I had no idea this was happening until I checked the forums this morning - so please check your shops!  It seems to be ok on desktop, but check on mobile devices (not using the Etsy app).  On your homepage scroll down to go to the next page of your listings.  We have 73 pages of listings.  You may find, like us and many others, that pages start skipping.  For example: Page 1, 2, 3 (skips 4), 5, (skips 6), 7 (skips 8, 9), 10 (skips 11, 12, 13), 14 (skips 15-18), 19 (skips 20 - 25), 26 (skips 27 - 34) 35 (skips 35 - 46), 47 (skips 48 - 62) and then no more show after this and the numbers start counting down backwards showing "page 85 of 73", "page 97 of 73"...and so on


This means that out of 73 pages only 11 pages or our listings are showing!


I've reported to Etsy support and they are forwarding to Technical Support.  How many of you are seeing the same thing in your shops? Remember, check Etsy on mobile - NOT using the Etsy app.

Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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If they check out as a Guest, they are not signed into an app.  That means either a mobile browser where this issue is happening,  or a computer.

How many Guest transactions do you have?

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Where do we go to contact Etsy about the issue?

I don't have the chat option in my dashboard, and going to technical help just refers me back to the forum here.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I reported this early last week Technical Glitch! Etsy should monitor these forums especially "Glitches" because we seem to be suffering them constantly on a daily basis.

Oh gone are the good old days when Etsy worked, not only all the listings available to see but one could see what part of the World was looking. Big sighs!!!!

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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OMG! Thx for posting. This is sickening. Honestly, starting to wonder if Etsy is the place for me anymore. We should get our listing fees back for those missing pages.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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No news from etsy yet, can't someone call out here a person from etsy? I saw someone doing that in other threads.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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We desperately need an announcement by Etsy acknowledging this glitch !

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I think everyone will have to get an individual acknowledgement of known issues by contacting them and going through the usual rigmarole.  So far as I know, they don't post known issues in the technical issues forum anymore.  I know it shouldn't happen that way, and yet...

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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On Chat now. 

Wanting to scream at the responses I'm getting, but can't post here.

I'm tempted to say don't even bother contacting Support.

Ultimately, my concern is being passed onto a "Team", which is all I hoped to accomplish anyways.


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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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You would think, by now, that with the number of sellers who have contacted them about this they would have realised this is a widespread issue, informed all support staff, and stopped patronising sellers with 'update your browser' nonsense. 

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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@PillowDetails I’ve flagged up with an email - for what it’s worth🤷‍ Referred them to look at this thread and make an announcement to acknowledge and update sellers experiencing this.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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The first person I chatted with (May 18) actually looked at her mobile device to see what was going on and the second person I chatted with (May 19) said he was also a Seller on Etsy so it concerned him too. Was supposed to receive a follow up email from both. Never did. The only thing I have as proof is the chat transcripts from both.

Obviously the people we chat with have no pull in the situation. They can only pass it on to the "Technical" team.

I've never wanted to "Speak to the manager" so much in my life.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Wow it's skipping 3 and even 5 pages ahead! Also showing incorrect number of items.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I sent them links to the 3 largest threads in the forums this morning, after they first advised me to uninstall and reinstall the app *eyeroll*

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I was told (after explaining the issue, in what I thought was a clear and concise manner) that they are aware of issue with the NEW SELLER APP, and improvements are planned for the future. (paraphrasing)

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Oh good grief - they really do think we're all idiots

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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It's the new magic app, now you see my listings, now you don't! 

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I have a small shop. But yesterday I added a listing , got charged the .20 listing fee, and it’s STILL not showing up in my shop. 
How does one contact Etsy about this?

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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@PUGHALLVINTAGE  I see 3 adorable pug items that show they were listed (or renewed) yesterday.


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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Thank you for posting about this issue.  I, too, have at least 7 pages missing from my store when using a mobile device and safari browser.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I though this might be intentional, but it still shows as it should on a laptop or desktop, so not so sure about this theory now, as I'm unclear about its details and/or what it is meant to achieve. Will have to think about this further.

But something is going on that we probably wouldn't like if we knew.

So sad that they have taught us to always expect the very worst here.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Well, they did just launch a new app, right?  If I actually thought that was going to go off without a hitch, I'd almost surely be overdosing my Xanax.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Interesting.... it's probably a measure of my faith/regard for Etsy these days in that I assume this is not a glitch, but an experiment. That it's happening only on mobile browser, and not desktops or the app reeks of 'on purpose'.

I'm putting it down to mistrust LOL because I can't really figure out how missing pages would benefit the user experience. Does anyone know if the items on their missing pages are still showing up in search?

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Thank you for saying this; for a moment I thought I might be the only one who thinks it's intentional somehow.

And that's why they aren't replying here, and support are being obstructive in chat.

Another seller posted elsewhere that his items could be found in search, despite the missing pages.

ETA, if indeed intentional, the question now becomes will sellers continue to pay for listings that might never be seen??? Especially if, in case I'm correct about this, the "disappearing" pages change every so often, so we'll never know what's being shown and what isn't?

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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My cats are not showing in my shop but they are showing up in search. However I feel that if Buyers like something from a shop, they want to see what else that shop has to offer. I have decided not to renew anything that puts me over two pages because of this.

I have had Buyers ask if I sold a particular breed and I wondered why they didn't see it in my shop.

Maybe this will be a win for my website.

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