OMG!!! I've been trying to get back in here all week. What a crazy life since I've healed!!!
I did end up FINALLY getting to the beach on Labor Day! Our favorite little county lake was closing but they let us in for free. NO ONE was there, it was the eeriest thing ever. We ended up, just eating the sandwiches we brought, got back in the car and drove up north to Tawas and went to the beach right there on Lake Huron. It wasn't the best of weather, none of us went swimming, but it was great to just sit there and stare out there at that water and hear it lapping up on the shore. I got a little fix in anyways. Then we did some shopping and had dinner in town before heading home.
Still no grandbaby!!! She was due on the 4th and they have landed themselves in the hospital twice with Braxton Hicks, but nope, no grandson. They are both so anxious now, I am rotten and keep teasing my son that he was two weeks overdue. He just says, "Shut up, mom!" LOLOL
So what does everyone think about inviting back some of our old friends to pop in and say hello? I apologize, I was going to get going on this and my schedule has been insane. Besides working and medical appts that I'm finally getting to catch up on (dentist, reg doc yearly physical, mammogram, etc.), last week's holiday shorted us a day. And next week is no different with two more appts...then I think I'm done! Except I need to make an appt. for a paps and eye glasses, I can hardly see out of my current pair. Fun! Fun!
But, I am feeling much better, just get a little sore when I've been on the computer too long. At the end of a print shop work day, I feel like I have a big knot sitting right at the back of my neck the size of a fist. I think some of that comes from job-related stress too, tho.
Okay, I'm going to read back and heart listings.
Yesterday, I made an inventory of my yarns, then went to the stores and saw what is still available to get a better idea of what I can offer for slippers this year. Here is my first listing:
Camouflage Crocheted Slippers Woot!