Upcyclers Monthly CREATIVITY Challenge:
Each month a selected shop (Judge) will choose a common upcycled medium, like a tin can, an old magazine, etc), and participants respond with photographed ideas of what they upcycled that medium into!
How to Enter:
On this discussion thread please leave a link of your upcycled entry.
Entries must come with a photo of your idea. A description or your thoughts are welcome, but your idea and shop will be share by the PHOTO LINK that you submit as an entry.
To post the photo a link onto Etsy’s discussion boards, you can do this a number of ways:
Upload the photo to a social media network... twitter, facebook, flickr, an Etsy listing, etc. Then paste the link into your entry comment.
You can also upload your photo entry on your own blog or website, and then paste the link into your entry comment on the thread.
If you need help with creating a photo link, please contact myself, or the monthly Creative Challenge Judge.
Monthly Challenges will be posted the first day of each month, and final entries should be submitted by the 24th of each month!
Entries will be included in the creativity challenge’s monthly blog post (published the first week of the month) and on our team’s social networks. This is a great way to share the upcycled love and promote your shop.
Challenge Checklist for Participants:
1. use the monthly medium to create something new
2. photograph the created idea
2. post a link to your photo on the monthly thread for an entry BY the 24th of each month
3. ALL submitted entries will be posted to our pinterest boards, and other in SM: pinterest.com/upcyclers/
4. ALL entry links will be featured in our monthly blog post, with some highlighted entry photos included as well.
Who’s the Challenge Winner?
We are all winners in this challenge! If you submit an upcycled idea entry for the month, then you are a winner, because all shops and their entries will be featured on our Social Networks and in our blog.
****BUT for the month of September ONE WINNER AND RUNNER-UP will have a mini ad on the FRONT PAGE OF THE TEAM'S BLOG!
Show your creativeness in this team challenge!
Monthly Judges:
Luci from IdleHandsYarnSupply
Endure Upcycled Designs
Nicole from brizel4theanimals
Stephanie from Our Childrens Earth
Good Luck! And look for Luci's medium selection soon!!!