WELCOME TO THE ART TEAM!  We're glad that you're a member.  And we look forward to helping each other find success on Etsy.  Please introduce yourself and you shop so we can be more supportive.

And let us know if there's anything else we can do to help your shops.

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@BarnontheBayou WELCOME TO THE ART TEAM JILL & SID!  So happy you're here.  What a great journey you've been on.  And thanks for sharing your creative experience.  It can be humbling.  There's lot of failed experiments.  A cruel comment here and there.  But, it's always good if you're having fun

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hello Sid and Jill,

What a nice (& FUN)  introduction. Your handmade wood products sound lovely.

I will have to go and stop by your Etsy Shop and "browse" a little. I shall do that.

Meanwhile, I just want to say "Welcome to this ART Team". I just joined recently myself (Mike was so sweet to invite me).

I too am an artist, but right now I'm just listing Vintage "stuff".

It's hard to make time for creating Art, when running a shop, so I am trying to get better at time-management.

Anyhow, have fun and stay cool (in the hot Bayou weather this week).

Sincerely, Lina Anne


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Crafty Poster

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hello everyone !

I’m glad to be here has it seems to be a fun and positive community to be in!
My name is Katherine and I am 29 years old women from Quebec in Canada.

My first language is French.

I have 3 ferrets, one lizard and 1 cat Romeo (Romi), that is where my shop name come from.

I am doing digital art since 3 years now almost everyday. I start during pandemy as hobby but felt in love with it.

about if someone can help for my shop :

I always like critical opinion on my shop, if anyone could help me, as I’m new here since 1 week and I have a lot of views but only one sell. So my problem isn’t to be seen but really the conversion.

Also, I LOVE to do logo and banner, so if anyone need help for their logo or banner, please message me and I’d be more than happy to help you do yours for free.

You can see my shop here:


Thank you everyone can’t wait to talk to new people here and meet you all



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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@RomiCie  You sure seem to love animals like me as well! I have a dog, two cats, three rabbits and a hamster that is four or five years old! He is very old for a hamster but still going healthy! Ferrets are a lot of fun! I used to work in a pet store and unfortunately we had a problem with people dumping their pets on us and one day a woman came in and as she was walking out she quickly said "there's a loose ferret in the aisle" so we ran over there and sure enough she dumped a poor old ferret. We found a loving home for him though. 

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team


BIENVENUE DANS L'ÉQUIPE ARTISTIQUE KATHERINE ! Nous sommes si heureux que vous soyez ici.

1) a : FÉLICITATIONS pour votre première vente. C'est un grand pas vers le succès. Puisque vous êtes nouveau, il est préférable de se concentrer sur la génération de plus de trafic. Et la meilleure façon de le faire maintenant est de continuer à créer et à ajouter de nouvelles pièces à votre boutique. Plus d'articles = plus de trafic = plus de ventes.

b : Juillet est historiquement un mois très lent pour les ventes. C'est donc le moment idéal pour préparer votre boutique pour les fêtes. La saison des fêtes (octobre - décembre) représente environ 75 à 80 % des ventes.

c : Ignorer le taux de conversion. Vous n'avez aucun contrôle dessus. Et cela ne causera que de la frustration. D'autant plus que la plupart des clients doivent voir votre article 3 à 7 fois avant de faire un achat.

2) Je suggère d'offrir votre conception de bannière et de logo à : https://community.etsy.com/t5/art/Barter-Trade-Page/m-p/139684577#M4412368 Vous pourriez échanger des services pour 1 $. Augmentez vos ventes et attirez plus de clients dans les deux magasins.

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Crafty Poster

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@MikeKrausArt @Thank you very much ! For all that tips! 
That helped me a lot

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@RomiCie It's all about friends helping friends.  THANKS AGAIN!

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hey to my fellow Etsy sisters and brothers. I wanted to say hello! I am a soap maker/all arts! I always try new things. So stop by and say hello. Welcome and hope u like it. 



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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@AllloveUS Hope you're having a great summer!  Looks like you've been busy!

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hi, everyone!

I’m very happy to be part of this group. I’ve been on Etsy since January 2023 which has been a fun, rewarding & a definite learning experience. I love healthy, plant based cooking & decided to try my hand at selling my popular cashew & peanut brittles which are vegan, gluten free & Keto friendly.

I live in Hollywood, Florida with my husband, our Westie & 2 kitties and am woman owned business of Killer Brittle on Etsy & Art in the Fast Lane, Inc for the past 25 years.

I look forward to sharing ideas & growing our businesses with each of you!

Stay sweet & nutty🤎🤎


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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@texyjay WELCOME TO THE ART TEAM SHARRY!  I think you'll be very popular with healthy peanut brittle!  

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@texyjayHi Sherry! I just have to say I love your signature, "Stay sweet & nutty!" Very cute!

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Thanks, Mike☺️

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Hello all! I am a single mom of two and I live in Michigan! I was born and raised here. I decided to start an Etsy shop a couple of months ago because I have been craving getting back into design and unfortunately I live in a rural town and wouldn't make it as an interior designer, which is what I am also good at. I used to sell years ago on Etsy, doing succulent arrangements for weddings and such but the succulents were so time consuming as live plants, and shipping them was very difficult. I did some research and fell in LOVE with sola wood flowers, a forever flower. They are fun to make, fun to design, and much easier to ship than live plants for sure. Some of my interests outside of Etsy would include spending time with the kids of course, nature, pets (I also used to do A LOT of rescue and rehabilitation). All of my pets are rescues. I am an animal welfare advocate and take it very seriously. I donate to the local animal shelters on a regular basis, and I donate to Pitbulls and Parolees facility as well. I hope you will come check out my shop. Soon I will be introducing two new lines of products! Coming soon! Can't wait! Please visit my site, you can simply click the link: Rachel's Secret Garden  I am really happy to be part of this group and have the support of everyone here! 

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@RachelsSecretGarden WELCOME TO THE ART TEAM RACHEL!  We're so happy you're here.  You've been on a wonderful and creative journey.  And you'll find a lot of animal lovers here.

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Crafty Poster

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@RachelsSecretGarden @if you love printable, please look at ma store too

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@RomiCie  I looked at your shop and sent you a message with a suggestion for a new product.  Hope you don't mind! 

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Crafty Poster

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

If someone is seaking printable card or printable design, all my design are made and draw by myself. I take a lot of time on it and I can also do specific request !

anything you would like I can do it for you!

I would really like to have my 2nd sell, as my shop seem to have less view and I take a lot of time on it.


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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@RomiCie  I know printable Etsy business planners are really popular on here. I bought and printed one myself. I found it useful for my business. 

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Crafty Poster

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@RachelsSecretGarden i am Happy you send a message, unfortunately, as I was helping an old women with is shop by producing her logo and banner, It seem that we talked too much and I ask her too much question  and my message has been suspended

I ask Etsy why and I am waiting for an answer. But it may take maybe 1 week.

You can also write to me via my Facebook, here, or to my mail kathcg@outlook.com


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Crafty Poster

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

I saw that the other day and was thinking about doing it!

is it like PDF files, or an app that you bought?
I mean in what kind of file is it delivered 

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@RomiCie It was a PDF file that I downloaded. 

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Crafty Poster

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@RachelsSecretGarden @By the way welcome and I love your shop because my grandfather was a lover of birds and was also doing home for bird.

I think your work is beautiful!

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Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

@RomiCie Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my shop. I had a recently large purchase that took a lot of my inventory out back that will be added back in very soon! We love our birdhouse planters. I find them to be unique. Thank you for the compliments!

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Crafty Poster

Re: Introduce Yourself and Shop To the ART Team

Thank you se much for the help and the tips! I’ll look at that!
yes I saw you have 13 sells which I think is cool!

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