Etsy admin send me a convo accepting us to the SEPTEMBER MENTORS WORKSHOP so lets go to talk about what we will do during this next month!

I am still preparing the participants list, so please let me know if you are interested posting here.

If you have any question do not hesitate to ask!

<< More information about Mentors workshop >>

Here you have the video explaining what we are going to work with:

Please let me know which ones of you are interested to be in the workshop and let me know too your mentors skills (if you have) and your help needs (if you have). I mean something like this:

Mentor skill:
I am good in photography
I am good in SEO
I am good in....

And I would like to be a mentee because:
I need help in promoting myself,
I need help in, how to do xyz..
I need help in..

Not necesery to be both, you can only be a mentor or a mentee, depending your needs, or you can be mentor and mentee of course.

During September we will work about improving our shops in pairs, but we will talk about it later.

Please let me know if you have any question and who is interested in it! We have to send the final participants list before 30th August.

Thank you!

Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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The following is my to do list for photography and branding.

1. Make sure of target market

2. Create cohesiveness in my shop

3. Take clearer and better photos

4. Make sure I have all 5 spots taken.
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Hi Eli! Since I'm new, my to-do list is longer than usual :)

1. Better, whiter, brighter photos.
2. Use all 5 photo slots.
3. Find my target customer
4. Reorganize my shop.
5. Brand.
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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I tried to redo my pictures today, but no luck. My partner had a good idea of using myself as a model but then my memory card was full! My husband erased some of the really bad pictures,but considering your advice yesterday I still need more practice. On a positive note, I do feel I have pretty good branding and my business cards are bringing in great custom orders.
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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I believe Crystal Fox has a great to-do list!
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Hi Eli!

My to-do list is as follows:

- Revise typos on my key words
- Start retaking new photos (with less distracting backgrounds)
- Take closer pictures of my product to show the details
- Use up all 5 slots of my images
- Look into shortening the amount of information in my descriptions but add more descriptive words

Thank you,

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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Hello sweeties,
Thank you all for writing your to do lists!

Let me please comment some of yours:

#Xiomara Ortiz, #Likhen Press, #Sheeta, We are working this week about branding and photography so perhaps you should change some things about your lists!


I see that due to the people who don't confirmed yet, there are some wrong couples. Please make sure you are working with the pair you should (of course, if any one of you would like to change or have more than one pair please only let me know it).

- Kitty Hu and Brenda & Tammi Woerner
- Tanya Grubbs & Jaqueline Swain
- Raquel & Teresa
- Xiomara Ortiz & Likhen Press
- Kristal Tucker & Jaqueline Swain
- CrystalFox6 & Sheeta

Thank you all again, I'll come back in few hours and let you know your to do lists!

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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Hello again beautiful!
I checked all your etsy shops and here are my comments:


- A new better banner will help
- Use a logotype in your avatar can be better than a photo.
If you have an idea and need some help with design programs let me know, i can try to help you.
- Your photos are blurred and poorly framed.
How about if you check some etsy shops and let me know which ones you like their pictures, i will help you to know how you can take the photos like you want.



- How about to change the About picture for another one different than the avatar picture?
- I think a better background will help to improve your pictures.
Let me know your camera and your photo editing program please. Check some etsy shops and let me know which ones you like their pictures, i will help you to know how you can take the photos like you want, ok?


#Linkhen Press

- How about change the avatar picture for your logotype?
- As you said, an about you page will help!
- I like your pics tone/color because they keep the shop harmony but they have many shadows. How about if you check some etsy shops and let me know which ones you like their pictures, i will help you to know how you can take the photos like you want.


#Krystal Tucker:

- How about change the avatar picture for your logotype?
- If i have to be honest, I hate the neon blue backgrounds. I promise this color hurts my eyes (and it is not a joke, i think the color is so much saturated). And your white backgrounds are fine, but blurred. I think that's a quality problem of your camera but if you haven't got any better one, did you ever think about change your main picture for another style of pics? Some of yours are very nice but you don't use it as a main picture and i don't understand why.
Have a look at this:
Your main picture doesn't help customers to click but this one will do it for sure, why not to change it?
If you check some etsy shops and let me know which ones you like their pictures, i will help you to know how you can take the photos like you want.



- I think you need help about retouching photos. I am not sure if you pics are good or not because you edited the pictures. Can you please show me anyone without edition?
- Try to choose only one style of pics to harmonize your shop


#Kitty Hu:

- How about your about page picture?
- Your pics seems blurred. I am sure it is for your camera but i will try to help you to solve this if you first please let me know which style of picture you like.
How about if you check some etsy shops and let me know which ones you like their pictures, i will help you to know how you can take the photos like you want.



If you need help, let me know. Your shop doesn't need big changes! Is cute, harmonized, have nice pics, good branding. You are a designer anyone can be in doubt …ahahah! Good work!
If you need help with anything, or like an specific critique, let me know!



- How about using a logotype for your avatar?
- An about page will help
- I love your pics, specially when you use white and light wood backgrounds, but they have shadows and are a bit darker. Did you edit them? If you like I can help you to edit some, your pics are nice so you do not need to retake them.
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Eli- My pics are much better, if you had seen them before. lol... I admit a few are still not as crisp and are on the list to be re taken, but I do not see what you mean by poorly framed. I like the crispness of your photos, but would stage mine a little differently as we sell different types of jewelry.

Banner and Avatar were already on my list. I have problems making my own banner and avatar, I have had to rely on my husband or ex husband that do not understand how I see it. I have asked others to teach me how to make one, so if you could help, that would be great.
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Eli, I sent you one of my unedited pictures by convo.
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Eli, I changed my picture for my Avatar on my about page. I hope it helps a little.
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Hello again sweeties!


Do you know how do you like your logotype/avatar? Perhaps you can draw it on paper? I ask it because i can teach you to do it using photoshop or illustrator (or what you want ..ahahah!) but i dont know what you would like to do exactly. A draw, or perhaps only some letters.. I dont know. Can you please help me to know what do you like? Perhaps you can show me something similar or any style you like that we can be inspired!
Mine for example, is identic at my busines cards ..eheh!

Again sorry for my bad english, when i said "poorly framed" i mean that the main item (your jewels) are not exactly in the correct place when you take the picture. I am not sure if that is because you dont know how to crop your pictures well, or perhaps it is because the picture you upload is not a square (etsy needs the same size for hight than widh to crop correctly so it must need use a photo editor program). I can help you about it if you want.
It doesn't mean that you have to put all objects to the center, you can use the rule of thirds too that works perfectly,
Please have a look at this:

Your camera is not very good and we can't do anything about it (can you find a better one? ..perhaps a friend?), but perhaps you can try to stand out your jewelry changing the background or simply avoing to use plastic models.
Plastic shines and it keeps the eye even more than your own jewelry. It is all very white, dont you think so?
If you show me some pictures you like, i can help you to make yours like that, ok?

Anything you need only let me know!

# CrystalFox6, I am going to check it, thank you!


# Teresa, of course it will! Nice to meet you!

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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Eli- I know exactly what I would like my logo, avatar and banner to be. I appreciate the help. I need to make the piece for photographing tomorrow, then the writing of the logo, I will convo that to you early evening. I have some custom orders I have to finish in the morning. Thank you again for your help.
I have tried borrowing better cameras, hasn't helped.

I agree my pics need to be sharper, crisper, but have had compliments on the styling, so I want to concentrate on getting brighter, clearer pictures first. I will start with taking pictures of new item pics, as I have many more I need to list.

Thank you again for your help.
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Hi Eli,
I am new to etsy. I just opened my shop with my own designs. My husband has a business on a different site... but I am completely responsible for this one. I am a teacher but just had a baby... so I am staying home. I need help. I done advertising in the past so if you need someone to help with this please let me know...
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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I'm trying out the macro and super macro settings on my camera to see if they will get me some clearer pictures. Unfortunately I can neither buy a new camera nor borrow a better one from a friend and renting one is an expense I can't afford right now. Cross your fingers.
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Hi there Eli!

My camera can only do what it I think my pics are pretty good for the camera I have! :D I'm the same as jacqui...I just redid ALL my As for the blue, I personally LOOOOOVE the neon blue but I'm always willing to tweak and see what works so I'm going to go in and maybe just tone it down a little bit :)

As for choosing certain photos...I love love love many of the photos I have in my product listings but I always thought that first and foremost it was important to show the buyer what it looks like ON. Which is why for the hair chains I put the image of it on the hair first and not the photo of it on wood....? Maybe I'm wrong, and again that's something I'll mess around with :)

As you can see, I've changed my avatar and my I'm getting to work! Thanks again!
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Hi Eli,

Thank you for your comments on my shop! I changed the avatar and filled out my profile.

Hi Crystal,

Can you try to take picture with your phone if the camera function is good.
focus amd light are the key. I would try to edit the picture by photoshop for you. :)

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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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hi all,


herewith one of my favorites shop, selling jewellery. the pic is nice.
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Any advice for my photos?
When I first started to use fotofuze put white background, like in this photo:
But I don't like, so now leave a little darker:
Can you tell me your opinion?
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Could you have someone model it for your picture?
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Hi Raquel, i personally prefer the image with the darker background, i think that this gives your bracelet a lot more depth (and looks professional)

Hi Eli

Your totally right with the avator and the banner for my shop, i will work on them both this week. I want to try to make/design my own (as i am a little strapped for cash) any suggestions on the best way to do this to make it still look professional?

Also I will have a look in my lunch break for a shop with photographs which i like, I agree my images are very shadowy but like you i like the rustic feel of them. I will start working on my images when i get home tonight:)

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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Ok, so i have looked at a few shops and i like the following:
Xiomara Ortiz pointed this shop out to me and i love the quirky background design, i think something similar could work for my fabric work:

For my paper products i like the following style with the wooden base:

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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Good morning cute girls!

Let me reply your messages and then we will start with more changes and tips!

Take your time with your designs, do not worry about it, you know i will help you as much as I can. I can't wait to see it!
About the photos, of course it is only my poor opinion, you must do what you think is best for you and your shop, always!
You think you need to have brighter and clearer pics, true? Lets go to do it.
Has your camera a macro option? I ask it because it can help you with your little jewels. I will try to do a tutorial later about how you can take cute pictures easy, clear and focused. I am still working on it!

I know i am like a parrot but, anything you need, feel free to ask! (here in spain who is always repeating the same is like a parrot, ...ehehheeh!)

#lorena0peters Welcome to the team! Would you like to participate in this workshop? If you have time please read all posts i have done, and let me know if you are interested. We just started this past 2nd September so you are in time to come in yet!

#CristalFox6, Yes I know that cameras are now really expensive, but if someday you need to buy a reflex one, i ordered mine (and lots of my objectives) from China. Yes i know it seems a crazy idea but you can save lot of money if you know where you should buy. At the end, Canon cameras are made in china.
Could you see the picture i send to you yesterday? Did you like it? I can let you know what i did if you want!
What problem do you have with you macro mode? Please let me know


#Krystal, Yes, some cameras deserve to die ...ahahahah! Yes i see some similarities about your and jacqueline pictures (using similar jewelry displays).
If you like the neon blue color, of course i can't do anything about it of course Is funny that you are in love with something that i extremely hate! ..ahahahahah! As i said before to jacqueline, let me know (if you want) how would you like your pictures look like and i can try to help you about it. Of course your camera is terrible so you did an incredible work with your pics using that! (and jacqueline too!)
I understand you when you said that is important to show people how looks like on a model, and i am agree, that is true, but perhaps you can attract people using your beauty photos to the main picture, and put these other ones at other 4 pictures.
I am saying it because i think you will be agree that people click on pictures that they like most than others in serch and perhaps yours are not inviting to click at all. Don't you think so?
I love your new avatar and banner, Now it really seems profesional and a serious brand of jewelry! I like it!

#Sheeta sweety! What a big change! Your avatar is now something that people will remember, love the colors you used! It invite me to click there and see what you are selling. Perhaps you need to design it more "square" because there is a lot of "nothing" up and down your logotype (how about if you use a big "S" with the flower?) I like what it is now, but i am not sure if something less elongated can works better like an avatar.


#raquel, I dont have your to do list. Thats why i didnt comment your shop! I can't do it if I dont know what are you going to do ..eheheh!


#LikhenPress, if you need help with your banner/avatar only let me know. Some tips i think it can do it professional are.... be careful using photos, collages are not really beauty in my eyes. Try to use a color that you can use in your brand always (i mean in your bussines cards and so on), add there your logotype (it is as easy as find a typo you like and wrote "LikhenPress"). You can add some SIMPLE and easy to remember draw like Sheeta did near the letters, or perhaps you can delete one letter and put there something. For example.. LikhenPre*snake* you can use your "ss" to draw there a snake.
The pictures you showed me are really nice and i am agree that it can works perfectly with your shop! Why don't you try to do something similar and then, if you need help to take them better, i will try to help you!

Waw, i am impressed with all of you! Really! Keep working like that and i am sure that we will have more sales soon!
I just have my 100 sale some minutes ago and i am very happy!
I started with my shop 72 days ago and i have now 100 sales. If I can, all you can too!
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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Hi Eli!

So i placed revising some of my photography in my to do list but feel that it will be beneficial for me to understand my camera so i can do the photography in my shop (i hired a photographer to take my photos) and so i enlisted in a DSLR 101 class. i have started making the other edits to my page per my team members advise :)
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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#LikhenPress i love the additional photography you found and feel that it can work for my wedding invitations as well. Thank you for posting it!
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Re: September Workshop: Mentors and Mentees

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MY To Do List:
1. Retake some of the darker photos. I've recently figured out a set up for a mini studio on my dining room table, just need time to get it all done.

2. Go back to some of my first listing and check the wording, make sure I've used all the tags and have measurements of each item. I know I missed some early on.

Branding, I think I'm pretty set in that area. I lhave my logo and banner matching, I have the same design on business cards and on my FB, Pinterest, and Twitter pages.

Anybody else care to take a look and offer suggestions...feel free.
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