Let's Help Each Other!

At some point, we all need help.  Maybe you opened a new shop and don't understand SEO.  Ask for help.  Or you've had a shop for a long time and don't understand Etsy's new policy change.  Ask for help.  

The ART Team is about helping each other find success together!  Ask for help.  And let's be grateful that we can help others

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231 Replies

Re: Let's Help Each Other!

I have my shop opened for quite a few months now, but I haven't had any sales. I don't know if it's just me having high expectations or if there is something missing that as a new seller I cannot notice. If you can check it out and give me some constructive criticism I'd be so grateful. Any idea for what I can change is helpful. Thanks in advance ^_^. 
P. S. I've changed all my tags, renewed listings, got some traffic going, but still nothing.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Let's Help Each Other!

Hi! Very beautiful artwork! And as far as your shop goes, it's lovely! Your listings are presented in a way that's aesthetically pleasing, easily viewable and accessible, and cohesive. And for the most part, your titles and tags seem pretty good, but I do think they could use some work yet. For instance, I don't know how often buyers are typing phrases like "tree on a cliff" or "cotton candy cloud aesthetic." I'm sure you've heard this before, but it's important to think like a buyer when writing titles and tags. Instead of "cotton candy cloud aesthetic," maybe write something like, "pink wall art cloud print." And try placing phrases you use in your titles in your tags for extra relevancy and impact in search. Also be sure to place the most relevant words/phrases at the beginning of your titles.

Also, while you should be the one to decide what your work is worth, have you checked out what other shops are charging for work similar to yours? Etsy has TONS of wall decor and art-related content. As a print seller myself, I know how saturated the market is here. You might want to consider dropping your prices a bit to be more competitive after doing some research. Someone might really love your work, but there's a lot of other work they might really love, too, for a lower price. 

Lastly, sometimes it's just a matter of how many listings you have in your shop. Again, the market for this kind of stuff is very saturated. I've seen art print shops that have upwards of 700+ listings and they always seem to be doing pretty well.

You just have to keep working at it. Add new listings and spend time tweaking as needed. Also use these teams and forums and promotional resources. Have you paid for any advertising yet? While I don't suggest doing this often (unless if works well for you), it's a good way to increase traffic a bit and improve your shop's ranking. It looks like some of your listings are in people's carts now, so I hope those convert into sales and I wish you the best of luck! I'm not an Etsy seller expert, but I hope my two cents helped a little.

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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

Oh my gosh, yes it does help a lot. I've been doing a lot of research myself and try to improve myself. I value your time and help so much, especially as a seller from my category, since people can get a bit selfish and competitive when it comes to help. I will be making some changes to my shop for sure.
To answer some of your questions:
I have researched other prices and for the quality of the original work they do, some of them charge way more than me (300$+), since I only sell a few prints and most of them are original works I don't know if it will pay off spending 3 hours painting with very expensive materials to earn 20$ from it, just to have sales. 
About the advertisement, I did try it out, but I didn't really see much traffic and since I'm a student, I'm not trying to put myself into a deeper debt than I am already. And I've seen people start to get results after they pay like 20$+ per day, which for me and my country's standards is a bit too high to handle.
Either way thank you so much, I will be incorporating the tips into my work and I wish you all the luck for your shop and you. Etsy needs more people like you. ^.^

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Let's Help Each Other!

Good, I'm so glad I could help! And thanks for the kind words. I think it's important to help each other out because more than competing with each other, we're all vying for the attention of Etsy's algorithm, which doesn't make things exactly fair.

And I don't blame you for not wanting to spend $20+ on advertising. I rarely spend more than $2/day and never go over $5. No way I'm giving Etsy that much of my money. And like you, I'm piled under student loan debt, so I understand that as well. I don't do this for profit - I donate all profits earned through my shop to charitable organizations, so in terms of advertising, it's, like, extra pointless for me to give all that money away to Etsy. I do like to advertise a little sometimes, though, especially when traffic seems slow.

Anyway, feel free to reach out if you ever have a question or need some help! Take care and I wish you the best of luck with your shop!

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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

see others that are selling the same and see the keywords they use


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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

@HartStetics I'm so glad that now u got 4 sales! I still haven't had one! Actually I have had one outside of Etsy tho! That was a encouragement!

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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

Hey, I had a product delisted from Spotify for copyright infringement. However, I am not imitating Spotify, copying them or using their logo. I don't understand why it was removed. In my products, I print the code from Spotify so that my customers can send songs to their loved ones. How can I upload this product again. Can you help me?

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Re: Let's Help Each Other!


I opened my shop few days back give your suggestion about how I can do marketing increase views etc

Glimpse of my shop:


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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

Definitely social media posting helps, participating in the actives here. SEO, more items will help you get more attention as well! Lastly you don't have to do this but when Etsy prompts you to do something you may want to consider doing it. I think Etsy is more likely to promote shops that are doing what they're asking of them. If that makes sense. Everything looks wonderful!

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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

Hello All,

I have opened my shop few months ago and I have a few sales. I wanted to understand how to increase my sales. Are there any virtual markets where I can enroll? And how do they work.

this team has really helped me increase my views and I am open any suggestions.

Thank you in advance.

my shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BlissfullyDivineArt

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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

Hi there!

My shop since summer is almost dead: www.kanelliaccessories.etsy.com

Any tips how to get back on track?

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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

You can change thumbnail to look buyer that's new items

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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

Super cute stuff! Your shop looks amazing! I think a lot of this big slow down is due to COVID stuff. You could try Etsy ADS, try to do what Etsy asks of you, renew listings if you want a small boost. Running a sale helps quite a bit. Sadly I've been finding personally if I'm not constantly running a sale I hardly make any sales

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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

Hello All, I have been a seller for years, but I am just reinvigorating my shop at the moment.  If anyone has any tips, please let me know. https://www.etsy.com/shop/kellygormanartwork

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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

I opened my shop 7 days ago and no activity. Is there any basic things in missing in getting recognised? Is it worth investing some money to buy a few products myself so the acc has some activity?

Also,any advice on my shop setup would be greatly appreciated https://www.etsy.com/ie/shop/AeonArtDublin

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Let's Help Each Other!


firstly, I want to thank you for the support and elaborated replies. I can see you take it seriously. 
secondly, my shop is open for almost 4 months and I haven’t sold anything. I know my listing is not big. But I work on it. I wanted the prices to be cheaper but shipping is very expensive from my country. What do you think of my shop? What more can I do?

thanks in advance 


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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

@RugUa Your work is so adorable! I love it! Are you on Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram to help drive traffic? It took me a hot minute to learn that every post that I do in social media absolutely has to have tags and ideally a call to action. That way people who are looking for that particular gift or item makes your product pop up for them? You can also post the same item more than once in a Pinterest board and it's not a bad thing or like some sort of unspoken rule. The more ways you create avenues to your store the better shot you've got. You definitely have a niche that I've seen a lot of Etsy stores hone in on successfully. I watched a lot of free seminars that popped up on my facebook feed. I figured what the heck, what i'm doing isn't working. Some of them were 2 or 3 hours long, but hey. Even getting 1 new piece of info out of it made it worth it. The hardest is the beginning when it seems like nothing is happening. Keep fiddling with it until something just seems to take off and duplicate what is working. I also checked out marmalead out of desperation from one of the free videos that I watched. I figured I'd do what one of those free seminars suggested for 1 month I could pay the $5 or whatever it was. If I didn't see results, I'd cancel my subscription to it. I'll tell you I worked my rear-end off that month trying to get an "A" on findability with marmalead. Some people don't like it, but I get results from tweaking according to whatever marmalead suggests. Biggest thing I did learn from that app is using all the pictures (even repeated pics) increases your findability, using all tags available, and creating a positive longer description helps a lot. You never know someone might be searching by some unique phrase that is in your paragraph. (I just saved you $5 and like 200 hours before that clicked for me.) I also noticed that tweaking my tags according to the month is helpful. I found this to be too time intensive for me and decided that I would offer seasonal products to make sure that I'm not missing a shopping season. As each month/new season rolls I tend to move things around in my shop to what is on the first page. I also move things to the first page according to what people are buying. Understanding what people need or want in order to buy what I have is incredibly helpful. ... I hope some of this helps. Best wishes your way! We're about to get into the fun part of the year for Etsy!  

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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

I opened up 2 months ago and have so far made sales from only people I know, I would like to bring etsy customers to my shop, and no getting much traffic outside of the teams

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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

@KanelliAccessories @kellygormanartwork @AeonArtDublin @RugUa @Former_Member 

Seems like you're all looking for more activity.  Here are some suggestions:

1) Add new items.  More items = more traffic = more sales.  And as we're in the holiday season (October - December), you'll need all the items you can get.

2) Participate in social media games.  These not only introduce you to other shopkeepers, but attracts customers from outside Etsy.  And if you lure them in from other platforms, they are more interested and likely to buy your products.

3) If you're new and don't have any sales, I suggest asking a friend or family member to buy your first item.  Your shop is like a tip jar in a cafe.  If there's no money in the jar, people are less likely to give.  But, if there's a few dollars in the jar, people become more generous.  So, offer a discount to a friend/family member in exchange for the item and a good review.  


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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

I think that I am doing ok with the SEO, I think I understand how to set up my shop accordingly. My titles seem ok, my tags seem ok, my photos seem ok. I add new items often, I change my tags up, I have sales, I try to promote on social media,but yet I feel like I am invisible to Etsy shoppers... Is this a common issue and why is it so difficult to be noticed? I spend time on teams but all of my activity comes from team members, all of my sales are from people I know. How come no one from Etsy ?


Please look at my page and share any advice. www.handyartinspiration.etsy.com

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Let's Help Each Other!

Thank you so much for the tips! It’s very helpful. I’m glad to know that you don’t think my prices are too high or that my photos are not good. Enjoy the holidays

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Re: Let's Help Each Other!

@RugUa Your prices seem reasonable at first sight.  But, you're more of an expert than I.  What I would suggest is looking at other similar items for sale.  Make sure they are the same quality.  If you have better quality and lower prices, you may want to increase your prices.  

And your photos are well done.  

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Let's Help Each Other!

Again thanks for the personal review. I’ve made my research beforehand, the only time I saw lower prices were when shipping was not included. From what I read on Etsy, includingshipping is more attractiv to buyers which is why it is so 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Let's Help Each Other!

Hi! I need a person who help me to sell in Etsy. Not free... I pay!


Can you help me?


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