Good Sunday Morning Paradise Friends!
Really aggravated, I am still not able to upload any digi-sheets and I haven't heard back from anyone at Etsy. I just got out of my tabs and refreshed my Firefox browser which did an update. Looked and I'm still not able to do it. Grrrr.....somebody will contact me in 24 hours, my butt.
Maybe it would work if I tried Explorer, will give that a try in a minute. Otherwise, I think I will try the forums see if anyone else is having these issues. The thing is, I don't feel like we digital artists are represented very well here on Etsy. There is never a "right" category to put my digi-sheets in. Okay, deep breath....
So, had a nice time with my friend, she's gone now, but I may head down to Flint to meet up with her and her family (that I grew up with too) on Tuesday. We went and saw the new Star is Born with Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga. SSSSSSSOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD!!!! She and I saw the version with Streisand and Kristofferson together back in the 70's and we listened to the albumn constantly...I can still sing you any song from that album word for word, lol.
Sold a blended card, the lady asked a couple of days ago if I could make up her family's silhouettes and I told her yes. This morning I see she ordered Graphics As Shown $18 instead of Custom Graphics $28, so I am waiting to hear back from her if she still wants me to do the custom graphics and pay the difference. Since nobody has ever ordered the graphics as shown, I wonder if I shouldn't just take that price out. Then again, I've never had an issue with it before now they've all ordered the Custom Graphics option.
~~~ SOLD (I think) & Relisted ~~~ She just purchased the difference, so looks like I'm creating silhouettes today!
Have a good Sunday everyone!!! :)