I had no idea this was happening until I checked the forums this morning - so please check your shops!  It seems to be ok on desktop, but check on mobile devices (not using the Etsy app).  On your homepage scroll down to go to the next page of your listings.  We have 73 pages of listings.  You may find, like us and many others, that pages start skipping.  For example: Page 1, 2, 3 (skips 4), 5, (skips 6), 7 (skips 8, 9), 10 (skips 11, 12, 13), 14 (skips 15-18), 19 (skips 20 - 25), 26 (skips 27 - 34) 35 (skips 35 - 46), 47 (skips 48 - 62) and then no more show after this and the numbers start counting down backwards showing "page 85 of 73", "page 97 of 73"...and so on


This means that out of 73 pages only 11 pages or our listings are showing!


I've reported to Etsy support and they are forwarding to Technical Support.  How many of you are seeing the same thing in your shops? Remember, check Etsy on mobile - NOT using the Etsy app.

Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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We have so many new items to list - but what is the point???  This is an awful feeling - hopefully Etsy support will address this in the forums so that we know they are aware and fixing it.  

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Exactly. What is the point.

I think that more and more sellers are discovering this, even leaving this current dilemma aside.

When I look at the shops I've faved over the years there are a lot that are no more, and they were all the quality shops that the site started with.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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If you want to know:

Page 2 on mobile skips your first three rows of items.
Page 3 on mobile skips Rows 4-6
Page 4 skips the last 6 items.
This is all when the sort is at "Most Recent."
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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Thank you for taking the time; it is as I expected.

I guess Etsy has discovered they are paying too much for shop space and are reducing item count.

If so, getting rid of all non-allowed would have freed up a ton of space right there.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I also have loads of items to list, sitting in Draft, but I'm not going to add them while this is going on.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I noticed over the weekend that my shop was only showing 1 listing page. I thought it was a quick glitch because later it looked normal. Now I wonder. 

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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We also have this problem when looking at our shop on the phone browser (laptop seems fine). I just noticed it last night.

We get pages:
1 of 5
2 - 7
3 - 7
5 - 7
7 - 7 (which there's nothing on, because there should only be 5 pages of items)
and then every time you click to go to the previous page it sticks on page 7 - 7 with nothing.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Happening in my shop as well and in my husband's shop (MountainAireVintage) as well 

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Same here! I just realized that I can't get to page 4 of my shop when on a mobile browser. 

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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@BlockbyBlockAlaska Same! I noticed page 4 skipping since Friday when I was trying to update my listings. 

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Talking to chat now ...

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Would love to know what they tell you...Are they aware of the problem now?  Thank you for contacting them

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sRe: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Everyone needs to contact them ...

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Many many buyers would not have the app - A lot of people just get 'apped out' & don't bother, just use their browser ...

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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That's the concerning part - not whether or not we SEE this as a Seller,  but our Buyers don't know what they are missing - literally.

Our listings are not getting the exposure that we are paying for.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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That is a really good point! Most people I know (friends and family) don't use the app.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Two of my shop pages are missing from my phone. How disappointing. If there were knowledgeable people educated with Computer Science degrees running this site, we wouldn't be having these problems.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I just checked our shop too, did not know this was going on. I have multiple pages missing, starts jumping from page 4, then to 7,then to 10, and from there on every other page, until it hits page 23, and then pages 24 through 46 are all gone, and re-starts on page 47 to 49, page 49 should be my last page, but 48 and 49 and also missing, and from that point it starts really crazy, jumping to page 65 (which doesn't exist and it is blank), and if you try to go back, it shows page 82 of 49, 65 of 49, 111 of 49....numbers keep getting higher! This is a major glitch!

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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Exact same thing happening on my iPhone too. Hope they fix it, wonder how long this has been going on!

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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TBH I don't use the App either - Much prefer to use the browser - Same for Ebay!

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Crafty Poster

Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I have it, it started a few days ago.  Skips pages and when I get to the end and use the back button I get blank pages. I've only checked on my tablet.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I wonder if this is related to what a few sellers mentioned about noticing their listings had possibly been deactivated during certain times of the day. 

Re: Sales Have Completely Tanked - Welcome to the Etsy Community

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I recently discovered something strange in the Etsy search analysis. The position of my items on the front page or closer to it resulted in fewer impressions for the same relevant keywords. Surprisingly, the opposite was true when my items were further away from the front page. I suggest everyone who pays for ads to check their Etsy search analysis to see how their visibility is being treated. It's quite remarkable. Even when I was on the front page for a 100% relevant keyword, my impressions barely increased. However, when I was further away, my impressions increased by 1000%. This is very upsetting.

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Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I have 3 pages showing, which is correct, but I manually counted and only 97 items are showing when I should have 107. 🤷🏻‍

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Crafty Poster

Re: 62 Listings Pages are MISSING! For all the shops with slow sales - THIS MIGHT BE THE REASON WHY

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I just noticed in one shop there were 36 items per page on a full page,  then I went back and one page had 48 items, I went forward then back and there were only 36 again. I did count more than once, very confusing.

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