On top of my "real" job and my etsy shops, I also work part-time at a Canada Post outlet, for 4 years now. I'm very knowledgeable about all things related to shipping. I can be your resident expert! Ask away and I will do my best to answer clearly.

jackie ♥

Here's the original post from a forum thread I started before etsy did the shut-down to teams :( It describes CP's rate increases for 2011, which took effect on January 17th.

Like clockwork, Canada Post is raising their rates as of January 17th. I work at the post office part-time so I thought I would give my fellow Canadians a head's up. Here's a link to the complete list of new rates including all the price tables you could ever want (a very helpful sleep aid for insomniacs!).

http://www.canadapost.ca/tools/pg/prices/ (click on the red "new prices" button)

I'm not sure how bad the increase is for domestic and US Expedited parcel rates, but here are the new Lettermail, Oversize Lettermail, Light Packet, and Small Packet rates.

Lettermail (max 24.5 X 15.6 X .5cm):
Canada >>
0.59 (0-30g)
1.03 (31-50g)
USA >>
1.03 (0-30g)
1.25 (31-50g)
International >>
1.75 (0-30g)
2.50 (31-50g)

Oversize Lettermail (max 38 X 27 X 2cm):
Canada >>
1.25 (0-100g)
2.06 (101-200g)
2.85 (201-300g)
3.25 (301-400g)
3.50 (401-500g)
USA >> (printed matter only)
2.06 (0-100g)
3.60 (101-200g)
7.20 (201-500g)
International >> (printed matter only)
4.10 (0-100g)
7.20 (101-200g)
14.40 (201-500g)

Light Packet (max 38 X 27 X 2cm):
USA >> 4% increase over 2010
2.36 (0-100g)
4.92 (101-250g)
7.91 (251-500g)
International >> 3.5% increase over 2010!
4.60 (0-100g)
9.25 (101-250g)
15.80 (251-500g)

Small Packet (max L + W + H = 90cm)
USA >> 7.5% increase over 2010!
Surface 5.85 (0-250g)
Airmail 7.46
Surface 8.35 (251-500g)
Airmail 9.90
Surface 12.41 (501g-1kg)
Airmail 15.36
International >> (rates vary according to the country.. please see zone and rate tables through the link above. Amounts below are for shipments to the United Kingdom, zone 02 - surface rates are 10% higher than 2010, airmail rates are 8% higher, except in the 1-2kg category)
Surface 6.54 (0-250g)
Airmail 8.53
Surface 8.95 (251-500g)
Airmail 17.06
Surface 15.02 (501g-1kg)
Airmail 33.45
Surface 21.07 (1-2kg)
Airmail 50.26

I don't know about you, but I am really bummed about this. Increases of 7 and 10% are really going to hurt!

Convo me if you have any questions.
(Posted at 2:55 am, January 3, 2011 EST)
Conversation Maker

Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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They don't need a tracking number, the customer can just ask if there are any envelopes/parcels with their name and address from Canada with taxes and duty owing. Describe your packaging, what you wrote on the customs form - give that info. to your customer.

I don't know specifically how it works in Brazil, but in most countries a paper notification is sent in the mail or left at the door, that the receiver has to go to a specific place to pay and pick up. Sometimes notification is poor, and the customer has no idea that there is a parcel waiting. If they don't pay and pick up within a certain amount of time, then the parcel or envelope is usually shipped back to the sender's country. And THAT can take a very long time, MONTHS, I've even heard about sellers who received back their goods after a YEAR.

You can call Canada Post and ask how things are handed off, ( if they can even tell you), but eventually I would expect that it ends up in the hands of the Brazilian Postal service.

You can put "Brazil" in the forums search and read threads about other Etsianss experiences with shipping to Brazil. There is one Brazilian team on Etsy, you could try to ask questions about their postal and customs service there too.
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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Kam - you are correct. Light Packet is by air mail. sorry, I picked up on your word "small" describing the item and I thought Small Packet.
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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Thank you for the help tigersanddragons and Vic. I will do some more research on the Brazilian shipping experiences here in the forum.
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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this is an international team. maybe we have members from Brazil.
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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Today I learned that CP's Venture One program is going bye-bye on March 30. It is being replaced by the new "Solutions for Small Business" program. The internal memo has very limited information. Some of things it says:

"Members who purchase qualifying parcels...at retail or online will save more based on their SPENDING BEHAVIOR. The percentage they will save, when purchasing qualifying parcels... will vary based on their EARNED SAVINGS LEVELS." (words with caps were bold in the memo).

"Starting April 1, existing Venture One members will receive a Direct Mail piece promoting the new program. An email will also be sent customers who have provided an email address. Shortly after, existing customers will receive new membership cards with the same membership number as their VentureOne card. This transition will happen over a period of weeks."

"With Solutions for Small Business, we'll reward your repeat business with savings levels that automatically grow with you....
- up to 28% off Expedited Parcel shipping
- up to 40% off international shipping
- up to 15% off Unaddressed Admail"

"View the savings levels at canadapost.ca/smallbusiness/savings to see how much you could save."

The above webpage doesn't work yet. Presumably they are waiting until April 1.

I'm a little worried about what this could mean for us!!

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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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It seems pretty ridiculous to cancel the program on March 30, and not give more notice or a service overlap! Sending direct mail AFTER April 1st means there's a gap in service. 40% off International shipping is general, I'll assume it means discounts on the same services as Venture One covered.
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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I agree Tigers. Typical right? I'm anxious to know exactly what the "earned savings levels" are, and whether the lowest level is 5% or less than 5%.
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Not applicable

Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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Hi again! Just want to give an update in regards to Tiger's suggestion:

"They don't need a tracking number, the customer can just ask if there are any envelopes/parcels with their name and address from Canada with taxes and duty owing. Describe your packaging, what you wrote on the customs form - give that info. to your customer."

My customer tried calling to ask if such parcel is there waiting to be picked up/pay duty, but she was told without a tracking number, they cannot (or will not) find it. Maybe just laziness on their part, but seems like only option is now to wait.
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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Sorry to hear that Kam, but Brazil does have a terrible reputation for having a chaotic postal/customs system.

Tell your Brazilian customer she could of had a tracking number if she would of been willing to pay much more for services that include it.

- Surface PARCEL - number may not track outside of Canada, but the # would be on the package. Air PARCEL is not available to Brazil. Surface takes MONTHS, because it ships by boat. $44.36.
- Xpresspost - $73.70
-Priority Post - $137.58
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Registered Buyer

Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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OMG I'm wasted on new meds and have a damn new phone I something 5 or s! New shots n meds mean wacked out total friggin idiot at this point!

BUT beer n chessies are pretty good at the moment.

I have always sent my packages as light packet. Does that change? Guess I'm gonna find out next sale!!!! I have no guaranteed sales ever but have had luck with two or three in a row.
Yesterday I asked for a price list and she said no you have to print that out on line. I said I bought a brand new 20.00 printer and it would take 25 pages to get the ones I wanted.SHE FRIGGIN LAUGHED!!! Said are you kidding?
I didn't even answer and said see you next parcel I have to sign for.

Cindy ----beer pig where??? and how much??? Cheaper than Canada Post??? Delivery???

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Registered Buyer

Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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oh forget that it's likely Canada Post
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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Looks like the Canada Post website is down until noon today. Prices won't be changing, hopefully all my saved links to the website will still be valid.

Junquette, the fanfold price lists that Canada Post used to provide, only covered flat rate services - Light & Small Packet, Letter & Oversized Letter, and flat rate pre-paid Xpresspost & Priority Post.

Print your Own price tables for flat rate services Counter Prices Fanfolds. www.canadapost.ca/business/tools/pg/prices/default-e.asp
You could print those out from the website with 3 sheets of paper. Anything else, you're better off just using the "find a rate".
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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Which price list do you want to print out? I find it's sufficient to have the fanfold printout (showing all the Lettermail and Light Packet pricing), plus the Small Packet and Tracked Packet price pages.

You can get them from here:


The website is currently down for maintenance so you'll have to wait to print them out. You really shouldn't need to print all the other price pages, as you can always view them online and/or go to the "Find A Rate" page.

oops sorry for duplicating your answer Tigers!
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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Jacquie, is there any indication that CP will change the Ebay/Paypal discount along with what it is doing with Venture One?
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Community Maker

Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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Does anybody know where we can change our address at Venture One? My address has changed and since they are mailing us the new card I want to make sure I get one.
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Conversation Maker

Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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I would suggest you phone Canada Post at 1-877-262-5762
I was looking at the new website:
This is where the Venture One link went

Eight Mile - Canada Post already lowered the Etsy discount in January.
Paypal and Etsy get their discounts based on high volume, so I doubt there would be another change until next year.
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Community Maker

Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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thank you. I couldn't get in. somehow I'm not surprised. It said my e-mail address and postal code weren't in the system. how do they manage to send me all the junk e-mails then?
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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I just got an email from Walmart that their Free Shipping will only be after $50 now. Under $50, it will cost $4.97 to ship. Of course, this doesn't include big items and such nor remote areas.
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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I haven't heard anything about changes to the Ebay/Paypal discounts. If I do, I will definitely post about it!
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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If CP has a current email address for you, you should have received an email from them announcing that you need to change your sign-on username. I got my email yesterday so check your inbox. Mind you, you need your current username to sign on in order to change it. I remember a few years when my username stopped working. I phoned and they changed it for me.
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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Late last night I checked the CP website and it was up and running, with all the info about the new discount system. As of now however, the site is back down. I don't remember everything I saw, but the following:

- first tier of spending for the discount is $0-$2,500. Discount of 5% for Canada Expedited at the retail counter (8% online EST). I *think* the discounts were a bit higher for USA Expedited (8% or 11%).
- no discounts for Small Packets (Light Packets weren't mentioned).
- It wasn't absolutely clear whether "overall spending" will include postage for Small Packets.

Hopefully the site will be back up soon!
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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Surely this thread can't be correct, i.e that only letters may be sent via lettermail within Canada now.


Is this part of the changes that Canada Post has announced today? I'm hoping that the OP was given the information for outside of Canada instead of within Canada.
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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I am new as of ten seconds ago ;-), but have questions! I've been having some items breaking on their way to the customer (almost always the US) and because they are fragile insurance does me no good :-(

Is there anything I can do? A secret option for insurance I don't know about? That would be AMAZING! It gets expensive and discouraging- and I bubble wrap like crazy! It just seems that lately this has been happening fairly frequently, but wasn't a problem before...
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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@Eight Mile Vintage : I just entered information on CanadaPost website and there is still the light packet option, but the costs are +2$ (now 7$)... that is weird because I went to the post office today and paid the usual 5$... anybody else has info on this?
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Re: Canadians: Ask me about Canada Post and shipping - I work there!

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oups I forgot to mention it was for the states AND I just realized that I've put 300 g instead of 100... SO just forget about my intervention :) I think I need some sleep :)
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