doesn't exist anywhere either. For weeks we could not understand why everything just stopped. No favorites, no messages, no sales. One of our newest listings is nowhere to be found with our top seller item. When we chatted with support, they said Uninstall..then reinstall app..I tried explaining, how on earth will customers know to do this. They don't know our top selling items are missing. People can't buy what they don't see..We pay to list, we pay for ads and 49 items gone..I hope this gets fixed sooner than later.
I checked incognito and my shop is missing almost 50% of listings. No jump in pages, but just so many listings gone.
THANK YOU SO MUCH to those who posted here this in first place.
I contacted the tech support, they said this is having priority due to the number of users with the same problem.
Yes, same for me. I have 9 pages in total but only 4 show up when viewing on my phone, the rest have just vanished into thin air! Everything looks as it should when viewing on my laptop
@TheCharmedMaiden same here. Out of 11 pages only 5 pages showing up on Mobile. On Laptop all are showing.
I would encourage everyone who has encountered it to report it to Etsy via chat or phone or whatever. I am having an issue with my Etsy Ads (not all my categories show from the drop-down menu). When I reported the Ad issue to Etsy they told me they prioritize based on the number of people impacted by an issue. So take a minute and report it, the more people who do, the more likely Etsy is to work on resolving it.
I'm having same issue. I have 17 pages listed (all showing on desktop) but only 7 on mobile devices.
Sales are awful and now I know why.
I have contacted support, total waste of time that was, she obviously hadn't even bothered to read my message properly - just got the usual 'sign out and in again', 'install app again' etc . I hadn't even mentioned the app, I'd said an issue with mobile devices. Like hitting your head against a brick wall.
I've posted a message on shop header advising customers of the issue, hopefully some will use desktop instead.
Maybe we should be bombarding the CEO with complaints ? or will that be a waste of time too?
@BedazzledbyDebi "I chatted with an agent this morning and after explaining the issue on my iPad (but not on my laptop) she checked with her team and then said no known technical bug issues."
@WPshoppe "Whatever answered my chat assures me that this has been forwarded to the technical department for fixing."
*Why are people getting two different answers after contacting Support? There is also no public Announcement about this obvious major glitch, which has to be affecting sales.
Legit serious at this point. But does anyone with a TikTok account want to post about this? There’s no way it wouldn’t get the views it deserves. But this needs to be recognized and addressed ASAP. Etsy deserves this PR after the way they’ve handled this. Absolutely appalling on all levels.
Or does anyone know or have a relative who speaks robot? Etsy support seems to be fluent in inadequate response or nonsensical suggestions.
Is it time for etsy support to improve “the best way they know how” when “supporting” us. The verbiage to their replies are comical. It’s like they’re implying they’re useless before actually achieving uselessness.
I'm on desktop and I see all 73 pages in your shop.