I had no idea this was happening until I checked the forums this morning - so please check your shops!  It seems to be ok on desktop, but check on mobile devices (not using the Etsy app).  On your homepage scroll down to go to the next page of your listings.  We have 73 pages of listings.  You may find, like us and many others, that pages start skipping.  For example: Page 1, 2, 3 (skips 4), 5, (skips 6), 7 (skips 8, 9), 10 (skips 11, 12, 13), 14 (skips 15-18), 19 (skips 20 - 25), 26 (skips 27 - 34) 35 (skips 35 - 46), 47 (skips 48 - 62) and then no more show after this and the numbers start counting down backwards showing "page 85 of 73", "page 97 of 73"...and so on


This means that out of 73 pages only 11 pages or our listings are showing!


I've reported to Etsy support and they are forwarding to Technical Support.  How many of you are seeing the same thing in your shops? Remember, check Etsy on mobile - NOT using the Etsy app.

Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I’m ok on my pc and the app but if I’m in my safari browser the last page jumps from 5 to 7, I only have 6 pages of listings on the mobile. I’m definitely missing a whole page.  

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Yes, and the more pages you have the more you would be missing as the page jumps get larger and larger (jumping 10's of pages at a time).  If these listings aren't visible in our shop, I wonder how or if they are even showing in searches.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Yes. Same exact issue here. It's been going on for days. Almost half of my listings don't show up when using Etsy's website on my phone. Page numbers also have the same glitch. That's why I've stopped listing. I can't see spending money for only half of my store to show up on mobile devices using the website. And yes, my entire store shows up when using my desktop. I've seen the same for other sellers that I have favorited and buy from.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I just went through my pages & like you I only have 5 pages and I am missing  pages 4& 5.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Me too!  I have just five pages.  On page 3, only a few listings are shown, skips page 4 completely and on page 5, you can't go back.  UGHHHH. My sales are also down.

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Conversation Maker

Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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OK on my PC…I have 3 apps on my iPhone..one is an orange block with ETSY in white letters, one is a white block with ETSY in orange letters & says 'sell on Etsy' underneath and the 3rd tis that  newer blue one  with Etsy in white letters and the words 'Etsy seller' underneath.  I'm only being explanatory here because I( don't 'get' the apps differences to begin with.  Anyhow the first one and 2nd one don't even show age numbers  just one loln g continuous scroll of all 227 items - the blue app does has page numbers & it did the exact same thing - went from page 5 to page 7 and I too have 6 pages (on my PC) but I don't think it matters on my example here!

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Just for clarification purposes - 

The orange icon is the Etsy app, mostly for buyers.

The white with orange lettering is the old Sell on Etsy app.

And the blue one is the new Sell on Etsy app.

You should be able to access your dashboard from the white and orange one right now, but the announcement says they're taking it down "as soon as" today.  It will probably be longer than that, but it appears to have already lost some functionality - not that it was ever 100% functional in the first place.  The blue one will be replacing the white one, but I assume the white one won't disappear immediately.  I'm taking digital permanence into account, but I *think* apps are different than websites when it comes to that.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Yes I noticed you can't go back a page too ...


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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Yeah, me too.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Yes, it gets stuck and you can't go back or forward.  How frustrating for buyers too - I'm sure many just give up.

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Conversation Maker

Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I think this is why sandbox testing of any coding is recommended practice...  **sigh**

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Tried it. It skips over four of my pages. I will contact etsy support tomorrow. Thank you for noticing it!

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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You're welcome!  I wish more sellers could become aware of this.


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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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The more pages you have in your shop, the further forward it jumps each time you click on a page.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Missing a page for sure.  And cannot go back to any other page.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Many people already contacted support, please do to, the more people maybe the faster they adress this issue. Worst sales month in years, paying for listings and they don't show up in search, unbelievable.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Absolutely agree!  Please report if this is happening to you - the more cases are opened up in Technical Support the faster we can get this resolved.  

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Conversation Maker

Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Each listing I've viewed today within my shop has a different layout. 

I'm guessing Etsy was doing some big change and it didn't work right. Both of these things have happened in the past...skipping pages and every listing that you look at might be in a different format. I'm guessing additional big bugs are occurring too today.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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There is this thread - https://community.etsy.com/t5/Technical-Issues/quot-No-items-listed-at-this-time-quot-for-8-days-now...

I did post in that thread - do realize that there are at least a few shops (there could be more who do not come here to the forums) having problems when buyers/those browsing their shop are using other devices other than a phone.

One would think Etsy would get this fixed asap. Yes, I realize that buyers probably find many of their purchases thru Search & never see the shop's main page.
But if a shop has the free shipping guarantee turned on ($35.00+ gets free shipping) & the buyer decides to visit the shop to see what else they have to offer - to take advantage of that free shipping guarantee - if they can't navigate the shop, they might lose interest in the first item they carted. 
Or you could be a buyer like myself, looking for niche vintage. I find one thing in search & want to visit the shop to see what else they might have I just might need. Again, if I can't browse a shop - especially Sections if they have 100's of items, the shop might lose a sale. 

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Thanks for posting this. I haven't been paying much attention apparently. I just checked our shop and it's doing the same weird page skipping and then blank page at the end with weird adding pages like its blank but says page 42 of 32. I just counted and its only actually showing 9 of our 32 pages of listings. *sigh*

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Community Maker

Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I gave you a thumbs up for support, not because I like what's happening to your shop.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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It is so incredibly frustrating.  I would have no idea, except that I saw some others mentioning it in the forums.  It certainly explains the 0 sales we've had.  

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Also check on etsy buy app your store, count the item's. I have listings missing there too.

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Crafty Poster

Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Same here, after page 9, there are no more listings showing in my shop. As everyone has said, it is fine on PC, but not on the tablet.(iPad)

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Seeing that they're constantly going on about wanting those sales, you'd think they'd address this immediately.

It's definitely not inspiring me to list anything, as I don't want to increase the number of item pages in my shop.

As it is, I don't have a mobile, so for all I know mine is affected too, I just don't know it yet.

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